I've decided to place here a comprehensive list of all of the books I've completed reading since the start of 2007:
- Social World of Ancient Israel: 1250-587 B.C.E. by Victor H. Matthews and Don C. Benjamin
- Jesus and the Eyewitnesses: The Gospels as Eyewitness Testimony by Richard Bauckham
- The Kalām Cosmological Argument by William Lane Craig
- Four Views on Hell, edited by William Crockett
- Dark Night of the Soul by St. John of the Cross and translated by E. Allison Peers
- Muhammad: A Biography of the Prophet by Karen Armstrong
- Hegel's Philosophy of Reality, Freedom, and God by Robert M. Wallace
- Approaching the Qur'an: The Early Revelations by Michael Sells
- After the Death of God, edited by Jeffrey W. Robbins
- Islam: The Straight Path by John L. Esposito
- Mystical Dimensions of Islam by Annemarie Schimmel
- The Essential Plotinus, edited and translated Elmer O'Brien
- God Is Near Us: The Eucharist, the Heart of Life by Pope Benedict XVI (as Joseph Ratzinger)
- Becoming Gods: A Closer Look at 21st-Century Mormonism by Richard Abanes
- Theism, Atheism, and Big Bang Cosmology by William Lane Craig and Quentin Smith
- Old Testament Parallels: Laws and Stories from the Ancient Near East by Victor H. Matthews and Don C. Benjamin
- The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity by Philip Jenkins
- Biblical Exegesis in the Apostolic Period by Richard N. Longenecker
- Blog: Understanding the Information
- Revolution That's Changing Your World by Hugh Hewitt
- The Christians as the Romans Saw Them by Robert Louis Wilken
- End Times Fiction: A Biblical Consideration of the Left Behind Theology by Gary DeMar
- Shades of Sheol: Death and Afterlife in the Old Testament by Philip Johnston
- Social-Science Commentary on the Letters of Paul by Bruce J. Malina and John J. Pilch
- Reconceptualising Conversion: Patronage, Loyalty, and Conversion in the Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean by Zeba A. Crook
- Time and Eternity: Exploring God's Relationship to Time by William Lane Craig
- Why I Rejected Christianity: A Former Apologist Explains by John W. Loftus
- The Only Wise God: The Compatibility of Divine Foreknowledge and Human Freedom by William Lane Craig
- Knocking on Heaven's Door: A New Testament Theology of Petitionary Prayer by David Crump
- Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament, with Supplement, edited by James B. Pritchard
- Body, Soul, and Life Everlasting: Biblical Anthropology and the Monism-Dualism Debate by John W. Cooper
- The Impossible Faith: Why Christianity Succeeded When It Should Have Failed by James Patrick Holding
- The Tenseless Theory of Time: A Critical Examination by William Lane Craig
- Mysticism: An Evangelical Option? by Winfried Corduan
- Paul on Trial: The Book of Acts as a Defense of Christianity by Paul Mauck
- God and Time: Four Views, edited by Greg Ganssle
- The Ancient Mysteries: A Sourcebook of Sacred Texts, edited by Marvin W. Meyer
- In Defense of Natural Theology: A Post-Humean Assessment, edited by James F. Sennett and Douglas Groothuis
- Seek the Welfare of the City: Christians as Benefactors and Citizens by Bruce W. Winter
- Crucifixion in the Ancient World and the Folly of the Message of the Cross by Martin Hengel
- The Resurrection of the Son of God by N. T. Wright
- The Cosmological Argument from Plato to Leibniz by William Lane Craig
- Plowshares and Pruning Hooks: Rethinking the Language of Biblical Prophecy and Apocalyptic by D. Brent Sandy
- The Gospels for All Christians: Rethinking the Gospel Audiences, edited by Richard Bauckham
- Toward Old Testament Ethics by Walter C. Kaiser, Jr.
- God and Design: The Teleological Argument and Modern Science, edited by Neil A. Manson
- Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament: Introducing the Conceptual World of the Hebrew Bible by John H. Walton
- The Existence of God by Richard Swinburne
- Households and Holiness: The Religious Culture of Israelite Women by Carol L. Meyers
- Jesus the Sage: The Pilgrimage of Wisdom by Ben Witherington III
- The Kalam Cosmological Argument for God by Mark R. Nowacki
- Slaves, Women, and Homosexuals: Exploring the Hermeneutics of Cultural Analysis by William Webb
- Stories from Ancient Canaan, edited by Michael Coogan
- Agents Under Fire: Materialism and the Rationality of Science by Angus Menuge
- The Art of War by Sun-Tzu
- Jesus the Seer: The Progress of Prophecy by Ben Witherington III
- Walking from East to West: God in the Shadows by Ravi Zacharias
- For All God's Worth: True Worship and the Calling of the Church by N. T. Wright
- The Greco-Roman World of the New Testament Era: Exploring the Background of Early Christianity by James S. Jeffers
- Free Will, edited by Gary Watson
- Biblical Preaching: The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages by Haddon W. Robinson
- Our Father Abraham: Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith by Marvin Wilson
- The Resurrection of God Incarnate by Richard Swinburne
- God? A Debate Between a Christian and an Atheist by William Lane Craig and Walter Sinnott-Armstrong
- Render to God: New Testament Understandings of the Divine by Jerome H. Neyrey
- Jesus Under Fire: Modern Scholarship Reinvents the Historical Jesus, edited by Michael J. Wilkins and James Porter Moreland
- The Nature of Necessity by Alvin Plantinga
- Customs and Etiquette of China by Caroline Mason and Geoffrey Murray
- The New Testament and the People of God by N. T. Wright
- The Atheist Debater's Handbook by B. C. Johnson
- Following Jesus: Biblical Reflections on Discipleship by N. T. Wright
- The Christology of Early Jewish Christianity by Richard N. Longenecker
- James: Wisdom of James, Disciple of Jesus the Sage by Richard Bauckham
- Divine Providence: The Molinist Account by Thomas P. Flint
- The Empty Tomb: Jesus Beyond the Grave, edited by Robert M. Price and Jeffrey Jay Lowder
- This Joyful Eastertide: A Critical Review of The Empty Tomb by Steve Hays
- The New Testament World: Insights from Cultural Anthropology by Bruce J. Malina
- The Three Christs of Ypsilanti: A Narrative Study of Three Lost Men by Milton Rokeach
- Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense by N. T. Wright
- The Logic of God Incarnate by Thomas V. Morris
- The Atonement: The Origins of the Doctrine in the New Testament by Martin Hengel
- The Testimony of the Beloved Disciple: Narrative, History, and Theology in the Gospel of John by Richard Bauckham
- Critiques of God: Making the Case Against Belief in God, edited by Peter Angeles
- The Bacchae by Euripides
- Jesus and the Victory of God by N. T. Wright
- Modern Cosmology and Philosophy, edited by John Leslie
- Battles of the Bible: A Military History of Ancient Israel by Chaim Herzog and Mordechai Gichon
- Time and Temporality in the Ancient World, edited by Ralph M. Rosen
- The Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries: Cosmology and Salvation in the Ancient World by David Ulansey
- The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold by 'Acharya S' (Dorothy M. Murdock)
- Who Was Jesus? by N. T. Wright
- A Future for Presentism by Craig Bourne
- Firmicus Maternus: The Error of the Pagan Religions by Julius Firmicus Maternus and translated by Clarence A. Forbes
- Jesus and the Restoration of Israel: A Critical Assessment of N. T. Wright's Jesus and the Victory of God, edited by Carey Newman
- Pauline Christology: An Exegetical-Theological Study by Gordon D. Fee
- God and Other Minds: A Study of the Rational Justification of Belief in God by Alvin Plantinga
- Making a Meal of It: Rethinking the Theology of the Lord's Supper by Ben Witherington III
- The Last Word: Scripture and the Authority of God--Getting Beyond the Bible Wars by N. T. Wright
- Ecclesiastical History by Eusebius of Caesarea and translated by Paul L. Maier
- Divinity and Humanity: The Incarnation Reconsidered by Oliver D. Crisp
- The Challenge of Jesus: Rediscovering Who Jesus Was and Is by N. T. Wright
- The Desert Fathers: Sayings of the Early Christian Monks, edited by Benedicta Ward
- The Miracle of Theism: Arguments For and Against Belief in God by J. L. Mackie
- Questioning Q: A Multidimensional Critique, edited by Mark Goodacre and Nicholas Perrin
- Paul: In Fresh Perspective by N. T. Wright
- Dionysos Slain by Marcel Detienne
- Cybele and Attis: The Myth and the Cult by Maarten J. Vermaseren
- Sons of God: Krishna, Buddha, and Christ by 'Acharya S' (Dorothy M. Murdock)
- Saturnalia by Macrobius
- The Word That Redescribes the World: The Bible and Discipleship by Walter Brueggemann
- The Climax of the Covenant: Christ and the Law in Pauline Theology by N. T. Wright
- Resurrection, Immortality, and Eternal Life in Intertestamental Judaism and Early Christianity by George F. Nickelsburg
- The Case Against Christianity by Michael Martin
- John's Wisdom: A Commentary on the Fourth Gospel by Ben Witherington III
- Religious Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know--And Doesn't by Stephen Prothero
- The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English, translated by Geza Vermes
- The Buddhist Tradition in India, China, and Japan, edited by William Theodore de Bary
- Paul for Everyone: Romans, Part One by N. T. Wright
- Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
- Paul for Everyone: Romans, Part Two by N. T. Wright
- Paul and First-Century Letter Writing: Secretaries, Composition and Collection by E. Randolph Richards
- Why You Should Believe in the Trinity: An Answer to Jehovah's Witnesses by Robert M. Bowman, Jr.
- A Rereading of Romans: Justice, Jews, and Gentiles by Stanley K. Stowers
- God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything by Christopher Hitchens
- The Story of Romans: A Narrative Defense of God's Righteousness by A. Katherine Grieb
- The Orthodox Church by Timothy Ware
- Jesus Christ and Mythology by Rudolf Bultmann
- Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith by Rob Bell
- Evangelicalism in America by Bruce Shelley
- Shattering the Christ Myth: Did Jesus Not Exist?, edited by James Patrick Holding
- Conflict and Identity in Romans by Philip F. Esler
- Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church by N. T. Wright
- Romans in Full Circle: A History of Interpretation by Mark Reasoner
- An Anthology of Atheism and Rationalism, edited by Gordon Stein
- Jehovah's Witnesses, Jesus Christ, and the Gospel of John by Robert M. Bowman, Jr.
- The Variety of American Evangelicalism, edited by Donald Dayton
- The Central Message of the New Testament by Joachim Jeremias
- We Left Jehovah's Witnesses: Personal Testimonies, edited by Edmond C. Gruss
- The Da Vinci Cod: A Fishy Parody by 'Don Brine' (Adam Roberts)
- Give God the Glory: Ancient Prayer and Worship in Cultural Perspective by Jerome H. Neyrey
- Heresies Exposed by William C. Irvine
- Christus Victor: An Historical Study of the Three Main Types of the Idea of Atonement by Gustaf Aulen
- Paul's Letter to the Romans: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary by Ben Witherington III
- The Sophist by Plato and translated by Eva Braun
- God, the Multiverse, and Everything: Modern Cosmology and the Argument from Design by Rodney D. Holder
- Gilgamesh: A New English Version by Stephen Mitchell
- The "Word" - Who is He? According to John by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
- Rethinking Religion: A Concise Introduction by William Deming
- The Library of History (Vol. 1) by Diodorus Siculus
- The Library of History (Vol. 2) by Diodorus Siculus
- The Role of Theology and Bias in Bible Translation, with a Special Look at the New World Translation of Jehovah's Witnesses by Rolf Furuli
- The Mahabharata: A Shortened Modern Prose Version of the Indian Epic by R. K. Narayan
- The Library of History (Vol. 3) by Diodorus Siculus
- Universes by John Leslie
- The Harp of God: Proof Conclusive That Millions Now Living Will Never Die by Joseph F. Rutherford
- Cosmic Jackpot: Why Our Universe is Just Right for Life by Paul Davies
- The Life of Pi: A Novel by Yann Martel
- Ancient Indian Cosmogony by F. B. J. Kuiper
- The Divine Plan of the Ages by Charles T. Russell
- Out of the Cults and Into the Church: Understanding and Encouraging Ex-Cultists by Janis Hutchinson
- Naming and Necessity by Saul A. Kripke
- Timaeus and Critias by Plato and translated by Benjamin Jowett
- Crises of the Republic by Hannah Arendt
- An Introduction to Hinduism by Gavin Flood
- Five Dialogues by Plato and translated by G. M. A. Grube
- Darsan: Seeing the Divine Image in India by Diana Eck
- On the Genealogy of Morality by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
- Journey Through the Twelve Forests: An Encounter with Krishna by David Haberman
- The Real Jesus: The Misguided Quest for the Historical Jesus and the Truth of the Traditional Gospels by Luke Timothy Johnson
- True to Life: Why Truth Matters by Michael P. Lynch
- Theories of Religion: A Reader, edited by Seth Daniel Kunin
- Christology of the Later Fathers, edited by Edward Hardy
- The Evidence for Jesus by R. T. France
- Storytellers, Saints, and Scoundrels: Folk Narrative in Hindu Religious Teaching by Kirin Narayan
- Paul Among Jews and Gentiles, and Other Essays by Krister Stendahl
- Quarks, Leptons, and the Big Bang by Jonathan Allday
- The Concept of God: An Exploration of Contemporary Difficulties with the Attributes of God by Ronald H. Nash
- Worldwide Security Under the "Prince of Peace" by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
- The Time is at Hand by Charles T. Russell
- Reclaiming the Old Testament for the Christian Pulpit by Donald Gowan
- America's Alternative Religions, edited by Timothy Miller
- What are the Gospels? A Comparison with Graeco-Roman Biography by Richard Burridge
- Jehovah's Witnesses: Proclaimers of God's Kingdom by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
- Jesus and the God of Israel: God Crucified and Other Essays on the New Testament's Christology of Divine Identity by Richard Bauckham
- Anthology of Classical Myth: Primary Sources in Translation, edited and translated by Stephen Trzaskoma, R. Scott Smith, and Stephen Brunet
- From the Maccabees to the Mishnah by Shaye J. D. Cohen
- The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins
- Notes on the Early Stalcop Family in Delaware by Harry G. Staulcup [Master's Thesis]
- Articles of Faith by James E. Talmage
- Philosophy in Christian Antiquity by Christopher Stead
- How Things Might Have Been: Individuals, Kinds, and Essential Properties by Penelope Mackie
- Escape the Coming Night by David Jeremiah
- The Rapture Exposed: The Message of Hope in the Book of Revelation by Barbara Rossing
- A Historico-Critical Study of the Iglesia ni Kristo by Manuel P. Alonzo
- Augsburg and Constantinople: The Correspondence Between the Tübingen Theologians and Patriarch Jeremiah II of Constantinople on the Augsburg Confession, edited by George Mastrantonis
- The Mystagogy of the Holy Spirit by Photius of Constantinople and translated by Joseph P. Farrell
- Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophecy! by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
- The Book of Names: A Novel by Jill Gregory and Karen Tintori
- The Trinity by Augustine of Hippo and translated by Stephen McKenna
- Persia and the Bible by Edwin Yamauchi
- Is This Life All There Is? by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
- Spirit of God, Spirit of Christ: Ecumenical Reflections on the Filioque Controversy, edited by Lukas Vischer
- The Eternal Relation Between the Son and the Spirit in Eastern and Western Trinitarian Theology by Mary Ann Fatula [Doctoral dissertation]
- Wir Wollen Deutsche Bleiben: The Story of the Volga Germans by George J. Walters
- The Taking by Dean Koontz
- True Peace and Security: How Can You Find It? by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
- Popular Christianity in India: Riting Between the Lines, edited by Selva Raj and Corinne Dempsey
- Revelation: Four Views: A Parallel Commentary by Steve Gregg
- Christians of India by Rowena Robinson
- The Iglesia ni Kristo: Its Christology and Ecclesiology by Fernando G. Elesterio
- Survival into a New Earth by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
- Crisis in Byzantium: The Filioque Controversy in the Patriarchate of Gregory II of Cyprus (1283-1289) by Aristeides Papadakis
- An Introduction to Indian Christian Theology by Robin Boyd
- The Age of the Antichrist by Jonathan R. Cash
- Building Christianity on Indian Foundations: The Legacy of Brahmabandhav Upadhyay by Timothy C. Tennent
- The Philosophy of Law, edited by Ronald M. Dworkin
- Isaiah's Prophecy: Light for All Mankind (Vol. 1) by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
- Anti-Christian Polemic in Early Islam: Abu Isa al-Warraq's 'Against the Trinity', translated by David Thomas
- Before the Muses: An Anthology of Akkadian Literature, edited by Benjamin R. Foster
- Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert
- The Three Persons in One God by Gerard S. Sloyan
- The New Faces of Christianity: Believing the Bible in the Global South by Philip Jenkins
- Philosophy and the Christian Faith by Colin Brown
- Isaiah's Prophecy: Light for All Mankind (Vol. 2) by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
- An Apology for Apologetics: A Study in the Logic of Interreligious Dialogue by Paul J. Griffiths
- Encountering New Religious Movements: A Holistic Evangelical Approach, edited by Irving Hexham, Stephen Rost, and John W. Morehead II
- Jacob Albright: The Evangelical Pioneer by Robert Sherer Wilson
- In the Shadow of the Temple: Jewish Influences on Early Christianity by Oskar Skarsaune
- The Late Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsey
- In the Language of Kings: An Anthology of Mesoamerican Literature, edited by Miguel Leon-Portilla and Earl Shorris
- The Essence of Religion by Ludwig Feuerbach
- American Islam: Growing Up Muslim in America by Richard Wormser
- Christianity in Crisis by Hank Hanegraaff
- Re-entry: Striking Parallels Between Today's News Events and Christ's Second Coming by John Wesley White
- On the Free Choice of the Will by Augustine of Hippo and translated by Thomas Williams
- Perspectives on an Evolving Creation, edited by Keith Miller
- Armageddon, Oil, and the Middle East Crisis by John F. Walvoord
- An Inconvenient Book: Real Solutions to the World's Biggest Problems by Glenn Beck
- Old Testament Exegesis: A Primer for Students and Pastors by Douglas K. Stuart
- Approaching Hoofbeats: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse by Billy Graham
- The Missing Gospels: Unearthing the Truth Behind Alternative Christianities by Darrell L. Bock
- Old Testament Pseudepigrapha (Vol. 1), edited by James H. Charlesworth
- Exploring the Worship Spectrum: Six Views, edited by Paul Basden
- On the Reliability of the Old Testament by Kenneth A. Kitchen
- Belief by Gianni Vattimo
- Father, Son, and Spirit: The Trinity and John's Gospel by Andreas J. Köstenberger and Scott Swain
- Israel's 48 Signs of Christ's Return by Gordon Lindsay
- Understanding the Last Days: The Keys to Unlocking Bible Prophecy by Timothy LaHaye
- Evangelical Reunion: Denominations and the Body of Christ by John M. Frame
- A Common Calling: The Witness of Our Reformation Churches in North America Today, edited by Keith F. Nickle
- Are Miraculous Gifts for Today? Four Views, edited by Wayne Grudem
- The Spirit of Early Christian Thought: Seeking the Face of God by Robert Louis Wilken
- The Church in Prophecy by John F. Walvoord
- The Rapture Question by John F. Walvoord
- Mormon Doctrine by Bruce R. McConkie
- The Cambridge Companion to Christian Doctrine, edited by Colin Gunton
- The Evangelical Essential: What Must I Do to Be Saved? by Philip Janowsky
- Reasoning from the Scriptures by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
- Evangelical from the Beginning: The Story of the Evangelical Congregational Church by Terry M. Heisey, et al.
- Christian Education: Its History and Philosophy by Kenneth O. Gangel and Warren Benson
- The Arrogance of Nations: Reading Romans in the Shadow of Empire by Neil Elliott
- Principalities and Powers: Reflections in the Asian Context by Asian Theological Seminary
- Live with Jehovah's Day in Mind by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
- Old Testament Pseudepigrapha (Vol. 2), edited by James H. Charlesworth
- Doing Theology in the Philippines by Asian Theological Seminary
- The Moon is Not the Son by James Bjornstad
- Naming the Unknown God by Asian Theological Seminary
- The New Atheist Crusaders and Their Unholy Grail: The Misguided Quest to Destroy Your Faith by Becky Garrison
- On Divine Foreknowledge by Luis de Molina and translated with introduction by Alfred J. Freddoso
- The Victory of Reason: How Christianity Led to Freedom, Capitalism, and Western Success by Rodney Stark
- The One Mediator, the Saints, and Mary, edited by H. George Anderson, J. Francis Stafford, and Joseph A. Burgess
- Jewish Christianity Reconsidered: Rethinking Ancient Groups and Texts, edited by Matt Jackson-McCabe
- Meditations by Marcus Aurelius and translated by A. S. L. Farquharson
- Four Views on Salvation in a Pluralistic World, edited by Dennis L. Okholm and Timothy R. Phillips
- Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
- Bearing Thorough Witness About God's Kingdom by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
- Divine Grace and Human Agency: A Study of the Semi-Pelagian Controversy by Rebecca Harden Weaver
- The Trinity: The Classic Study of Biblical Trinitarianism by Edward Henry Bickersteth
- The Resurrection of Jesus Christ by Gerald O'Collins
- Paul, in Other Words: A Cultural Reading of His Letters by Jerome H. Neyrey
- Philosophy and the Christian Faith, edited by Thomas V. Morris
- Mankind's Search for God by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
- The Lost History of Christianity: The Thousand-Year Golden Age of the Church in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia--And How It Died by Philip Jenkins
- Christian Philosophy, edited by Thomas P. Flint
- Why I Became an Atheist: A Former Preacher Rejects Christianity by John W. Loftus
- Pedophiles and Priests: Anatomy of a Contemporary Crisis by Philip Jenkins
- The Rise of Western Christendom: Triumph and Diversity, AD 200-1000 by Peter Brown
- The Qur'an: Text, Translation, and Commentary, translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali
- Galileo Goes to Jail, and Other Myths About Science and Religion, edited by Ronald L. Numbers
- Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality by Donald Miller
- Ephrem the Syrian: Hymns, translated by Kathleen E. McVey
- Revelation--Its Grand Climax at Hand! by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
- The Evolution of the Soul by Richard Swinburne
- Thirty Years a Watch Tower Slave: The Confessions of a Converted Jehovah's Witness by William J. Schnell
- Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
- Unpacking Forgiveness: Biblical Answers to Complex Questions and Deep Wounds by Chris Brauns
- The Greek Orthodox Church: Faith, History, and Practice by Demetrios Constantelos
- The Ethiopian Orthodox Church by Aymro Wondmagegnehu
- The Complete Greek Tragedies: Sophocles I, edited by David Grene and Richard Lattimore
- Five Great Greek Tragedies by Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides
- The Complete Greek Tragedies: Euripides I, edited by David Grene and Richard Lattimore
- The Essential Writings of Christian Mysticism, edited by Bernard McGinn
- The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin
- The Palaces of Crete by James Walter Graham
- New Evidences of Christ in Ancient America by Blaine M. Yorgason, Bruce W. Warren, and Harold Brown
- The Complete C. S. Lewis Signature Classics by C. S. Lewis
- Borges: Collected Fictions by Jorge Luis Borges and translated by Andrew Hurley
- The Aegean Bronze Age by Oliver Dickinson
- The Histories by Herodotus of Halicarnassus and translated by Aubrey de Selincourt
- The Presocratic Philosophers: A Critical History with a Selection of Texts, edited by G. S. Kirk, J. E. Raven, and M. Schofield
- Jesus the Christ: A Study of the Messiah and His Mission by James E. Talmage
- The Peloponnesian War by Thucydides and translated by Stephen Lattimore
- The Complete Greek Tragedies: Euripides III, edited by David Grene and Richard Lattimore
- The Complete Greek Tragedies: Euripides IV, edited by David Grene and Richard Lattimore
- A Marvelous Work and a Wonder by LeGrand Richards
- Heracles and Other Plays by Euripides
- Exploring the Greek Mosaic: A Guide to Intercultural Communication in Greece by Benjamin J. Broome
- Five Classics by Truman G. Madsen by Truman G. Madsen
- Modern Greece: A Short History by C. M. Woodhouse
- Lectures on Faith by Joseph Smith, Jr.
- Standing for Something: 10 Neglected Virtues That Will Heal Our Hearts and Homes by Gordon B. Hinckley
- Truth Restored / Gospel Principles by Gordon B. Hinckley and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- Ancient Greece: A Political, Social, and Cultural History by Sarah B. Pomeroy, et al.
- Four Plays by Aristophanes, translated by William Arrowsmith, et al.
- Greek Warfare: Myths and Realities by Hans van Wees
- The Byzantine Empire, 1025-1204: A Political History by Michael Angold
- What is Orthodoxy? by Peter A. Botsis
- The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- The Oxford History of Byzantium, edited by Cyril Mango
- On Sparta by Plutarch and translated by Richard J. A. Talbert
- Jesus Through the Centuries: His Place in the History of Culture by Jaroslav Pelikan
- The Theology of Rudolf Bultmann, edited by Charles W. Kegley
- The Gospel of John in the Sixteenth Century: The Johannine Exegesis of Wolfgang Musculus by Craig S. Farmer
- The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation, Including the Demotic Spells: Texts, edited by Hans Dieter Betz
- The Person of Christ: A Biblical and Historical Analysis by David F. Wells
- Revival Lectures by Charles Grandison Finney
- Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview by James Porter Moreland and William Lane Craig
- War: Four Christian Views, edited by Robert G. Clouse
- The First Urban Christians: The Social World of the Apostle Paul by Wayne A. Meeks
- Imperial Lives and Letters of the Eleventh Century, translated by Theodor E. Mommsen and Karl F. Morrison
- Utilitarianism by John Stuart Mill
- In Defense of the Soul: What It Means to Be Human by Ric Machuga
- Steps to Christ by Ellen G. White
- The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, vol. 1: The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition (100-600) by Jaroslav Pelikan
- God's Battalions: The Case for the Crusades by Rodney Stark
- The Ideology of Religious Studies by Timothy Fitzgerald
- At the Origins of Christian Worship: The Context and Character of Earliest Christian Devotion by Larry W. Hurtado
- A Christian Appeal to Reason by Bernard L. Ramm
- The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, vol. 2: The Spirit of Eastern Christendom (600-1700) by Jaroslav Pelikan
- An American Prophet's Record: The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith, edited by Scott H. Faulring
- The Promise of Lutheran Ethics, edited by Karen L. Bloomquist and John R. Stumme
- Who Killed Jesus?: Exposing the Roots of Anti-Semitism in the Gospel Story of the Death of Jesus by John Dominic Crossan
- The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, vol. 3: The Growth of Medieval Theology (600-1300) by Jaroslav Pelikan
- Acres of Diamonds by Russell H. Conwell
- Baptism, Eucharist, and Ministry by the World Council of Churches
- Holy Terrors: Thinking about Religion after September 11 by Bruce Lincoln
- The Epic of Unitarianism: Original Writings from the History of Liberal Religion, edited by David B. Parke
- A Christian Manifesto by Francis A. Schaeffer
- Mystics and Messiahs: Cults and New Religions in American History by Philip Jenkins
- The Coherence of Theism by Richard Swinburne
- The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, vol. 4: Reformation of Church and Dogma (1300-1700) by Jaroslav Pelikan
- The Incarnation: Collected Essays in Christology by Brian Hebblethwaite
- The Immortal Game: A History of Chess, or How 32 Carved Pieces on a Board Illuminated Our Understanding of War, Art, Science, and the Human Brain by David Shenk
- The Early Christian Doctrine of God by Robert M. Grant
- The Vision of Mormonism: Pressing the Boundaries of Christianity by Robert L. Millet
- The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind by Mark A. Noll
- Christian Philosophical Theology by Stephen T. Davis
- The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan
- The Church in the Shadow of the Mosque: Christians and Muslims in the World of Islam by Sidney H. Griffith
- The Jehovah's Witnesses by Herbert Hewitt Stroup
- Responsibility and Atonement by Richard Swinburne
- The English Hymn: A Critical and Historical Study by J. R. Watson
- The Aryan Jesus: Christian Theologians and the Bible in Nazi Germany by Susannah Heschel
- Let God Be True by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
- When Heaven Invades Earth: A Practical Guide to a Life of Miracles by Bill Johnson
- The Open Society and Its Enemies, vol. 1: The Spell of Plato by Karl R. Popper
- Joseph Smith Jr: Reappraisals After Two Centuries, edited by Reid L. Neilson and Terryl L. Givens
- God's Continent: Christianity, Islam, and Europe's Religious Crisis by Philip Jenkins
- Assessing the New Testament Evidence for the Historicity of the Resurrection of Jesus by William Lane Craig
- The Principle of Sufficient Reason: A Reassessment by Alexander R. Pruss
- The Merovingian Kingdoms, 450-751 by Ian Wood
- A History of Neo-Arianism (Vol. 1) by Thomas A. Kopecek
- A History of Neo-Arianism (Vol. 2) by Thomas A. Kopecek
- Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses by M. James Penton
- The Thought of Thomas Aquinas by Brian Davies
- Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Mormonism by Richard L. Bushman
- What God Has Joined Together? A Christian Case for Gay Marriage by David G. Myers and Letha Dawson Scanzoni
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- Wilford Woodruff's Journal, 1833-1898: Typescript, vol. 8: 1 January 1881 to 31 December 1890 by Wilford Woodruff and edited by Scott G. Kenney
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- And You Welcomed Me: A Sourcebook on Hospitality in Early Christianity, edited by Amy G. Oden
- Wilford Woodruff's Journal, 1833-1898: Typescript, vol. 9: 1 January 1891 to 6 September 1898 by Wilford Woodruff and edited by Scott G. Kenney
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- Encountering New Religious Movements: A Holistic Evangelical Approach, edited by Irving Hexham, Stephen Rost, and John W. Morehead II [re-read: see #225]
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- The Collected Works of G. K. Chesterton, vol. 29: The Illustrated London News, 1911-1913 by G. K. Chesterton
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- Anti-Christian Polemic in Early Islam: Abu Isa al-Warraq's 'Against the Trinity', translated by David Thomas [re-read: see #217]
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- Early Muslim Polemic Against Christianity: Abu Isa al-Warraq's 'Against the Incarnation', translated by David Thomas
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- Initiative to Stop the Violence: Sadat's Assassins and the Renunciation of Political Violence by al-Gama'ah al-Islamiyah and translated by Sherman A. Jackson
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- Sermon on the Mount: Restoring Christ's Message to the Modern Church by Charles L. Quarles
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- Prayer: Christian and Muslim Perspectives, edited by David Marshall and Lucinda Mosher
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- The Works of Jonathan Edwards, vol. 20: The "Miscellanies," 833-1152 by Jonathan Edwards
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- Juan de Segovia and the Fight for Peace: Christians and Muslims in the Fifteenth Century by Anne Marie Wolf
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- The Way of the Strangers: Encounters with the Islamic State by Graeme Wood
- The Works of Jonathan Edwards, vol. 19: Sermons and Discourses, 1734-1738 by Jonathan Edwards
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- The Works of Jonathan Edwards, vol. 23: The "Miscellanies," 1153-1360 by Jonathan Edwards
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- The Journals and Papers of David Shultze, vol. 2: 1761-1797 by David Schultze and edited by Andrew S. Berky
- Safe Haven? A History of Refugees in America by David W. Haines
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- The Works of Jonathan Edwards, vol. 25: Sermons and Discourses, 1743-1758 by Jonathan Edwards
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- Not Bread Alone: The Uses of Food in the Old Testament by Nathan MacDonald
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- A History of Salisbury Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania by Joan M. Lorenz
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- A History of the Amish, 3rd ed., by Steven M. Nolt
- The Mind of the Spirit: Paul's Approach to Transformed Thinking by Craig S. Keener
- The Morning They Came for Us: Dispatches from Syria by Janine Di Giovanni
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- Introducing Eastern Orthodox Theology by Andrew Louth
- The History of Al-Tabari, vol. 2: Prophets and Patriarchs by Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari
- Divine Honours for the Caesars: The First Christians' Responses by Bruce W. Winter
- The Practice of Pluralism: Congregational Life and Religious Diversity in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1730-1820 by Mark Haberlein
- The Pastor as Public Theologian: Reclaiming a Lost Vision by Kevin J. Vanhoozer and Owen Strachan
- The History of Al-Tabari, vol. 3: The Children of Israel by Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari
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- Everyday Church: Gospel Communities on Mission by Tim Chester and Steve Timmis
- Paraphrases on the Epistles to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon; the Epistles of Peter and Jude; the Epistle of James; the Epistles of John; and the Epistle to the Hebrews by Desiderius Erasmus
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- The History of Al-Tabari, vol. 4: The Ancient Kingdoms by Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari
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- Evangelical from the Beginning: The Story of the Evangelical Congregational Church by Terry M. Heisey, et al. [re-read: see #258]
- Developing and Maintaining Practical Archives: A How-To-Do-It Manual, 2nd ed., by Gregory S. Hunter
- God and Mammon: Protestants, Money, and the Market, 1790-1860, edited by Mark A. Noll
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- Letters and Homilies for Hellenized Christians, vol. 2: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on 1-2 Peter by Ben Witherington III
- The Old Testament is Dying: A Diagnosis and Recommended Treatment by Brent A. Strawn
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- Engaging the Doctrine of Revelation: The Mediation of the Gospel Through Church and Scripture by Matthew Levering
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- Moving Archives: The Experiences of Eleven Archivists, edited by John Newman and Walter Jones
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- Muslim Perceptions of Other Religions: A Historical Survey, edited by Jacques Waardenburg
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- Entrusted with the Gospel: Paul's Theology in the Pastoral Epistles, edited by Andreas J. Kostenberger and Terry L. Wilder
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- Luther's Works, vol. 32: Career of the Reformer II by Martin Luther
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- Frederick Douglass: America's Prophet by D. H. Dilbeck
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- Who Needs Theology? An Invitation to the Study of God by Stanley J. Grenz and Roger E. Olson
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- Political Tribes: Group Instinct and the Fate of Nations by Amy Chua
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- From First to Last: The Life of Major General William B. Franklin by Mark Snell
- A Community Called Atonement by Scot McKnight [re-read: see #828]
- How to Do Biography: A Primer by Nigel Hamilton
- When Books Went to War: The Stories That Helped Us Win World War II by Molly Guptill Manning
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- The King Jesus Gospel: The Original Good News Revisited by Scot McKnight
- Peace at Last: A Portrait of Armistice Day, 11 November 1918 by Guy Cuthbertson
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- Luther's Works, vol. 39: Church and Ministry I by Martin Luther
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- A Son to Me: An Exposition of 1 & 2 Samuel by Peter J. Leithart
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- The Didascalia Apostolorum: An English Version with Introduction and Annotation, edited by Alistair Stewart-Sykes
- Greek Commentaries on Revelation: Oecumenius and Andrew of Caesarea, translated by William C. Weinrich and edited by Thomas C. Oden
- Revelation Through the Centuries: The Apocalypse to Jesus Christ by Judith L. Kovacs and Christopher Rowland
- Latin Commentaries on Revelation, translated and edited by William C. Weinrich
- On the Liturgy, Vol. 2: Books 3-4 by Amalar of Metz
- On the Genre and Message of Revelation: Star Visions and Sky Journeys by Bruce J. Malina
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- Apocalypse and Allegiance: Worship, Politics, and Devotion in the Book of Revelation by J. Nelson Kraybill
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- Comfort and Protest: The Apocalypse from a South African Perspective by Allan Aubrey Boesak
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- Evangelical Action! A Report of the Organization of the National Association of Evangelicals for United Action, edited by Harold John Ockenga, et al.
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- The Choice Between Two Cities: Whore, Bride, and Empire in the Apocalypse by Barbara R. Rossing
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- Revelation (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament) by Grant R. Osborne
- Revelation (Brazos Theological Commentary) by Joseph L. Mangina
- Revelation (Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture) by Peter S. Williamson
- Imperial Cult and Commerce in John's Apocalypse by J. Nelson Kraybill
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- Carmina Burana, vol. 1, edited and translated by David A. Traill
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- Cursing the Christians? A History of the Birkat HaMinim by Ruth Langer
- The Great Mortality: An Intimate History of the Black Death, the Most Devastating Plague of All Time by John Kelly
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- The Future of Biblical Archaeology: Reassessing Methodologies and Assumptions, edited by James K. Hoffmeier and Alan Millard
- The Works of the Emperor Julian, vol. 1: Orations 1-5 by Julian the Apostate
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- The Rise of Victimhood Culture: Microaggressions, Safe Spaces, and the New Culture Wars by Bradley Campbell and Jason Manning
- Revelation (Tyndale New Testament Commentary) by Leon L. Morris
- The Returning King: A Guide to the Book of Revelation by Vern Sheridan Poythress
- Triumph of the Lamb: A Commentary on Revelation by Dennis E. Johnson
- Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals by Saul D. Alinsky
- Revelation (New Cambridge Bible Commentary) by Ben Witherington III
- Revelation (New Covenant Commentary) by Gordon D. Fee
- The Book of Revelation (New International Commentary on the New Testament) by Robert H. Mounce
- Revelation 12-22 (International Theological Commentary) by Peter J. Leithart
- The Book of Revelation (New International Greek Testament Commentary) by Gregory K. Beale
- The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion by Jonathan Haidt
- Hear, My Son: Teaching and Learning in Proverbs 1-9 by Daniel J. Estes [re-read: see #861]
- Wisdom Literature: A Theological History by Leo G. Perdue
- Caesar's Coin Revisited: Christians and the Limits of Government, edited by Michael Cromartie
- Letters 31-60 by Peter Damian
- Urban Forests: A Natural History of Trees and People in the American Cityscape by Jill Jonnes
- The Works of the Emperor Julian, vol. 2 by Julian the Apostate
- The Great Awakening: The Roots of Evangelical Christianity in Colonial America by Thomas S. Kidd
- God is a Warrior by Tremper Longman III and Daniel G. Reid
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- Spiritual Writings of Denise the Carthusian, edited/translated by Ide M. Ni Riain
- Religious Conviction in Liberal Politics by Christopher J. Eberle
- Old Testament Wisdom Literature: A Theological Introduction by Craig G. Bartholomew and Ryan P. O'Dowd
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- From Tolerance to Equality: How Elites Brought America to Same-Sex Marriage by Darel E. Paul
- Light on the Mountain: Greek Patristic and Byzantine Homilies on the Transfiguration of the Lord, edited/translated by Brian E. Daley
- Render Unto Caesar: Serving the Nation by Living Our Catholic Beliefs in Political Life by Charles J. Chaput
- Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth? Demography and Politics in the Twenty-First Century by Eric Kaufmann
- Finding Favour in the Sight of God: A Theology of Wisdom Literature by Richard P. Belcher, Jr.
- Hymns on Paradise by St. Ephrem the Syrian
- The Final Pagan Generation by Edward J. Watts
- From the Lost Teaching of Polycarp: Identifying Irenaeus' Apostolic Presbyter and the Author of Ad Diognetum by Charles E. Hill
- Christianity and Contemporary Politics: The Conditions and Possibilities of Faithful Witness by Luke Bretherton
- The Fear of the Lord Is Wisdom: A Theological Introduction to Wisdom in Israel by Tremper Longman III
- To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy, and Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World by James Davison Hunter
- The Acts of the Second Council of Nicaea, 787 (2 vols.), translated by Richard Price
- The Spiritual-Industrial Complex: America's Religious Battle Against Communism in the Early Cold War by Jonathan P. Herzog
- The Mystical as Political: Democracy and Non-Radical Orthodoxy by Aristotle Papanikolaou
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- Second Forgetting: Remembering the Power of the Gospel During Alzheimer's Disease by Benjamin T. Mast
- Exalting Jesus in Proverbs by Jonathan Akin and Daniel L. Akin
- Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview, and Cultural Formation by James K. A. Smith
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- The Divided Era: How We Got Here and the Keys to America's Reconciliation by Thomas Del Beccaro
- 2 Clement: Introduction, Text, and Commentary, edited and translated by Christopher M. Tuckett
- Conservatism: An Invitation to the Great Tradition by Roger Scruton
- The Demonic in the Political Thought of Eusebius of Caesarea by Hazel Johannessen
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- The Lamb's Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth by Scott Hahn
- Hail, Holy Queen: The Mother of God in the Word of God by Scott Hahn
- Whiteshift: Populism, Immigration, and the Future of White Majorities by Eric Kaufmann
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- Cheap Sex: The Transformation of Men, Marriage, and Monogamy by Mark Regnerus
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- Adrian's Introduction to the Divine Scriptures: An Antiochene Handbook for Scriptural Interpretation, edited and translated by Peter W. Martens
- Lord, Have Mercy: The Healing Power of Confession by Scott Hahn
- Imagining the Kingdom: How Worship Works by James K. A. Smith
- Rome Sweet Home: Our Journey to Catholicism by Scott Hahn and Kimberly Hahn
- Participatory Biblical Exegesis: A Theology of Biblical Interpretation by Matthew Levering
- Golden Mouth: The Story of John Chrysostom: Ascetic, Preacher, Bishop by John Norman Davidson Kelly
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- Scripture as Real Presence: Sacramental Exegesis in the Early Church by Hans Boersma
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- Sword of the Spirit, Shield of Faith: Religion in American War and Diplomacy by Andrew Preston
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- 1 and 2 Thessalonians: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary by Ben Witherington III
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- Dream with Me: Race, Love, and the Struggle We Must Win by John M. Perkins
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- Dignity: Seeking Respect in Back Row America by Chris Arnade
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- The History of the Church: A New Translation by Eusebius of Caesarea and translated by Jeremy Schott
- Treatises on Penance: On Penitence and On Purity by Tertullian of Carthage and translated by T. C. Lawler
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- Philippians: From People to Letter by Peter S. Oakes
- Three Political Voices from the Age of Justinian: Agapetus' Advice to the Emperor; Dialogue on Political Science; Paul the Silentiary's Description of Hagia Sophia, translated by Peter N. Bell
- John Chrysostom: Homilies on Philippians by St. John Chrysostom and translated by Pauline Allen
- The Ecclesiastical History of the English People by Bede
- Paul's Letter to the Philippians: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary by Ben Witherington III [re-read: see #786]
- Familia Caesaris: A Social Study of the Emperor's Freedmen and Slaves by P. R. C. Weaver
- The Fate of Rome: Climate, Disease, and the End of an Empire by Kyle Harper
- Optatus: Against the Donatists by St. Optatus of Milevis and translated by Mark Julian Edwards
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- Mary in Early Christian Faith and Devotion by Stephen J. Shoemaker
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- On the Two Ways: Life or Death, Light or Darkness: Foundational Texts in the Tradition, edited by Alistair Stewart-Sykes
- A Church in Crisis: Pathways Forward by Ralph Martin
- Ignatius of Antioch: The Letters by St. Ignatius of Antioch
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- Ambrose: De Officiis, vol. 1: Introduction, Text, and Translation by St. Ambrose of Milan and edited/translated by Ivor J. Davidson
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- The Church We Believe In: One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic by Francis A. Sullivan
- Catholics and Protestants: What Can We Learn from Each Other? by Peter Kreeft
- The Decalogue in Jewish and Christian Tradition, edited by Henning Graf Reventlow and Yair Hoffman
- The Decalogue Through the Centuries: From the Hebrew Scriptures to Benedict XVI, edited by Jeffrey P. Greenman and Timothy Larsen
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- This We Believe! Meditations on the Apostles' Creed by Timothy C. Tennent
- The Apostles' Creed and Its Early Christian Context by Piotr Ashwin-Siejkowski
- Credo: Meditations on the Apostles' Creed by Hans Urs von Balthasar
- The Apostles' Creed: Discovering Authentic Christianity in an Age of Counterfeits by R. Albert Mohler Jr.
- Creed: What Christians Believe and Why by Adam Hamilton
- What Christians Ought to Believe: An Introduction to Christian Doctrine Through the Apostles' Creed by Michael F. Bird
- The Faith We Profess: A Catholic Guide to the Apostles' Creed by Peter J. Vaghi
- The Apostles' Creed: A Guide to the Ancient Catechism by Ben Myers
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- Law Collections from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor, edited by Martha T. Roth
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- National Religion: Sermons on the Ten Commandments by Allen Menzies
- The Law of Sinai: Being Devotional Addresses on the Ten Commandments by B. W. Randolph
- The Ten Commandments in History and Tradition, edited by Ben-Zion Segal and Gershon Levi
- The Chronicle of Adam Usk, 1377-1421 by Adam of Usk and edited/translated by C. Given-Wilson
- Thy Will Be Done: The Ten Commandments and the Christian Life by Gilbert Meilaender
- The Ten Commandments: How Our Most Ancient Moral Text Can Renew Modern Life by David Hazony
- Learning Christ: Ignatius of Antioch and the Mystery of Redemption by Gregory Vall
- Teaching with Authority: How to Cut Through Doctrinal Confusion and Understand What the Church Really Says by Jimmy Akin
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- Seculosity: How Career, Parenting, Technology, Food, Politics, and Romance Became Our New Religion and What to Do About It by David Zahl
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- The Jubilee from Leviticus to Qumran: A History of Interpretation by John S. Bergsma
- Gregory of Tours: Life of the Fathers by St. Gregory of Tours and translated by Edward James
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- The Liturgy of Creation: Understanding Calendars in Old Testament Context by Michael Lefebvre
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- Anatomy of a Massacre: The Destruction of Gnadenhutten, 1782 by Eric Sterner
- Thoughts on the Decalogue by Howard Crosby
- Just War as Christian Discipleship: Recentering the Tradition in the Church Rather Than the State by Daniel M. Bell, Jr.
- Homicide in the Biblical World by Pamela Barmash
- The Rise and Fall of Violent Crime in America by Barry Latzer
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- Mirror to the Church: Resurrecting Faith after Genocide in Rwanda by Emmanuel M. Katongole with Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove
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- Guerric of Igny: Liturgical Sermons (Vol. 2) by Bl. Guerric of Igny
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- Marriage and Sexuality in Early Christianity, edited by David G. Hunter
- When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment by Ryan T. Anderson
- Engaging the Doctrine of Marriage: Human Marriage as the Image and Sacrament of the Marriage of God and Creation by Matthew Levering
- Venus and Virtue: Celebrating Sex and Seeking Sanctification, edited by Jerry L. Walls, Jeremy Neill, and David Baggett
- From Shame to Sin: The Christian Transformation of Sexual Morality in Late Antiquity by Kyle Harper
- ...And Marries Another: Divorce and Remarriage in the Teaching of the New Testament by Craig S. Keener
- The Indissolubility of Marriage: Amoris Laetitia in Context by Matthew Levering
- Nuptial Symbolism in Second Temple Writings, the New Testament, and Rabbinic Literature: Divine Marriage at Key Moments of Salvation History by André Villeneuve
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- Reparations for Slavery and the Slave Trade: A Transnational and Comparative History by Ana Lucia Araujo
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- Charity: The Place of the Poor in the Biblical Tradition by Gary A. Anderson
- Some Observations on the Inconvenience of the Ten Commandments by George Hanmer Leycester
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- The Decalogue Viewed as the Christian's Law: with Special Reference to the Questions and Wants of the Times by Richard Tudor
- Smoke on the Mountain: An Interpretation of the Ten Commandments by Joy Davidman
- Written in Stone: The Ten Commandments and Today's Moral Crisis by Philip Graham Ryken
- The Ten Commandments: Ethics for the Twenty-First Century by Mark F. Rooker
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- The Commandments We Keep: A Catholic Guide to Living a Moral Life by Peter J. Vaghi
- The Decalogue: Living as the People of God by David L. Baker
- The Ten Commandments: A Guide to the Perfect Law of Liberty by Peter J. Leithart
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- Wrestling with Angels: A Study of the Relationship Between Angels and Humans in Ancient Jewish Literature and the New Testament by Kevin P. Sullivan
- Angels and Demons: A Catholic Introduction by Serge-Thomas Bonino
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- Sin: A History by Gary A. Anderson
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- The Lord's Prayer: A Guide to Praying to Our Father by Wesley Hill
- The Lord's Prayer by Gerald O'Collins
- The Lord's Prayer by Jean-Marie Lustiger
- The Prayer That Turns the World Upside Down: The Lord's Prayer as a Manifesto for Revolution by R. Albert Mohler Jr.
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- Translated Christianities: Nahuatl and Maya Religious Texts by Mark Z. Christensen
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- The Letters of Catherine of Siena (Vol. 1) by St. Catherine of Siena and translated by Suzanne Noffke
- Origen: Homilies on Genesis and Exodus by Origen of Alexandria and translated by Roland E. Heine
- Early French Reform: The Theology and Spirituality of Guillaime Farel by Jason Zuidema and Theodore Van Raalte
- The Commentaries of Origen and Jerome on St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians by Ronald E. Heine
- Truth is a Synthesis: Catholic Dogmatic Theology by Mauro Gagliardi
- Finding Grace in the Face of Dementia by John T. Dunlop
- My Journey into Alzheimer's Disease by Robert Davis
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- Regnum Caelorum: Patterns of Millennial Thought in Early Christianity by Charles E. Hill
- Pius II: Commentaries, vol. 1: Books I-II by Pope Pius II and edited/translated by Margaret Meserve and Marcello Simonetta
- Politicizing the Bible: The Roots of Historical Criticism and the Secularization of Scripture, 1300-1700 by Scott W. Hahn and Benjamin Wiker
- From Eden to Babel: A Commentary on the Book of Genesis 1-11 by Donald E. Gowan
- Nineveh, the Great City: Symbol of Beauty and Power, edited by Lucas P. Petit and Daniele Morandi Bonacossi
- Prophets and Prophecy in the Ancient Near East by Martti Nissinen
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- The Raging Torrent: Historical Inscriptions from Assyria and Babylonia Relating to Ancient Israel by Mordechai Cogan
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- Forgiveness in a Wounded World: Jonah's Dilemma by Janet Howe Gaines
- A Gracious and Compassionate God: Mission, Salvation, and Spirituality in the Book of Jonah by Daniel C. Timmer
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- Gregory of Tours: Glory of the Confessors by St. Gregory of Tours and translated by Raymond Van Dam
- Our Beloved Kin: A New History of King Philip's War by Lisa Brooks
- The Only Plane in the Sky: An Oral History of 9/11 by Garrett M. Graff
- Philo I: On the Creation; Allegorical Interpretation of Genesis 2-3 by Philo of Alexandria and translated by F. H. Colson and G. H. Whitaker
- Fishers of Fish and Fishers of Men: Fishing Imagery in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East by Tyler R. Yoder
- Aquinas's Eschatological Ethics and the Virtue of Temperance by Matthew Levering
- Genesis and Cosmos: Basil and Origen on Genesis 1 and Cosmology by Adam Rasmussen
- Saint Jerome's Hebrew Questions on Genesis by St. Jerome of Stridon and translated by C. T. R. Hayward
- Anastasius of Sinai: Hexaemeron by St. Anastasius of Sinai (or Pseudo-Anastasius), and edited/translated by Clement A. Kuehn and John D. Baggarly
- Adam as Israel: Genesis 1-3 as the Introduction to the Torah and Tanakh by Seth D. Postell
- Inventing the Christmas Tree by Bernd Brunner
- The Earth and the Waters in Genesis 1 and 2: A Linguistic Investigation by David Toshio Tsumura
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 1: Christian Theology (1a.1) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Thomas Gilby
- Jacob Albrecht: Ein Ziegelbrenner wird Bischof by Karl Heinz Voigt
- Trees and Kings: A Comparative Analysis of Tree Imagery in Israel's Prophetic Tradition and the Ancient Near East by William Russell Osborne
- Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA and the New Science of the Human Past by David Reich
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 2: Existence and Nature of God (1a.2-11) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Timothy McDermott
- The Manifold Reality of Genesis One: A Multi-Layered Approach by Gregg Davidson and Kenneth J. Turner
- St. Ambrose: Hexaemeron, Paradise, Cain and Abel by St. Ambrose of Milan and translated by John J. Savage
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 3: Knowing and Naming God (1a.12-13) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Herbert McCabe
- The Liturgy of Creation: Understanding Calendars in Old Testament Context by Michael LeFebvre [re-read: see #1520]
- Perspectives on an Evolving Creation, edited by Keith B. Miller [re-read: see #236]
- Genesis 1-4: A Linguistic, Literary, and Theological Commentary by C. John Collins
- Aquinas and the Infused Moral Virtues by Angela McKay Knobel
- Adam and the Genome: Reading Scripture after Genetic Science by Dennis R. Venema and Scot McKnight [re-read: see #1101]
- Thinking Through Creation: Genesis 1 and 2 as Tools of Cultural Critique by Christopher Watkin
- The Seven Pillars of Creation: The Bible, Science, and the Ecology of Wonder by William P. Brown
- Seriously Dangerous Religion: What the Old Testament Really Says and Why It Matters by Iain W. Provan [re-read: see #813]
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 4: Knowledge in God (1a.14-18) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Thomas Gornall
- Engaging the Doctrine of Creation: Cosmos, Creatures, and the Wise and Good Creator by Matthew Levering
- Nature Strange and Beautiful: How Living Beings Evolved and Made the Earth a Home by Egbert Giles Leigh Jr. and Christian Ziegler
- Babylonian Creation Myths by Wilfrid G. Lambert
- The Creation of Heaven and Earth: Re-interpretations of Genesis 1 in the Context of Judaism, Ancient Philosophy, Christianity, and Modern Physics, edited by George H. van Kooten
- Gilgamesh: A New Translation of the Ancient Epic by Sophus Helle
- The Fall of Man and the Foundations of Science by Peter Harrison
- The Gilgamesh Epic in Genesis 1-11: Peering into the Deep by Adam E. Miglio
- Struggles in the Spiritual Life: Their Nature and Their Remedies by Timothy M. Gallagher
- A Story of Us: A New Look at Human Evolution by Lesley Newson and Peter J. Richerson
- Making Eden: How Plants Transformed a Barren Planet by David Beerling
- The Serpent and the Serpent Slayer by Andrew David Naselli
- Seven Days That Divide the World: The Beginning According to Genesis and Science by John C. Lennox
- On Genesis (The Works of St. Augustine I/13) by St. Augustine of Hippo and translated by Edmund Hill
- Enduring Divine Absence: The Challenge of Modern Atheism by Joseph Minich
- Genesis 1-11: A Narrative-Theological Commentary by James Chukwuma Okoye
- Sex, Drugs, and Sea Slime: The Oceans' Oddest Creatures and Why They Matter by Ellen Prager
- Heroic Habits: Discovering the Soul's Potential for Greatness by Ezra Sullivan
- Paradise Interpreted: Representations of Biblical Paradise in Judaism and Christianity, edited by Gerard P. Luttikhuizen
- Tertullian: Treatise Against Hermogenes by Tertullian of Carthage
- Reading Genesis After Darwin, edited by Stephen C. Barton and David Wilkinson
- God's Gift of the Universe: An Introduction to Creation Theology by Paul O'Callaghan
- Nearest Star: The Surprising Science of Our Sun by Leon Golub and Jay M. Pasachoff
- Grace in the Midst of Judgment: Grappling with Genesis 1-11 by Johnson T. K. Lim
- The City of God: Books 1-10 (The Works of St. Augustine I/6) by St. Augustine of Hippo and translated by William Babcock
- Early Christian Readings of Genesis One: Patristic Exegesis and Literal Interpretation by Craig D. Allert
- Genesis 1-11: A Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition by Joseph E. Coleson
- The Kalam Cosmological Argument: A Reassessment by Jacobus Erasmus
- The Search for Ultimate Reality: Intertextuality Between the Genesis and Johannine Prologues by Dan Lioy
- Old Earth or Evolutionary Creation? Discussing Origins with Reasons to Believe and BioLogos, edited by Kenneth D. Keathley, J. B. Stump, and Joe Aguirre
- On the Six Days of Creation by St. Gregory of Nyssa and translated by Robin Orton
- Medieval Exegesis: The Four Senses of Scripture (Vol. 1) by Henri de Lubac and translated by Mark Sebanc
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 5: God's Will and Providence (1a.19-26) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Thomas Gilby
- Medieval Exegesis: The Four Senses of Scripture (Vol. 2) by Henri de Lubac and translated by E. M. Macierowski
- Pierced by Love: Divine Reading in the Christian Tradition by Hans Boersma
- Human Evolution: Bones, Cultures, and Genes by John H. Langdon
- The Intertextual Reception of Genesis 1-3 in Irenaeus of Lyons by Stephen O. Presley
- Homilies on Genesis 1-17 by St. John Chrysostom and translated by Robert C. Hill
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 6: The Trinity (1a.27-32) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Ceslaus Velecky
- The Genealogical Adam and Eve: The Surprising Science of Universal Ancestry by S. Joshua Swamidass
- What to Do When Jesus is Hungry: A Practical Guide to the Works of Mercy by Andrew Apostoli
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 7: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (1a.33-43) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by T. C. O'Brien
- Stewards of Eden: What Scripture Says about the Environment and Why It Matters by Sandra Richter
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 8: Creation, Variety, and Evil (1a.44-49) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Thomas Gilby
- Foundations of Library and Information Science (4th ed.) by Richard E. Rubin
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 9: Angels (1a.50-64) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Kenelm Foster
- The Priestly Vision of Genesis 1 by Mark S. Smith
- A New Glimpse of Day One: Intertextuality, History of Interpretation, and Genesis 1:1-5 by S. D. Giere
- Creation out of Nothing: A Biblical, Philosophical, and Scientific Exploration by Paul Copan and William Lane Craig
- Jacob of Sarug's Homilies on the Six Days of Creation: The First Day by Jacob of Serugh and translated by Edward G. Mathews Jr.
- Jacob of Sarug's Homilies on the Six Days of Creation: The Second Day by Jacob of Serugh and translated by Edward G. Mathews Jr.
- Jacob of Sarug's Homilies on the Six Days of Creation: The Third Day by Jacob of Serugh and translated by Edward G. Mathews Jr.
- Lessons from Plants by Beronda L. Montgomery
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 10: Cosmogony (1a.65-74) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by William A. Wallace
- The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate by John H. Walton
- Creation Care: A Biblical Theology of the Natural World by Douglas J. Moo and Jonathan A. Moo
- Flying Dinosaurs: How Fearsome Reptiles Became Birds by John Pickrell
- At the Dawn of Humanity: The First Humans by Gerard M. Verschuuren
- Jacob of Sarug's Homilies on the Six Days of Creation: The Fourth Day by Jacob of Serugh and translated by Edward G. Mathews Jr.
- Studies in the Personal Names of Genesis 1-11 by Richard S. Hess
- Understanding Bird Behavior: An Illustrated Guide to What Birds Do and Why by Wenfei Tong
- Jacob of Sarug's Homilies on the Six Days of Creation: The Fifth Day by Jacob of Serugh and translated by Edward G. Mathews Jr.
- Bird Song: Biological Themes and Variations by Clive K. Catchpole and Peter J. B. Slater
- Human Origins and the Image of God: Essays in Honor of J. Wentzel van Huyssteen, edited by Christopher Lilley and Daniel J. Pedersen
- Jacob of Sarug's Homilies on the Six Days of Creation: The Sixth Day by Jacob of Serugh and translated by Edward G. Mathews Jr.
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 11: Man (1a.75-82) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Timothy Suttor
- The Image of God in the Garden of Eden: The Creation of Humankind in Genesis 2:5-3:24 in Light of the mīs pî, pīt pî, and wpt-r Rituals of Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt by Catherine L. McDowell
- Jacob of Sarug's Homilies on the Six Days of Creation: The Seventh Day by Jacob of Serugh and translated by Edward G. Mathews Jr.
- Sex and Cohabitation Among Early Humans: Anthropological and Genetic Evidence for Interbreeding Among Early Humans by Rene J. Herrera and Ralph Garcia-Bertrand
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 12: Human Intelligence (1a.84-89) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Paul T. Durbin
- In Quest of the Historical Adam: A Biblical and Scientific Exploration by William Lane Craig
- The Liberating Image: The Imago Dei in Genesis 1 by J. Richard Middleton
- Understanding Scientific Theories of Origins: Cosmology, Geology, and Biology in Christian Perspective by Robert C. Bishop, Larry L. Funck, Raymond J. Lewis, Stephen O. Moshier, and John H. Walton
- Dust of the Ground and Breath of Life (Gen. 2:7): The Problem of a Dualistic Anthropology in Early Judaism and Christianity, edited by Jacques T.A.G.M. van Ruiten and George H. van Kooten
- Robert Grosseteste: On the Six Days of Creation: A Translation of the Hexaemeron by Robert Grosseteste and translated by C. F. J. Martin
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 13: Man Made to God's Image (1a.90-102) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Edmund Hill
- Revisiting the Days of Genesis: A Study of the Use of Time in Genesis 1-11 in Light of Its Ancient Near Eastern and Literary Context by Bryan C. Hodge
- Identity and Idolatry: The Image of God and Its Inversion by Richard Lints
- From the Dust of the Earth: Benedict XVI, the Bible, and the Theory of Evolution by Matthew J. Ramage
- "I Will Walk Among You": The Rhetorical Function of Allusion to Genesis 1-3 in the Book of Leviticus by G. Geoffrey Harper
- The Lost World of Adam and Eve: Genesis 2-3 and the Human Origins Debate by John H. Walton
- Death Warning in the Garden of Eden: The Early Reception History of Genesis 2:17 by Chris W. Lee
- Being Human in God's World: An Old Testament Theology of Humanity by J. Gordon McConville
- The Creation of Man and Woman: Interpretations of the Biblical Narratives in Jewish and Christian Traditions, edited by Gerard P. Luttikhuizen
- The Man Who Organized Nature: The Life of Linnaeus by Gunnar Broberg
- The Genesis of Gender: A Christian Theory by Abigail Favale
- The Complementarity of Women and Men: Philosophy, Theology, Psychology, and Art, edited by Paul C. Vitz
- Smell and the Past: Noses, Archives, Narratives by William Tullett
- Marriage and Virginity (The Works of St. Augustine I/9) by St. Augustine of Hippo and translated by Ray Kearney
- The Bishop's Burden: Reforming the Catholic Church in Early Modern Italy by Celeste McNamara
- Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches (5th ed.) by John W. Creswell and J. David Creswell
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 14: Divine Government (1a.103-109) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by T. C. O'Brien
- Evolution and the Fall, edited by William T. Cavanaugh and James K.A. Smith
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 15: The World Order (1a.110-119) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by M. J. Charlesworth
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 16: Purpose and Happiness (1a2ae.1-5) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Thomas Gilby
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 17: Psychology of Human Acts (1a2ae.6-17) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Thomas Gilby
- Creation and Fall: A Theological Exposition of Genesis 1-3 by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 18: Principles of Morality (1a2ae.18-21) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Thomas Gilby
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 19: The Emotions (1a2ae.22-30) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Eric d'Arcy
- The Tree of Life, edited by Douglas Estes
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 20: Pleasure (1a2ae.31-39) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Eric d'Arcy
- Answer to the Pelagians I (The Works of St. Augustine I/23) by St. Augustine of Hippo and translated by Roland J. Teske
- A Theocentric Interpretation of הדעת טוב ורע: The Knowledge of Good and Evil as the Knowledge for Administering Reward and Punishment by Nathan S. French
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 21: Fear and Anger (1a2ae.40-48) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by John Patrick Reid
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 22: Dispositions for Human Acts (1a2ae.49-54) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Anthony Kenny
- Short of Glory: A Biblical and Theological Exploration of the Fall by Mitchell L. Chase
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 23: Virtue (1a2ae.55-67) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by W. D. Hughes
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 24: The Gifts of the Spirit (1a2ae.68-70) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Edward D. O'Connor
- Eve's Children: The Biblical Stories Retold and Interpreted in Jewish and Christian Traditions, edited by Gerard P. Luttikhuizen
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 25: Sin (1a2ae.71-80) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by John Fearon
- The Neanderthals Rediscovered: How Modern Science is Rewriting Their Story by Dimitra Papagianni and Michael A. Morse
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 26: Original Sin (1a2ae.81-85) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by T. C. O'Brien
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 27: Effects of Sin, Stain, and Guilt (1a2ae.86-89) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by T. C. O'Brien
- The Origin of Humanity and Evolution: Science and Scripture in Conversation by Andrew Ter Ern Loke
- It Is Right and Just: Why the Future of Civilization Depends on True Religion by Scott Hahn and Brandon McGinley
- Perelandra: A Novel by C. S. Lewis
- When Did Eve Sin? The Fall and Biblical Historiography by Jeffrey J. Niehaus
- The Church as Paradise and the Way Therein: Early Christian Appropriation of Genesis 3:22-24 by Christopher A. Graham
- From the Garden to the City: The Redeeming and Corrupting Power of Technology by John Dyer
- When Did Sin Begin? Human Evolution and the Doctrine of Original Sin by Loren D. Haarsma
- Summa Theologiae, vol. 28: Law and Political Theory (1a2ae.90-97) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Thomas Gilby
- Aquinas, Original Sin, and the Challenge of Evolution by Daniel W. Houck
- The Pope: His Mission and His Task by Gerhard Ludwig Müller
- The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia: Early Periods, vol. 1: Presargonic Period (2700-2350 BC), edited by Douglas R. Frayne
- Bound for Beatitude: A Thomistic Study in Eschatology and Ethics by Reinhard Hütter
- That I May Dwell Among Them: Incarnation and Atonement in the Tabernacle Narrative by Gary A. Anderson
- Heroes of the City of Man: A Christian Guide to Select Ancient Literature by Peter J. Leithart
- Cain and Abel in Text and Tradition: Jewish and Christian Interpretations of the First Sibling Rivalry by John Byron
- The Literature of Ancient Sumer, edited by Jeremy A. Black, Graham Cunningham, Eleanor Robson, and Gabor Zolyomi
- The Beast That Crouches at the Door: Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, and Beyond by David Fohrman
- New Treasures of Sumerian Literature: 'When the Moon Falls from the Sky,' and Other Works by Mark E. Cohen
- Luther's Works, vol. 1: Lectures on Genesis 1-5 by Martin Luther and translated by George V. Schick [re-read: see #473]
- Looking for Information: Examining Research on How People Engage with Information (5th ed.) by Lisa M. Given, Donald O. Case, and Rebekah Willson
- Toward a Poetics of Genesis 1-11: Reading Genesis 4:17-22 in Its Ancient Near Eastern Context by Daniel D. Lowery
- Philo II: On the Cherubim; The Sacrifices of Abel and Cain; The Worse Attacks the Better; The Posterity and Exile of Cain; On the Giants (Loeb Classical Library 227) by Philo of Alexandria and translated by F. H. Colson and G. H. Whitaker
- Homo Sapiens Rediscovered: The Scientific Revolution Rewriting Our Origins by Paul Petitt
- They Flew: A History of the Impossible by Carlos M.N. Eire
- Enoch from Antiquity to the Middle Ages: Sources from Judaism, Christianity, and Islam by John C. Reeves and Annette Yoshiko Reed
- Blood in the Machine: The Origins of the Rebellion Against Big Tech by Brian Merchant
- God, Technology, and the Christian Life by Tony Reinke
- Modern Technology and the Human Future: A Christian Appraisal by Craig M. Gay
- The Gift of Infallibility by Vincent Ferrer Gasser and translated with commentary by James T. O'Connor
- Parables of Enoch: A Paradigm Shift, edited by Darrell L. Bock and James H. Charlesworth
- The Sons of God in Genesis 6:1-4: Analysis and History of Exegesis by Jaap Doedens
- Theistic Evolution: A Contemporary Aristotelian-Thomistic Perspective by Mariusz Tabaczek
- Primeval History: Babylonian, Biblical, and Enochic: An Intertextual Reading by Helge S. Kvanvig
- Twenty-Six Seconds: A Personal History of the Zapruder Film by Alexandra Zapruder
- Dying and the Virtues by Matthew Levering
- The Art of Dying: A New Annotated Translation, translated by Columba Thomas
- How Old Was Father Abraham? The Genesis Lifespans in Light of Archaeology by Craig Olson
- Enoch and the Synoptic Gospels: Reminiscences, Allusions, Intertextuality, edited by Loren T. Stuckenbruck and Gabriele Boccaccini
- The Watchers in Jewish and Christian Traditions, edited by Angela Kim Harkins, Kelley Coblentz Bautch, and John C. Endres
- Reversing Hermon: Enoch, the Watchers, and the Forgotten Mission of Jesus Christ by Michael S. Heiser
- 1 Enoch: The Hermeneia Translation, translated by George W.E. Nickelsburg and James C. VanderKam
- Ancient Tales of Giants from Qumran and Turfan: Contexts, Traditions, and Influences, edited by Matthew Goff, Loren T. Stuckenbruck, and Enrico Morano
- The Last of the Rephaim: Conquest and Cataclysm in the Heroic Ages of Ancient Israel by Brian R. Doak
- The Myth of Rebellious Angels: Studies in Second Temple Judaism and New Testament Texts by Loren T. Stuckenbruck
- The Lost World of the Flood: Mythology, Theology, and the Deluge Debate by Tremper Longman III and John H. Walton
- Moving Image and Sound Collections for Archivists by Anthony Cocciolo
- The Primeval Flood Catastrophe: Origins and Early Development in Mesopotamian Traditions by Yi Samuel Chen
- Was Noah Good? Finding Favour in the Flood Narrative by Carol M. Kaminski
- The Flood: The Akkadian Sources: A New Edition, Commentary, and a Literary Discussion by Nathan Wasserman
- Ea's Duplicity in the Gilgamesh Flood Story by Martin Worthington
- The Ark Before Noah: Decoding the Story of the Flood by Irving Finkel
- Medieval Pets by Kathleen Walker-Meikle
- Treatises on Noah and David by St. Ambrose of Milan and translated by Brian P. Dunkle
- Ancestors in Our Genome: The New Science of Human Evolution by Eugene E. Harris
- The Value of Human Life: A Study of the Story of the Flood (Genesis 6-9) by Peter J. Harland
- The City of Babylon: A History, c.2000 BC - AD 116 by Stephanie Dalley
- The Hunting Apes: Meat Eating and the Origins of Human Behavior by Craig B. Stanford
- Ancient Wine: The Search for the Origins of Viniculture by Patrick E. McGovern
- A Natural History of Wine by Ian Tattersall and Rob DeSalle
- The Poisoned Chalice: Eucharistic Grape Juice and Common-Sense Realism in Victorian Methodism by Jennifer L. Woodruff Tait
- Noah's Curse: The Biblical Justification of American Slavery by Stephen R. Haynes
- Addiction and Virtue: Beyond the Models of Disease and Choice by Kent J. Dunnington
- Philo III: On the Unchangeableness of God, On Husbandry, Concerning Noah's Work as a Planter, On Drunkenness, On the Prayers and Curses Uttered by Noah When He Became Sober (Loeb Classical Library 247) by Philo of Alexandria and translated by F. H. Colson and G. H. Whitaker
- Origins: The Ancient Impact and Modern Significance of Genesis 1-11 by Paul Copan and Douglas Jacoby
- Black and Slave: The Origins and History of the Curse of Ham by David M. Goldenberg
- Ancient Archives and Archival Traditions: Concepts of Record-Keeping in the Ancient World, edited by Maria Brosius
- Babel's Tower Translated: Genesis 11 and Ancient Jewish Interpretation by Phillip Michael Sherman
- Reading Genesis Politically: An Introduction to Mosaic Political Philosophy by Martin Sicker
- From Creation to Babel: Studies in Genesis 1-11 by John Day
- Genesis 1-11 (Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture), edited by Andrew Louth
- The Dawn of Agriculture and the Earliest States in Genesis 1-11 by Natan Levy
- Arranging and Describing Archives and Manuscripts by Dennis Meissner
- Babel: Political Rhetoric of a Confused Legacy by Samuel L. Boyd
- From Creation to Abraham: Further Studies in Genesis 1-11 by John Day
- Jacob of Sarug's Homily on the Tower of Babel by Jacob of Serugh and translated by Aaron Michael Butts
- Jacob of Sarug's Homily on the Holy Sunday of the Pentecost by Jacob of Serugh and translated by Thomas Kollamparampil
- Genesis 1-11: Bud of Theology, Grandmother of the Sciences, Seedbed of the Holy Books by Anwarul Azad and Ida Glaser
- The Amorites and the Bronze Age Near East: The Making of a Regional Identity by Aaron A. Burke
- Ur: The City of the Moon God by Harriet Crawford
- From Noah to Israel: Realization of the Primaeval Blessing After the Flood by Carol M. Kaminski
- The Significance of Linguistic Diversity in the Hebrew Bible: Language and Boundaries of Self and Other by Cian J. Power
- The Amorites: A Poltiical History of Mesopotamia in the Early Second Millennium BCE by Nathan Wasserman and Yigal Bloch
[Last Updated - 6 January 2025]