JB's Books Read, 2007 to the Present

I've decided to place here a comprehensive list of all of the books I've completed reading since the start of 2007:
  1. Social World of Ancient Israel: 1250-587 B.C.E. by Victor H. Matthews and Don C. Benjamin
  2. Jesus and the Eyewitnesses: The Gospels as Eyewitness Testimony by Richard Bauckham
  3. The Kalām Cosmological Argument by William Lane Craig
  4. Four Views on Hell, edited by William Crockett
  5. Dark Night of the Soul by St. John of the Cross and translated by E. Allison Peers
  6. Muhammad: A Biography of the Prophet by Karen Armstrong
  7. Hegel's Philosophy of Reality, Freedom, and God by Robert M. Wallace
  8. Approaching the Qur'an: The Early Revelations by Michael Sells
  9. After the Death of God, edited by Jeffrey W. Robbins
  10. Islam: The Straight Path by John L. Esposito
  11. Mystical Dimensions of Islam by Annemarie Schimmel
  12. The Essential Plotinus, edited and translated Elmer O'Brien
  13. God Is Near Us: The Eucharist, the Heart of Life by Pope Benedict XVI (as Joseph Ratzinger)
  14. Becoming Gods: A Closer Look at 21st-Century Mormonism by Richard Abanes
  15. Theism, Atheism, and Big Bang Cosmology by William Lane Craig and Quentin Smith
  16. Old Testament Parallels: Laws and Stories from the Ancient Near East by Victor H. Matthews and Don C. Benjamin
  17. The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity by Philip Jenkins
  18. Biblical Exegesis in the Apostolic Period by Richard N. Longenecker
  19. Blog: Understanding the Information
  20.  Revolution That's Changing Your World by Hugh Hewitt
  21. The Christians as the Romans Saw Them by Robert Louis Wilken
  22. End Times Fiction: A Biblical Consideration of the Left Behind Theology by Gary DeMar
  23. Shades of Sheol: Death and Afterlife in the Old Testament by Philip Johnston
  24. Social-Science Commentary on the Letters of Paul by Bruce J. Malina and John J. Pilch
  25. Reconceptualising Conversion: Patronage, Loyalty, and Conversion in the Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean by Zeba A. Crook
  26. Time and Eternity: Exploring God's Relationship to Time by William Lane Craig
  27. Why I Rejected Christianity: A Former Apologist Explains by John W. Loftus
  28. The Only Wise God: The Compatibility of Divine Foreknowledge and Human Freedom by William Lane Craig
  29. Knocking on Heaven's Door: A New Testament Theology of Petitionary Prayer by David Crump
  30. Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament, with Supplement, edited by James B. Pritchard
  31. Body, Soul, and Life Everlasting: Biblical Anthropology and the Monism-Dualism Debate by John W. Cooper
  32. The Impossible Faith: Why Christianity Succeeded When It Should Have Failed by James Patrick Holding
  33. The Tenseless Theory of Time: A Critical Examination by William Lane Craig
  34. Mysticism: An Evangelical Option? by Winfried Corduan
  35. Paul on Trial: The Book of Acts as a Defense of Christianity by Paul Mauck
  36. God and Time: Four Views, edited by Greg Ganssle
  37. The Ancient Mysteries: A Sourcebook of Sacred Texts, edited by Marvin W. Meyer
  38. In Defense of Natural Theology: A Post-Humean Assessment, edited by James F. Sennett and Douglas Groothuis
  39. Seek the Welfare of the City: Christians as Benefactors and Citizens by Bruce W. Winter
  40. Crucifixion in the Ancient World and the Folly of the Message of the Cross by Martin Hengel
  41. The Resurrection of the Son of God by N. T. Wright
  42. The Cosmological Argument from Plato to Leibniz by William Lane Craig
  43. Plowshares and Pruning Hooks: Rethinking the Language of Biblical Prophecy and Apocalyptic by D. Brent Sandy
  44. The Gospels for All Christians: Rethinking the Gospel Audiences, edited by Richard Bauckham
  45. Toward Old Testament Ethics by Walter C. Kaiser, Jr.
  46. God and Design: The Teleological Argument and Modern Science, edited by Neil A. Manson
  47. Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament: Introducing the Conceptual World of the Hebrew Bible by John H. Walton
  48. The Existence of God by Richard Swinburne
  49. Households and Holiness: The Religious Culture of Israelite Women by Carol L. Meyers
  50. Jesus the Sage: The Pilgrimage of Wisdom by Ben Witherington III
  51. The Kalam Cosmological Argument for God by Mark R. Nowacki
  52. Slaves, Women, and Homosexuals: Exploring the Hermeneutics of Cultural Analysis by William Webb
  53. Stories from Ancient Canaan, edited by Michael Coogan
  54. Agents Under Fire: Materialism and the Rationality of Science by Angus Menuge
  55. The Art of War by Sun-Tzu
  56. Jesus the Seer: The Progress of Prophecy by Ben Witherington III
  57. Walking from East to West: God in the Shadows by Ravi Zacharias
  58. For All God's Worth: True Worship and the Calling of the Church by N. T. Wright
  59. The Greco-Roman World of the New Testament Era: Exploring the Background of Early Christianity by James S. Jeffers
  60. Free Will, edited by Gary Watson
  61. Biblical Preaching: The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages by Haddon W. Robinson
  62. Our Father Abraham: Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith by Marvin Wilson
  63. The Resurrection of God Incarnate by Richard Swinburne
  64. God? A Debate Between a Christian and an Atheist by William Lane Craig and Walter Sinnott-Armstrong
  65. Render to God: New Testament Understandings of the Divine by Jerome H. Neyrey
  66. Jesus Under Fire: Modern Scholarship Reinvents the Historical Jesus, edited by Michael J. Wilkins and James Porter Moreland
  67. The Nature of Necessity by Alvin Plantinga
  68. Customs and Etiquette of China by Caroline Mason and Geoffrey Murray
  69. The New Testament and the People of God by N. T. Wright
  70. The Atheist Debater's Handbook by B. C. Johnson
  71. Following Jesus: Biblical Reflections on Discipleship by N. T. Wright
  72. The Christology of Early Jewish Christianity by Richard N. Longenecker
  73. James: Wisdom of James, Disciple of Jesus the Sage by Richard Bauckham
  74. Divine Providence: The Molinist Account by Thomas P. Flint
  75. The Empty Tomb: Jesus Beyond the Grave, edited by Robert M. Price and Jeffrey Jay Lowder
  76. This Joyful Eastertide: A Critical Review of The Empty Tomb by Steve Hays
  77. The New Testament World: Insights from Cultural Anthropology by Bruce J. Malina
  78. The Three Christs of Ypsilanti: A Narrative Study of Three Lost Men by Milton Rokeach
  79. Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense by N. T. Wright
  80. The Logic of God Incarnate by Thomas V. Morris
  81. The Atonement: The Origins of the Doctrine in the New Testament by Martin Hengel
  82. The Testimony of the Beloved Disciple: Narrative, History, and Theology in the Gospel of John by Richard Bauckham
  83. Critiques of God: Making the Case Against Belief in God, edited by Peter Angeles
  84. The Bacchae by Euripides
  85. Jesus and the Victory of God by N. T. Wright
  86. Modern Cosmology and Philosophy, edited by John Leslie
  87. Battles of the Bible: A Military History of Ancient Israel by Chaim Herzog and Mordechai Gichon
  88. Time and Temporality in the Ancient World, edited by Ralph M. Rosen
  89. The Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries: Cosmology and Salvation in the Ancient World by David Ulansey
  90. The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold by 'Acharya S' (Dorothy M. Murdock)
  91. Who Was Jesus? by N. T. Wright
  92. A Future for Presentism by Craig Bourne
  93. Firmicus Maternus: The Error of the Pagan Religions by Julius Firmicus Maternus and translated by Clarence A. Forbes
  94. Jesus and the Restoration of Israel: A Critical Assessment of N. T. Wright's Jesus and the Victory of God, edited by Carey Newman
  95. Pauline Christology: An Exegetical-Theological Study by Gordon D. Fee
  96. God and Other Minds: A Study of the Rational Justification of Belief in God by Alvin Plantinga
  97. Making a Meal of It: Rethinking the Theology of the Lord's Supper by Ben Witherington III
  98. The Last Word: Scripture and the Authority of God--Getting Beyond the Bible Wars by N. T. Wright
  99. Ecclesiastical History by Eusebius of Caesarea and translated by Paul L. Maier
  100. Divinity and Humanity: The Incarnation Reconsidered by Oliver D. Crisp
  101. The Challenge of Jesus: Rediscovering Who Jesus Was and Is by N. T. Wright
  102. The Desert Fathers: Sayings of the Early Christian Monks, edited by Benedicta Ward
  103. The Miracle of Theism: Arguments For and Against Belief in God by J. L. Mackie
  104. Questioning Q: A Multidimensional Critique, edited by Mark Goodacre and Nicholas Perrin
  105. Paul: In Fresh Perspective by N. T. Wright
  106. Dionysos Slain by Marcel Detienne
  107. Cybele and Attis: The Myth and the Cult by Maarten J. Vermaseren
  108. Sons of God: Krishna, Buddha, and Christ by 'Acharya S' (Dorothy M. Murdock)
  109. Saturnalia by Macrobius
  110. The Word That Redescribes the World: The Bible and Discipleship by Walter Brueggemann
  111. The Climax of the Covenant: Christ and the Law in Pauline Theology by N. T. Wright
  112. Resurrection, Immortality, and Eternal Life in Intertestamental Judaism and Early Christianity by George F. Nickelsburg
  113. The Case Against Christianity by Michael Martin
  114. John's Wisdom: A Commentary on the Fourth Gospel by Ben Witherington III
  115. Religious Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know--And Doesn't by Stephen Prothero
  116. The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English, translated by Geza Vermes
  117. The Buddhist Tradition in India, China, and Japan, edited by William Theodore de Bary
  118. Paul for Everyone: Romans, Part One by N. T. Wright
  119. Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
  120. Paul for Everyone: Romans, Part Two by N. T. Wright
  121. Paul and First-Century Letter Writing: Secretaries, Composition and Collection by E. Randolph Richards
  122. Why You Should Believe in the Trinity: An Answer to Jehovah's Witnesses by Robert M. Bowman, Jr.
  123. A Rereading of Romans: Justice, Jews, and Gentiles by Stanley K. Stowers
  124. God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything by Christopher Hitchens
  125. The Story of Romans: A Narrative Defense of God's Righteousness by A. Katherine Grieb
  126. The Orthodox Church by Timothy Ware
  127. Jesus Christ and Mythology by Rudolf Bultmann
  128. Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith by Rob Bell
  129. Evangelicalism in America by Bruce Shelley
  130. Shattering the Christ Myth: Did Jesus Not Exist?, edited by James Patrick Holding
  131. Conflict and Identity in Romans by Philip F. Esler
  132. Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church by N. T. Wright
  133. Romans in Full Circle: A History of Interpretation by Mark Reasoner
  134. An Anthology of Atheism and Rationalism, edited by Gordon Stein
  135. Jehovah's Witnesses, Jesus Christ, and the Gospel of John by Robert M. Bowman, Jr.
  136. The Variety of American Evangelicalism, edited by Donald Dayton
  137. The Central Message of the New Testament by Joachim Jeremias
  138. We Left Jehovah's Witnesses: Personal Testimonies, edited by Edmond C. Gruss
  139. The Da Vinci Cod: A Fishy Parody by 'Don Brine' (Adam Roberts)
  140. Give God the Glory: Ancient Prayer and Worship in Cultural Perspective by Jerome H. Neyrey
  141. Heresies Exposed by William C. Irvine
  142. Christus Victor: An Historical Study of the Three Main Types of the Idea of Atonement by Gustaf Aulen
  143. Paul's Letter to the Romans: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary by Ben Witherington III
  144. The Sophist by Plato and translated by Eva Braun
  145. God, the Multiverse, and Everything: Modern Cosmology and the Argument from Design by Rodney D. Holder
  146. Gilgamesh: A New English Version by Stephen Mitchell
  147. The "Word" - Who is He? According to John by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
  148. Rethinking Religion: A Concise Introduction by William Deming
  149. The Library of History (Vol. 1) by Diodorus Siculus
  150. The Library of History (Vol. 2) by Diodorus Siculus
  151. The Role of Theology and Bias in Bible Translation, with a Special Look at the New World Translation of Jehovah's Witnesses by Rolf Furuli
  152. The Mahabharata: A Shortened Modern Prose Version of the Indian Epic by R. K. Narayan
  153. The Library of History (Vol. 3) by Diodorus Siculus
  154. Universes by John Leslie
  155. The Harp of God: Proof Conclusive That Millions Now Living Will Never Die by Joseph F. Rutherford
  156. Cosmic Jackpot: Why Our Universe is Just Right for Life by Paul Davies
  157. The Life of Pi: A Novel by Yann Martel
  158. Ancient Indian Cosmogony by F. B. J. Kuiper
  159. The Divine Plan of the Ages by Charles T. Russell
  160. Out of the Cults and Into the Church: Understanding and Encouraging Ex-Cultists by Janis Hutchinson
  161. Naming and Necessity by Saul A. Kripke
  162. Timaeus and Critias by Plato and translated by Benjamin Jowett
  163. Crises of the Republic by Hannah Arendt
  164. An Introduction to Hinduism by Gavin Flood
  165. Five Dialogues by Plato and translated by G. M. A. Grube
  166. Darsan: Seeing the Divine Image in India by Diana Eck
  167. On the Genealogy of Morality by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
  168. Journey Through the Twelve Forests: An Encounter with Krishna by David Haberman
  169. The Real Jesus: The Misguided Quest for the Historical Jesus and the Truth of the Traditional Gospels by Luke Timothy Johnson
  170. True to Life: Why Truth Matters by Michael P. Lynch
  171. Theories of Religion: A Reader, edited by Seth Daniel Kunin
  172. Christology of the Later Fathers, edited by Edward Hardy
  173. The Evidence for Jesus by R. T. France
  174. Storytellers, Saints, and Scoundrels: Folk Narrative in Hindu Religious Teaching by Kirin Narayan
  175. Paul Among Jews and Gentiles, and Other Essays by Krister Stendahl
  176. Quarks, Leptons, and the Big Bang by Jonathan Allday
  177. The Concept of God: An Exploration of Contemporary Difficulties with the Attributes of God by Ronald H. Nash
  178. Worldwide Security Under the "Prince of Peace" by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
  179. The Time is at Hand by Charles T. Russell
  180. Reclaiming the Old Testament for the Christian Pulpit by Donald Gowan
  181. America's Alternative Religions, edited by Timothy Miller
  182. What are the Gospels? A Comparison with Graeco-Roman Biography by Richard Burridge
  183. Jehovah's Witnesses: Proclaimers of God's Kingdom by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
  184. Jesus and the God of Israel: God Crucified and Other Essays on the New Testament's Christology of Divine Identity by Richard Bauckham
  185. Anthology of Classical Myth: Primary Sources in Translation, edited and translated by Stephen Trzaskoma, R. Scott Smith, and Stephen Brunet
  186. From the Maccabees to the Mishnah by Shaye J. D. Cohen
  187. The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins
  188. Notes on the Early Stalcop Family in Delaware by Harry G. Staulcup [Master's Thesis]
  189. Articles of Faith by James E. Talmage
  190. Philosophy in Christian Antiquity by Christopher Stead
  191. How Things Might Have Been: Individuals, Kinds, and Essential Properties by Penelope Mackie
  192. Escape the Coming Night by David Jeremiah
  193. The Rapture Exposed: The Message of Hope in the Book of Revelation by Barbara Rossing
  194. A Historico-Critical Study of the Iglesia ni Kristo by Manuel P. Alonzo
  195. Augsburg and Constantinople: The Correspondence Between the Tübingen Theologians and Patriarch Jeremiah II of Constantinople on the Augsburg Confession, edited by George Mastrantonis
  196. The Mystagogy of the Holy Spirit by Photius of Constantinople and translated by Joseph P. Farrell
  197. Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophecy! by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
  198. The Book of Names: A Novel by Jill Gregory and Karen Tintori
  199. The Trinity by Augustine of Hippo and translated by Stephen McKenna
  200. Persia and the Bible by Edwin Yamauchi
  201. Is This Life All There Is? by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
  202. Spirit of God, Spirit of Christ: Ecumenical Reflections on the Filioque Controversy, edited by Lukas Vischer
  203. The Eternal Relation Between the Son and the Spirit in Eastern and Western Trinitarian Theology by Mary Ann Fatula [Doctoral dissertation]
  204. Wir Wollen Deutsche Bleiben: The Story of the Volga Germans by George J. Walters
  205. The Taking by Dean Koontz
  206. True Peace and Security: How Can You Find It? by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
  207. Popular Christianity in India: Riting Between the Lines, edited by Selva Raj and Corinne Dempsey
  208. Revelation: Four Views: A Parallel Commentary by Steve Gregg
  209. Christians of India by Rowena Robinson
  210. The Iglesia ni Kristo: Its Christology and Ecclesiology by Fernando G. Elesterio
  211. Survival into a New Earth by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
  212. Crisis in Byzantium: The Filioque Controversy in the Patriarchate of Gregory II of Cyprus (1283-1289) by Aristeides Papadakis
  213. An Introduction to Indian Christian Theology by Robin Boyd
  214. The Age of the Antichrist by Jonathan R. Cash
  215. Building Christianity on Indian Foundations: The Legacy of Brahmabandhav Upadhyay by Timothy C. Tennent
  216. The Philosophy of Law, edited by Ronald M. Dworkin
  217. Isaiah's Prophecy: Light for All Mankind (Vol. 1) by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
  218. Anti-Christian Polemic in Early Islam: Abu Isa al-Warraq's 'Against the Trinity', translated by David Thomas
  219. Before the Muses: An Anthology of Akkadian Literature, edited by Benjamin R. Foster
  220. Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert
  221. The Three Persons in One God by Gerard S. Sloyan
  222. The New Faces of Christianity: Believing the Bible in the Global South by Philip Jenkins
  223. Philosophy and the Christian Faith by Colin Brown
  224. Isaiah's Prophecy: Light for All Mankind (Vol. 2) by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
  225. An Apology for Apologetics: A Study in the Logic of Interreligious Dialogue by Paul J. Griffiths
  226. Encountering New Religious Movements: A Holistic Evangelical Approach, edited by Irving Hexham, Stephen Rost, and John W. Morehead II
  227. Jacob Albright: The Evangelical Pioneer by Robert Sherer Wilson
  228. In the Shadow of the Temple: Jewish Influences on Early Christianity by Oskar Skarsaune
  229. The Late Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsey
  230. In the Language of Kings: An Anthology of Mesoamerican Literature, edited by Miguel Leon-Portilla and Earl Shorris
  231. The Essence of Religion by Ludwig Feuerbach
  232. American Islam: Growing Up Muslim in America by Richard Wormser
  233. Christianity in Crisis by Hank Hanegraaff
  234. Re-entry: Striking Parallels Between Today's News Events and Christ's Second Coming by John Wesley White
  235. On the Free Choice of the Will by Augustine of Hippo and translated by Thomas Williams
  236. Perspectives on an Evolving Creation, edited by Keith Miller
  237. Armageddon, Oil, and the Middle East Crisis by John F. Walvoord
  238. An Inconvenient Book: Real Solutions to the World's Biggest Problems by Glenn Beck
  239. Old Testament Exegesis: A Primer for Students and Pastors by Douglas K. Stuart
  240. Approaching Hoofbeats: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse by Billy Graham
  241. The Missing Gospels: Unearthing the Truth Behind Alternative Christianities by Darrell L. Bock
  242. Old Testament Pseudepigrapha (Vol. 1), edited by James H. Charlesworth
  243. Exploring the Worship Spectrum: Six Views, edited by Paul Basden
  244. On the Reliability of the Old Testament by Kenneth A. Kitchen
  245. Belief by Gianni Vattimo
  246. Father, Son, and Spirit: The Trinity and John's Gospel by Andreas J. Köstenberger and Scott Swain
  247. Israel's 48 Signs of Christ's Return by Gordon Lindsay
  248. Understanding the Last Days: The Keys to Unlocking Bible Prophecy by Timothy LaHaye
  249. Evangelical Reunion: Denominations and the Body of Christ by John M. Frame
  250. A Common Calling: The Witness of Our Reformation Churches in North America Today, edited by Keith F. Nickle
  251. Are Miraculous Gifts for Today? Four Views, edited by Wayne Grudem
  252. The Spirit of Early Christian Thought: Seeking the Face of God by Robert Louis Wilken
  253. The Church in Prophecy by John F. Walvoord
  254. The Rapture Question by John F. Walvoord
  255. Mormon Doctrine by Bruce R. McConkie
  256. The Cambridge Companion to Christian Doctrine, edited by Colin Gunton
  257. The Evangelical Essential: What Must I Do to Be Saved? by Philip Janowsky
  258. Reasoning from the Scriptures by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
  259. Evangelical from the Beginning: The Story of the Evangelical Congregational Church by Terry M. Heisey, et al.
  260. Christian Education: Its History and Philosophy by Kenneth O. Gangel and Warren Benson
  261. The Arrogance of Nations: Reading Romans in the Shadow of Empire by Neil Elliott
  262. Principalities and Powers: Reflections in the Asian Context by Asian Theological Seminary
  263. Live with Jehovah's Day in Mind by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
  264. Old Testament Pseudepigrapha (Vol. 2), edited by James H. Charlesworth
  265. Doing Theology in the Philippines by Asian Theological Seminary
  266. The Moon is Not the Son by James Bjornstad
  267. Naming the Unknown God by Asian Theological Seminary
  268. The New Atheist Crusaders and Their Unholy Grail: The Misguided Quest to Destroy Your Faith by Becky Garrison
  269. On Divine Foreknowledge by Luis de Molina and translated with introduction by Alfred J. Freddoso
  270. The Victory of Reason: How Christianity Led to Freedom, Capitalism, and Western Success by Rodney Stark
  271. The One Mediator, the Saints, and Mary, edited by H. George Anderson, J. Francis Stafford, and Joseph A. Burgess
  272. Jewish Christianity Reconsidered: Rethinking Ancient Groups and Texts, edited by Matt Jackson-McCabe
  273. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius and translated by A. S. L. Farquharson
  274. Four Views on Salvation in a Pluralistic World, edited by Dennis L. Okholm and Timothy R. Phillips
  275. Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
  276. Bearing Thorough Witness About God's Kingdom by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
  277. Divine Grace and Human Agency: A Study of the Semi-Pelagian Controversy by Rebecca Harden Weaver
  278. The Trinity: The Classic Study of Biblical Trinitarianism by Edward Henry Bickersteth
  279. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ by Gerald O'Collins
  280. Paul, in Other Words: A Cultural Reading of His Letters by Jerome H. Neyrey
  281. Philosophy and the Christian Faith, edited by Thomas V. Morris
  282. Mankind's Search for God by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
  283. The Lost History of Christianity: The Thousand-Year Golden Age of the Church in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia--And How It Died by Philip Jenkins
  284. Christian Philosophy, edited by Thomas P. Flint
  285. Why I Became an Atheist: A Former Preacher Rejects Christianity by John W. Loftus
  286. Pedophiles and Priests: Anatomy of a Contemporary Crisis by Philip Jenkins
  287. The Rise of Western Christendom: Triumph and Diversity, AD 200-1000 by Peter Brown
  288. The Qur'an: Text, Translation, and Commentary, translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali
  289. Galileo Goes to Jail, and Other Myths About Science and Religion, edited by Ronald L. Numbers
  290. Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality by Donald Miller
  291. Ephrem the Syrian: Hymns, translated by Kathleen E. McVey
  292. Revelation--Its Grand Climax at Hand! by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
  293. The Evolution of the Soul by Richard Swinburne
  294. Thirty Years a Watch Tower Slave: The Confessions of a Converted Jehovah's Witness by William J. Schnell
  295. Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
  296. Unpacking Forgiveness: Biblical Answers to Complex Questions and Deep Wounds by Chris Brauns
  297. The Greek Orthodox Church: Faith, History, and Practice by Demetrios Constantelos
  298. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church by Aymro Wondmagegnehu
  299. The Complete Greek Tragedies: Sophocles I, edited by David Grene and Richard Lattimore
  300. Five Great Greek Tragedies by Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides
  301. The Complete Greek Tragedies: Euripides I, edited by David Grene and Richard Lattimore
  302. The Essential Writings of Christian Mysticism, edited by Bernard McGinn
  303. The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin
  304. The Palaces of Crete by James Walter Graham
  305. New Evidences of Christ in Ancient America by Blaine M. Yorgason, Bruce W. Warren, and Harold Brown
  306. The Complete C. S. Lewis Signature Classics by C. S. Lewis
  307. Borges: Collected Fictions by Jorge Luis Borges and translated by Andrew Hurley
  308. The Aegean Bronze Age by Oliver Dickinson
  309. The Histories by Herodotus of Halicarnassus and translated by Aubrey de Selincourt
  310. The Presocratic Philosophers: A Critical History with a Selection of Texts, edited by G. S. Kirk, J. E. Raven, and M. Schofield
  311. Jesus the Christ: A Study of the Messiah and His Mission by James E. Talmage
  312. The Peloponnesian War by Thucydides and translated by Stephen Lattimore
  313. The Complete Greek Tragedies: Euripides III, edited by David Grene and Richard Lattimore
  314. The Complete Greek Tragedies: Euripides IV, edited by David Grene and Richard Lattimore
  315. A Marvelous Work and a Wonder by LeGrand Richards
  316. Heracles and Other Plays by Euripides
  317. Exploring the Greek Mosaic: A Guide to Intercultural Communication in Greece by Benjamin J. Broome
  318. Five Classics by Truman G. Madsen by Truman G. Madsen
  319. Modern Greece: A Short History by C. M. Woodhouse
  320. Lectures on Faith by Joseph Smith, Jr.
  321. Standing for Something: 10 Neglected Virtues That Will Heal Our Hearts and Homes by Gordon B. Hinckley
  322. Truth Restored / Gospel Principles by Gordon B. Hinckley and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  323. Ancient Greece: A Political, Social, and Cultural History by Sarah B. Pomeroy, et al.
  324. Four Plays by Aristophanes, translated by William Arrowsmith, et al.
  325. Greek Warfare: Myths and Realities by Hans van Wees
  326. The Byzantine Empire, 1025-1204: A Political History by Michael Angold
  327. What is Orthodoxy? by Peter A. Botsis
  328. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  329. The Oxford History of Byzantium, edited by Cyril Mango
  330. On Sparta by Plutarch and translated by Richard J. A. Talbert
  331. Jesus Through the Centuries: His Place in the History of Culture by Jaroslav Pelikan
  332. The Theology of Rudolf Bultmann, edited by Charles W. Kegley
  333. The Gospel of John in the Sixteenth Century: The Johannine Exegesis of Wolfgang Musculus by Craig S. Farmer
  334. The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation, Including the Demotic Spells: Texts, edited by Hans Dieter Betz
  335. The Person of Christ: A Biblical and Historical Analysis by David F. Wells
  336. Revival Lectures by Charles Grandison Finney
  337. Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview by James Porter Moreland and William Lane Craig
  338. War: Four Christian Views, edited by Robert G. Clouse
  339. The First Urban Christians: The Social World of the Apostle Paul by Wayne A. Meeks
  340. Imperial Lives and Letters of the Eleventh Century, translated by Theodor E. Mommsen and Karl F. Morrison
  341. Utilitarianism by John Stuart Mill
  342. In Defense of the Soul: What It Means to Be Human by Ric Machuga
  343. Steps to Christ by Ellen G. White
  344. The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, vol. 1: The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition (100-600) by Jaroslav Pelikan
  345. God's Battalions: The Case for the Crusades by Rodney Stark
  346. The Ideology of Religious Studies by Timothy Fitzgerald
  347. At the Origins of Christian Worship: The Context and Character of Earliest Christian Devotion by Larry W. Hurtado
  348. A Christian Appeal to Reason by Bernard L. Ramm
  349. The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, vol. 2: The Spirit of Eastern Christendom (600-1700) by Jaroslav Pelikan
  350. An American Prophet's Record: The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith, edited by Scott H. Faulring
  351. The Promise of Lutheran Ethics, edited by Karen L. Bloomquist and John R. Stumme
  352. Who Killed Jesus?: Exposing the Roots of Anti-Semitism in the Gospel Story of the Death of Jesus by John Dominic Crossan
  353. The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, vol. 3: The Growth of Medieval Theology (600-1300) by Jaroslav Pelikan
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  675. History of the Evangelical Church by Samuel P. Spreng
  676. The Pastor: A Memoir by Eugene H. Peterson
  677. Journal Keeping: Writing for Spiritual Growth by Luann Budd
  678. Justification and Variegated Nomism, vol. 1: The Complexities of Second Temple Judaism, edited by D. A. Carson, Peter T. O'Brien, and Mark A. Seifrid
  679. The Heresy of Orthodoxy: How Contemporary Culture's Fascination with Diversity Has Reshaped Our Understanding of Early Christianity by Andreas J. Köstenberger and Michael J. Kruger 
  680. The Provocative Church by Graham Tomlin 
  681. Medieval Trinitarian Thought from Aquinas to Ockham by Russell L. Friedman 
  682. The Kingdom of God as Liturgical Empire: A Theological Commentary on 1-2 Chronicles by Scott Hahn 
  683. The Great Salvation by Thomas Bowman 
  684. John Wesley on Religious Affections: His Views on Experience and Emotion and Their Role in the Christian Life and Theology by Gregory S. Clapper 
  685. Exploring Ecclesiology: An Evangelical and Ecumenical Introduction by Brad Harper and Paul Louis Metzger 
  686. Shepherding the Small-Church: A Leadership Guide for the Majority of Today's Churches by Glenn C. Daman        [re-read: see #560]
  687. John Cassian: Conferences by John Cassian and translated by Colm Luibheid
  688. Developing Leaders for the Small Church: A Guide to Spiritual Transformation for the Church Board by Glenn C. Daman 
  689. Seeking God: The Way of St. Benedict by Esther de Waal
  690. Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible: The Social and Literary Context by David Instone-Brewer
  691. How Your Church Family Works: Understanding Congregations as Emotional Systems by Peter L. Steinke
  692. Foundations of Christian Formation by Adrian van Kaam and Susan Muto 
  693. Creating a Missional Culture: Equipping the Church for the Sake of the World by J. R. Woodward
  694. Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed: The Story of the Village of Le Chambon and How Goodness Happened There by Philip Hallie
  695. Recovering the Love Feast: Broadening Our Eucharistic Celebrations by Paul Fike Stutzman 
  696. Wilford Woodruff's Journal, 1833-1898: Typescript, vol. 8: 1 January 1881 to 31 December 1890 by Wilford Woodruff and edited by Scott G. Kenney 
  697. Your Spiritual IQ: Five Steps to Spiritual Growth by John Savage
  698. Reminiscences by William Yost
  699. The Collected Works of G. K. Chesterton, vol. 27: The Illustrated London News, 1905-1907 by G. K. Chesterton
  700. The Psalms Through Three Thousand Years: Prayerbook of a Cloud of Witnesses by William L. Holladay
  701. In the President's Office: The Diaries of L. John Nuttall, 1879-1892 by L. John Nuttall and edited by Jedediah S. Rogers 
  702. Between Babel and Beast: America and Empires in Biblical Perspective by Peter J. Leithart
  703. The Collected Works of G. K. Chesterton, vol. 28: The Illustrated London News, 1908-1910 by G. K. Chesterton 
  704. Making Room: Recovering Hospitality as a Christian Tradition by Christine D. Pohl
  705. And You Welcomed Me: A Sourcebook on Hospitality in Early Christianity, edited by Amy G. Oden
  706. Wilford Woodruff's Journal, 1833-1898: Typescript, vol. 9: 1 January 1891 to 6 September 1898 by Wilford Woodruff and edited by Scott G. Kenney
  707. Neither Poverty Nor Riches: A Biblical Theology of Possessions by Craig L. Blomberg 
  708. Exclusion and Embrace: A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and Reconciliation by Miroslav Volf 
  709. Cults and New Religious Movements: A Reader, edited by Lorne L. Dawson 
  710. Wealth as Peril and Obligation: The New Testament on Possessions by Sondra Ely Wheeler 
  711. Interpreting the Psalms: An Exegetical Handbook by Mark D. Futato
  712. Faith and Wealth: A History of Early Christian Ideas on the Origin, Significance, and Use of Money by Justo L. Gonzalez 
  713. The Temple and the Church's Mission: A Biblical Theology of the Dwelling Place of God by Gregory K. Beale 
  714. Theology of the Psalms by Hans-Joachim Kraus
  715. Pastoral Ministry According to Paul: A Biblical Vision by James W. Thompson
  716. Corporal Punishment in the Bible: A Redemptive-Movement Hermeneutic for Troubling Texts by William J. Webb 
  717. Encountering New Religious Movements: A Holistic Evangelical Approach, edited by Irving Hexham, Stephen Rost, and John W. Morehead II        [re-read: see #225] 
  718. In Sacred Loneliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith by Todd M. Compton
  719. Wealth and Poverty in the Book of Proverbs by Roger Norman Whybray 
  720. The Collected Works of G. K. Chesterton, vol. 29: The Illustrated London News, 1911-1913 by G. K. Chesterton
  721. Strangers in the Pews: The Pastoral Care of Psychiatric Patients within the Christian Congregation by Roger Grainger 
  722. Vulnerable Communion: A Theology of Disability and Hospitality by Thomas E. Reynolds 
  723. Streetsmart Financial Basics for Nonprofit Managers by Thomas A. McLaughlin
  724. Management Essentials for Christian Ministries, edited by Michael J. Anthony and James Estep, Jr. 
  725. Advanced Strategic Planning: A 21st-Century Model for Church and Ministry Leaders by Aubrey Malphurs 
  726. We Become What We Worship: A Biblical Theology of Idolatry by Gregory K. Beale 
  727. When Moses Meets Aaron: Staffing and Supervision in Large Congregations by Gil Rendle and Susan Beaumont 
  728. Whose Offering Plate Is It? New Strategies for Financial Stewardship by J. Clif Christopher 
  729. What Evangelicals Believe by Samuel P. Spreng
  730. Evolutionary Creation: A Christian Approach to Evolution by Denis O. Lamoureux 
  731. Justification and Variegated Nomism, vol. 2: The Paradoxes of Paul, edited by D. A. Carson, Peter T. O'Brien, and Mark A. Seifrid 
  732. Spiritual Rhythm: Being with Jesus Every Season of Your Soul by Mark Buchanan
  733. Jesus Christ and the Life of the Mind by Mark A. Noll
  734. The Orthodox Church: An Introduction to Its History, Doctrine, and Spiritual Culture by John Anthony McGuckin
  735. The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power by D. Michael Quinn
  736. Garden Spot: Lancaster County, the Old Order Amish, and the Selling of Rural America by David Walbert
  737. Early German-American Evangelicalism: Pietist Sources on Discipleship and Sanctification by J. Steven O'Malley
  738. Shepherds After My Own Heart: Pastoral Traditions and Leadership in the Bible by Timothy S. Laniak
  739. UnChristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity... and Why It Matters by David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons 
  740. G. K. Chesterton: A Biography by Ian T. Ker
  741. In the Footsteps of Judas and Other Defectors: The Gospels, Acts, and Johannine Letters by B. J. Oropeza 
  742. Soul Searching: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers by Christian Smith and Melinda Lundquist Denton
  743. Church Administration Handbook, edited by Bruce P. Powers
  744. Orthodox and Wesleyan Spirituality, edited by S. T. Kimbrough, Jr. 
  745. Ancient Israel in Sinai: The Evidence for the Authenticity of the Wilderness Tradition by James K. Hoffmeier
  746. Adopted into God's Family: Exploring a Pauline Metaphor by Trevor J. Burke 
  747. The Counsel of Heaven on Earth: Foundations for Biblical Christian Counseling by Ian F. Jones
  748. The Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology, edited by William Lane Craig and J. P. Moreland
  749. God the Peacemaker: How Atonement Brings Shalom by Graham Cole
  750. A Public Faith: How Followers of Christ Should Serve the Common Good by Miroslav Volf
  751. Blessed Connections: Relationships That Sustain Vital Ministry by Judith Schwanz
  752. Jews, Gentiles, and the Opponents of Paul: The Pauline Letters by B. J. Oropeza
  753. Giving Counsel: A Minister's Guidebook by Donald Capps
  754. Hearing God's Words: Exploring Biblical Spirituality by Peter Adam
  755. Administration in the Small Membership Church by John H. Tyson  
  756. Christ, Our Righteousness: Paul's Theology of Justification by Mark A. Seifrid
  757. Mormonism in Transition: A History of the Latter-day Saints, 1890-1930 by Thomas G. Alexander
  758. Passing the Plate: Why American Christians Don't Give Away More Money by Christian Smith and Michael O. Emerson
  759. Associations, Synagogues, and Congregations: Claiming a Place in Ancient Mediterranean Society by Philip Harland
  760. Orthodox and Wesleyan Scriptural Understanding and Practice, edited by S. T. Kimbrough, Jr.
  761. John Seybert and the Evangelical Heritage: Biographical and Personal Reflections on A Life Touched by Godliness by J. Steven O'Malley
  762. One Body: An Essay in Christian Sexual Ethics by Alexander R. Pruss
  763. Taking the Cross to Youth Ministry by Andrew Root 
  764. Deep Exegesis: The Mystery of Reading Scripture by Peter J. Leithart
  765. Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald S. Whitney
  766. The Pastoral Counseling Handbook: A Guide to Helping the Hurting by Ruth Hetzendorfer
  767. Canon Revisited: Establishing the Origins and Authority of the New Testament Books by Michael J. Kruger
  768. Creeds and Confessions of Faith in the Christian Tradition (Vol. 2), edited by Jaroslav Pelikan and Valerie Hotchkiss
  769. Perspectives Old and New on Paul: The "Lutheran" Paul and His Critics by Stephen Westerholm
  770. Churches under Siege of Persecution and Assimilation: The General Epistles and Revelation by B. J. Oropeza 
  771. Orthodox and Wesleyan Ecclesiology, edited by S. T. Kimbrough, Jr.
  772. The Clash of Orthodoxies: Law, Religion, and Morality in Crisis by Robert P. George
  773. Foundations of Church Administration: Professional Tools for Church Leadership, edited by Bruce L. Petersen, Edward A. Thomas, and Bob Whitesel  
  774. God's Unfaithful Wife: A Biblical Theology of Spiritual Adultery by Raymond C. Ortlund, Jr.
  775. Pastoral Visitation by Nancy J. Gorsuch
  776. The Trinity: East/West Dialogue, edited by Melville Y. Stewart 
  777. Repentance in Christian Theology, edited by Mark J. Boda and Gordon T. Smith 
  778. Understanding Christian Mission: Participation in Suffering and Glory by Scott W. Sunquist
  779. Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith? A Critical Appraisal of Modern and Postmodern Approaches to Scripture, edited by James K. Hoffmeier and Dennis R. Magary
  780. Foundations for Youth Ministry: Theological Engagement with Teen Life and Culture by Dean Borgman 
  781. The Logic of the Trinity: Augustine to Ockham by Paul Thom
  782. The Ministry Staff Member: A Contemporary, Practical Handbook to Equip, Encourage, and Empower by Douglas L. Fagerstrom
  783. Creeds and Confessions of Faith in the Christian Tradition (Vol. 3), edited by Jaroslav Pelikan and Valerie Hotchkiss 
  784. Renewing Your Spiritual Passion by Gordon MacDonald
  785. Power, Politics, and the Fragmentation of Evangelicalism: From the Scopes Trial to the Obama Administration by Kenneth J. Collins
  786. Paul's Letter to the Philippians: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary by Ben Witherington III
  787. Created Equal: How the Bible Broke with Ancient Political Thought by Joshua Berman
  788. The Vine, Israel, and the Church by Peter Damian Akpunonu
  789. The Divine Lawmaker: Lectures on Induction, Laws of Nature, and the Existence of God by John Foster
  790. Theodore Abu Qurrah, edited by John C. Lamoreaux
  791. The Mormon Menace: Violence and Anti-Mormonism in the Postbellum South by Patrick Q. Mason
  792. Through New Eyes: Developing a Biblical View of the World by James B. Jordan
  793. Sustaining Heart in the Heartland: Exploring Rural Spirituality, edited by Miriam Brown
  794. Paul, Women, and Wives: Marriage and Women's Ministry in the Letters of Paul by Craig S. Keener
  795. Persons, Moral Worth, and Embryos: A Critical Analysis of Pro-Choice Arguments, edited by Stephen Napier
  796. Jesus is Lord, Caesar is Not: Evaluating Empire in New Testament Studies, edited by Scot McKnight and Joseph B. Modica
  797. The Believing Primate: Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Reflections on the Origin of Religion, edited by Jeffrey P. Schloss and Michael J. Murray
  798. Kingdom Prologue: Genesis Foundations for a Covenantal Worldview by Meredith G. Kline
  799. The Doctrine of Deification in the Greek Patristic Tradition by Norman Russell
  800. Economics in Christian Perspective: Theory, Policy, and Life Choices by Victor V. Claar and Robin J. Klay
  801. Transforming Church in Rural America: Breaking All the Rurals by Shannon O'Dell
  802. The Metaphysics of the Incarnation, edited by Anna Marmodoro and Jonathan Hill
  803. The Lost World of Scripture: Ancient Literary Culture and Biblical Authority by John H. Walton and D. Brent Sandy  
  804. Evangelicals and Nicene Faith: Reclaiming the Apostolic Witness, edited by Timothy George 
  805. The First Parish: A Pastor's Survival Manual by J. Keith Cook
  806. Defending Constantine: The Twilight of an Empire and the Dawn of Christendom by Peter J. Leithart
  807. Miracles in Greco-Roman Antiquity: A Sourcebook for the Study of New Testament Miracle Stories, edited by Wendy Cotter
  808. Princeton Readings in Islamist Thought: Texts and Contexts from al-Banna to Bin Laden, edited by Roxanne L. Euben and Muhammad Qasim Zaman  
  809. The Ordinances of Government by Abu Hasan al-Mawardi
  810. Abusing Scripture: The Consequences of Misreading the Bible by Manfred T. Brauch
  811. Milestones, or, Signposts Along the Road by Sayyid Qutb 
  812. At Day's Close: Night in Times Past by A. Roger Ekirch
  813. Seriously Dangerous Religion: What the Old Testament Really Says and Why It Matters by Iain W. Provan
  814. Nella Last's War: The Second World War Diaries of Housewife, 49 by Nella Last
  815. The Al-Qaeda Reader: The Essential Texts of Osama bin Laden's Terrorist Organization, edited by Raymond Ibrahim
  816. The Gospel for Muslims: An Encouragement to Share Christ with Confidence by Thabiti Anyabwile
  817. Nella Last's Peace: The Post-War Diaries of Housewife, 49 by Nella Last
  818. The Great Theft: Wrestling Islam from the Extremists by Khaled M. Abou El Fadl
  819. For the Glory of God: Recovering a Biblical Theology of Worship by Daniel I. Block
  820. Nella Last in the 1950s: The Further Diaries of Housewife, 49 by Nella Last
  821. The Islamic Law of Nations: Shaybani's Siyar by Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Shaybani and edited by Majid Khadduri
  822. A Mirror for the Church: Preaching in the First Five Centuries by David Dunn-Wilson
  823. With the Clouds of Heaven: The Book of Daniel in Biblical Theology by James M. Hamilton, Jr.
  824. A Midwife's Tale: The Life of Martha Ballard, Based on Her Diary, 1785-1812 by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
  825. Islam Without Extremes: A Muslim Case for Liberty by Mustafa Akyol
  826. The Collected Works of G. K. Chesterton, vol. 30: The Illustrated London News, 1914-1916 by G. K. Chesterton
  827. No Place for Truth; Or, Whatever Happened to Evangelical Theology? by David F. Wells
  828. A Community Called Atonement by Scot McKnight
  829. What's Right with Islam: A New Vision for Muslims and the West by Feisal Abdul Rauf
  830. The Crusades: A Reader, edited by S. J. Allen and Emilie Amt
  831. Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity by Nabeel Qureshi
  832. Islamic Awakening Between Rejection and Extremism by Yusuf al-Qaradawi
  833. A House for My Name: A Survey of the Old Testament by Peter J. Leithart
  834. A Battle for the Soul of Islam: An American Muslim Patriot's Fight to Save His Faith by M. Zuhdi Jasser
  835. Jihad in Classical and Modern Islam: A Reader, edited by Rudolph Peters
  836. Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes: Cultural Studies in the Gospels by Kenneth E. Bailey
  837. The Genesis of Science: How the Christian Middle Ages Launched the Scientific Revolution by James Hannam
  838. Paul and the Law: Keeping the Commandments of God by Brian S. Rosner
  839. Allah: A Christian Response by Miroslav Volf
  840. Kitab at-Tawheed Explained by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab and translated and supplemented by Sameh Strauch
  841. Hidden But Now Revealed: A Biblical Theology of Mystery by Gregory K. Beale and Benjamin L. Gladd
  842. The Crescent Through the Eyes of the Cross: Insights from an Arab Christian by Nabeel T. Jabbour
  843. Europe's Angry Muslims: The Revolt of the Second Generation by Robert S. Leiken
  844. A Second Look at First Things: A Case for Conservative Politics: The Hadley Arkes Festschrift, edited by Francis J. Beckwith, Robert P. George, and Susan McWilliams
  845. Al-Tawhid: Its Implications for Thought and Life by Isma'il Raji al-Faruqi
  846. Is the Father of Jesus the God of Muhammad? Understanding the Differences Between Christianity and Islam by Timothy George
  847. In the Land of Blue Burqas by Kate McCord
  848. God of Liberty: A Religious History of the American Revolution by Thomas S. Kidd 
  849. Kingdom Conspiracy: Returning to the Radical Mission of the Local Church by Scot McKnight
  850. Western Muslims and the Future of Islam by Tariq Ramadan
  851. Did God Really Command Genocide? Coming to Terms with the Justice of God by Paul Copan and Matthew Flannagan
  852. Theology in the Context of World Christianity: How the Global Church is Influencing the Way We Think About and Discuss Theology by Timothy C. Tennent
  853. Evangelicals on Public Policy Issues: Sustaining a Respectful Political Conversation by Harold Heie
  854. New Paths in Muslim Evangelism: Evangelical Approaches to Contextualization by Phil Parshall
  855. Separation of Church and State by Philip Hamburger
  856. The Prophet and the Messiah: An Arab Christian's Perspective on Islam and Christianity by Chawkat Moucarry 
  857. American Christians and Islam: Evangelical Culture and Muslims from the Colonial Period to the Age of Terrorism by Thomas S. Kidd
  858. Christian Political Witness, edited by George Kalantzis and Gregory W. Lee
  859. A Muslim View of Christianity: Essays on Dialogue by Mahmoud Ayoub and edited by Irfan A. Omar
  860. Paupers and Pig Killers: The Diary of William Holland, a Somerset Parson, 1799-1818, edited by Jack Ayres
  861. Hear, My Son: Teaching and Learning in Proverbs 1-9 by Daniel J. Estes
  862. Defending the "People of Truth" in the Early Islamic Period: The Christian Apologies of Abu Ra'itah, edited and translated by Sandra Toenies Keating
  863. Sacred Scripture, Sacred War: The Bible and the American Revolution by James P. Byrd
  864. The Naked Public Square: Religion and Democracy in America by Richard John Neuhaus 
  865. Athanasius by Peter J. Leithart
  866. The Naked Public Square Reconsidered: Religion and Politics in the Twenty-First Century, edited by Christopher Wolfe 
  867. The Early Christian-Muslim Dialogue: A Collection of Documents from the First Three Islamic Centuries, 632-900 AD: Translations with Commentary, edited by N. A. Newman
  868. Dionysius Bar Salibi: A Response to the Arabs, translated by Joseph P. Amar 
  869. Syrian Christians Under Islam: The First Thousand Years, edited by David Thomas 
  870. Each Man Cried Out to His God: The Specialized Religion of Canaanite and Phoenician Seafarers by Aaron Jed Brody
  871. War and Peace in Islam: The Uses and Abuses of Jihad, edited by Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad bin Talal, Ibrahim Kalin, and Mohammad Hashim Kamali
  872. Adam, the Fall, and Original Sin: Theological, Biblical, and Scientific Perspectives, edited by Hans Madueme and Michael Reeves 
  873. Al-Farabi on the Perfect State: Abu Nasr al-Farabi's Mabadi' Ara Ahl al-Madina al-Fadila, translated with commentary by Richard Walzer 
  874. Religious Poetry in Vernacular Syriac from Northern Iraq, 17th-20th Centuries: An Anthology, edited by Alessandro Mengozzi
  875. God and Earthly Power: An Old Testament Political Theology, Genesis-Kings by J. Gordon McConville
  876. Muslim-Christian Polemic During the Crusades: The Letter from the People of Cyprus and Ibn Abi Talib al-Dimashqi's Response, edited by Rifaat Y. Ebied and David Thomas 
  877. The Baptized Body by Peter J. Leithart
  878. On the Boundaries of Theological Tolerance in Islam: Abu Hamid al-Ghazali's 'Faysal al-Tafriqa', edited by Sherman A. Jackson
  879. Compromising Scholarship: Religious and Political Bias in American Higher Education by George Yancey
  880. Critique of Christian Origins: A Parallel English-Arabic Text by Abd al-Jabbar and edited by Gabriel Said Reynolds
  881. The Original Bishops: Office and Order in the First Christian Communities by Alistair C. Stewart
  882. Doctrine and Debate in the East Christian World, 300-1500, edited by Averil Cameron and Robert G. Hoyland
  883. Muslim Exegesis of the Bible in Medieval Cairo: Najm al-Din al-Tufi's (d. 716/1316) Commentary on the Christian Scriptures: A Critical Edition and Annotated Translation with Introduction, edited and translated by Lejla Demiri
  884. The Glory of Kings: A Festschrift in Honor of James B. Jordan, edited by Peter J. Leithart and John Barach
  885. Reading Revelation Responsibly: Uncivil Worship and Witness: Following the Lamb into the New Creation by Michael J. Gorman
  886. The Clerical Profession in the Long Eighteenth Century, 1680-1840 by W. M. Jacob
  887. Anti-Christian Polemic in Early Islam: Abu Isa al-Warraq's 'Against the Trinity', translated by David Thomas        [re-read:  see #217]
  888. Solomon Among the Postmoderns by Peter J. Leithart
  889. Early Muslim Polemic Against Christianity: Abu Isa al-Warraq's 'Against the Incarnation', translated by David Thomas
  890. The Ancient Synagogue: The First Thousand Years by Lee I. Levine
  891. In God's Path: The Arab Conquests and the Creation of an Islamic Empire by Robert G. Hoyland
  892. Was America Founded as a Christian Nation? A Historical Introduction by John Fea
  893. Understanding Evangelical Media: The Changing Face of Christian Communication, edited by Quentin J. Schultze and Robert H. Woods, Jr.
  894. Our Last Best Chance: The Pursuit of Peace in a Time of Peril by King Abdullah II of Jordan
  895. American Babylon: Notes of a Christian Exile by Richard John Neuhaus
  896. The Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad with the Christians of the World by John Andrew Morrow
  897. The Tyranny of Experts: Economists, Dictators, and the Forgotten Rights of the Poor by William Easterly
  898. Truth Overruled: The Future of Marriage and Religious Freedom by Ryan T. Anderson
  899. Toxic Charity: How Churches and Charities Hurt Those They Help, and How to Reverse It by Robert D. Lupton
  900. Armenian Golgotha by Grigoris Balakian and translated by Peter Balakian
  901. Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East by Michael B. Oren
  902. Defying ISIS: Preserving Christianity in the Place of Its Birth and In Your Own Backyard by Johnnie Moore
  903. Political Visions and Illusions: A Survey and Christian Critique of Contemporary Ideologies by David T. Koyzis
  904. The Smarter Bomb: Women and Children as Suicide Bombers by Anat Berko
  905. The Contested Public Square: The Crisis of Christianity and Politics by Greg Forster
  906. The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, and Other Clinical Tales by Oliver Sacks
  907. The ISIS Apocalypse: The History, Strategy, and Doomsday Vision of the Islamic State by William McCants
  908. When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor... And Yourself by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert
  909. America's Blessings: How Religion Benefits Everyone, Including Atheists by Rodney Stark
  910. Small-Town America: Finding Community, Shaping the Future by Robert Wuthnow
  911. A Bishop's Tale: Mathias Hovius Among His Flock in Seventeenth-Century Flanders by Craig Harline and Eddy Put
  912. The Origins and Evolution of Islamic Law by Wael B. Hallaq
  913. The Price of Freedom Denied: Religious Persecution and Conflict in the Twenty-First Century by Brian J. Grim and Roger Finke
  914. A Durable Peace: Israel and Its Place Among the Nations by Benjamin Netanyahu
  915. Islamic State: The Digital Caliphate by Abdel Bari Atwan
  916. The True German: The Diary of a World War II Military Judge by Werner Otto Müller-Hill
  917. Religious Freedom in America: Constitutional Roots and Contemporary Challenges, edited by Allen D. Hertzke
  918. Apostasy in Islam: A Historical and Scriptural Analysis by Taha Jabir al-Alwani
  919. Charity Detox: What Charity Would Look Like If We Cared About Results by Robert D. Lupton
  920. Christians Are Hate-Filled Hypocrites... and Other Lies You've Been Told: A Sociologist Shatters Myths From the Secular and Christian Media by Bradley R. E. Wright
  921. Side by Side: Parallel Histories of Israel-Palestine, edited by Sami Adwan, et al.
  922. A Privilege to Die: Inside Hezbollah's Legions and Their Endless War Against Israel by Thanassis Cambanis
  923. Prophetic Untimeliness: A Challenge to the Idol of Relevance by Os Guinness
  924. World of Faith and Freedom: Why International Religious Liberty Is Vital to American National Security by Thomas F. Farr
  925. Mother Teresa: No Greater Love by Mother Teresa
  926. Autopsy of a Deceased Church: 12 Ways to Keep Yours Alive by Thom S. Rainer
  927. Mission at Nuremberg: An American Army Chaplain and the Trial of the Nazis by Tim Townsend
  928. Against the Flow: The Inspiration of Daniel in an Age of Relativism by John C. Lennox
  929. Building Bridges Between the Orthodox and Evangelical Traditions, edited by Tim Grass, Ioan Sauca, et al. 
  930. Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives, edited by John J. Donohue and John L. Esposito
  931. Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Liberty: Emerging Conflicts, edited by Douglas Laycock, et al. 
  932. Death to the Infidels: Radical Islam's War Against the Jews by Mitchell G. Bard
  933. The Collapse of American Criminal Justice by William J. Stuntz
  934. Free to Serve: Protecting the Religious Freedom of Faith-Based Organizations by Stephen V. Monsma and Stanley W. Carlson-Thies
  935. Following Jesus in a Culture of Fear: Christian Practice of Everyday Life by Scott Bader-Saye
  936. Reclaiming Jihad: A Qur'anic Critique of Terrorism by El-Sayid Amin
  937. Beginning to Pray by Anthony Bloom
  938. An Introduction to God: Encountering the Divine in Orthodox Christianity by Andrew Stephen Damick
  939. Articles of Faith, Articles of Peace: The Religious Liberty Clauses and the American Public Philosophy, edited by James Davison Hunter and Os Guinness
  940. The Orthodox Way by Kallistos Ware (a.k.a. Timothy Ware)
  941. Saint Silouan the Athonite by Sophrony Sakharov
  942. Power, Faith, and Fantasy: America in the Middle East, 1776 to the Present by Michael B. Oren
  943. Song of Songs by Richard S. Hess
  944. Taking Rites Seriously: Law, Politics, and the Reasonableness of Faith by Francis J. Beckwith
  945. Wounded by Love: The Life of Wisdom of Elder Porphyrios by St. Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia
  946. In the Beginning Was the Word: The Bible in American Public Life, 1492-1783 by Mark A. Noll
  947. The Juvenilization of American Christianity by Thomas Bergler
  948. Mount Athos, Thessaly, and Epirus: A Diary of a Journey from Constantinople to Corfu by George Ferguson Bowen
  949. Christian Criticisms, Islamic Proofs: Rashid Rida's Modernist Defence of Islam, edited and translated by Simon A. Wood
  950. The Mingling of Souls: God Design for Love, Marriage, Sex, and Redemption by Matt Chandler
  951. Defenders of the Unborn: The Pro-Life Movement Before Roe v. Wade by Daniel K. Williams
  952. The Unbelievable Gospel: Say Something Worth Believing by Jonathan K. Dodson
  953. Spiritual Counsels, vol. 1: With Pain and Love for Contemporary Man by St. Paisios of Mount Athos
  954. Laurus by Evgenij Vodolazkin
  955. The Monks of Mount Athos: A Western Monk's Extraordinary Spiritual Journey on Eastern Holy Ground by M. Basil Pennington
  956. Faith Under Fire: What the Middle East Conflict Has Taught Me About God by Andrew White
  957. An American Son: A Memoir by Marco Rubio
  958. Ministries of Mercy: The Call of the Jericho Road by Timothy J. Keller
  959. Spiritual Counsels, vol. 2: Spiritual Awakening by St. Paisios of Mount Athos
  960. The Christian Wallet: Spending, Giving, and Living with a Conscience by Mike Slaughter
  961. Acts: An Exegetical Commentary, vol. 1: Introduction and 1:1--2:47 by Craig S. Keener
  962. Son of Hamas by Mosab Hassan Yousef
  963. Sanctorum Communio: A Theological Study of the Sociology of the Church by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  964. The Cost: My Life on a Terrorist Hit List by Ali Husnain
  965. The Present Future: Six Tough Questions for the Church by Reggie McNeal
  966. No Good Men Among the Living: America, the Taliban, and the War Through Afghan Eyes by Anand Gopal
  967. Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community by Robert D. Putnam
  968. The Story of the Human Body: Evolution, Health, and Disease by Daniel E. Lieberman
  969. The Lord's Prayer by Archimandrite George of the Holy Monastery of St. Gregorios
  970. Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World by Jeffrey Herf
  971. Discipleship That Fits: The Five Kinds of Relationships God Uses to Help Us Grow by Bobby William Harrington and Alex Absalom
  972. The Faith of Christopher Hitchens: The Restless Soul of the World's Most Notorious Atheist by Larry Alex Taunton
  973. The Islamic Roots of Democratic Pluralism by Abdulaziz Sachedina
  974. Impossible Love: The True Story of an African Civil War, Miracles, and Hope Against All Odds by Craig S. Keener and Medine Moussounga Keener
  975. The Biggest Story: How the Snake Crusher Brings Us Back to the Garden by Kevin DeYoung
  976. Conscience: What It Is, How to Train It, and Loving Those Who Differ by Andrew David Naselli and J. D. Crowley
  977. The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God by Timothy J. Keller
  978. Home-Alone America: The Hidden Toll of Day Care, Behavioral Drugs, and Other Parent Substitutes by Mary Eberstadt
  979. The Audacious Ascetic: What the Bin Laden Tapes Reveal About Al-Qa'ida by Flagg Miller
  980. Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine, and the Murder of a President by Candice Millard
  981. The Blessing of Blessings: Gregory of Narek's Commentary on the Song of Songs by St. Gregory of Narek
  982. Political Church: The Local Assembly as Embassy of Christ's Rule by Jonathan Leeman
  983. Delivered from the Elements of the World: Atonement, Justification, Mission by Peter J. Leithart
  984. Activist Faith: From Him and For Him by Dillon Burroughs, Daniel Darling, and Dan King
  985. The History of Islamic Political Thought: From the Prophet to the Present by Antony Black
  986. Debating Moderate Islam: The Geopolitics of Islam and the West, edited by M. A. Muqtedar Khan
  987. Three Minutes in Poland: Discovering a Lost World in a 1938 Family Film by Glenn Kurtz
  988. West of Kabul, East of New York: An Afghan American Story by Tamim Ansary
  989. The Contemporary Arab Reader on Political Islam, edited by Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi
  990. The Patient Ferment of the Early Church: The Improbable Rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire by Alan Kreider
  991. The Good and Beautiful God: Falling in Love with the God Jesus Knows by James Bryan Smith
  992. In the Shade of the Qur'an, vol. 1: Surahs 1-2 by Sayyid Qutb
  993. Your God Is Too Safe: Rediscovering the Wonder of a God You Can't Control by Mark Buchanan
  994. Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010 by Charles Murray
  995. Slow Church: Cultivating Community in the Patient Way of Jesus by C. Christopher Smith and John Pattison
  996. The Fractured Republic: Renewing America's Social Contract in the Age of Individualism by Yuval Levin
  997. Preemptive Love: Pursuing Peace One Heart at a Time by Jeremy Courtney
  998. When Baghdad Ruled the Muslim World: The Rise and Fall of Islam's Greatest Dynasty by Hugh Kennedy
  999. Muslims in Non-Muslim Lands: A Legal Study with Applications by Amjad M. Mohammed
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  1001. Amends: A Novel by Eve Tushnet
  1002. Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis by J. D. Vance
  1003. Jesus in the Qur'an by Geoffrey Parrinder
  1004. A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World by Paul E. Miller
  1005. Refuting ISIS by Muhammad al-Yaqoubi
  1006. If You Can Keep It: The Forgotten Promise of American Liberty by Eric Metaxas
  1007. Tree of Salvation: Yggdrasil and the Cross in the North by G. Ronald Murphy
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  1009. The Complete Works of Liudprand of Cremona, edited and translated by Paolo Squatriti
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  1012. Unchanging Witness: The Consistent Christian Teaching on Homosexuality in Scripture and Tradition by S. Donald Fortson and Rollin G. Grams
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  1014. The Shari'a and Islamic Criminal Justice in Time of War and Peace by M. Cherif Bassiouni
  1015. The Art of Neighboring: Building Genuine Relationships Right Outside Your Door by Jay Pathak and Dave Runyon
  1016. Black Flags: The Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of the Islamic State by Joby Warrick
  1017. Church, World, Mission: Reflections on Orthodoxy and the West by Alexander Schmemann
  1018. The First Thanksgiving: What the Real Story Tells Us About Loving God and Learning from History by Robert Tracy McKenzie
  1019. The Principles of State and Government in Islam by Muhammad Asad
  1020. Hitler: Ascent, 1889-1939 by Volker Ullrich
  1021. From Embers to a Flame: How God Can Revitalize Your Church by Harry L. Reeder III
  1022. It Takes a Church to Raise a Christian: How the Community of God Transforms Lives by Tod E. Bolsinger
  1023. The Saint Who Would Be Santa Claus: The True Life and Trials of Nicholas of Myra by Adam C. English
  1024. The Good and Beautiful Life: Putting on the Character of Christ by James Bryan Smith
  1025. Initiative to Stop the Violence: Sadat's Assassins and the Renunciation of Political Violence by al-Gama'ah al-Islamiyah and translated by Sherman A. Jackson
  1026. Sermon on the Mount by Scot McKnight
  1027. Sermon on the Mount: Restoring Christ's Message to the Modern Church by Charles L. Quarles
  1028. Paper Memory: A Sixteenth-Century Townsman Writes His World by Matthew Lundin
  1029. The Works of Jonathan Edwards, vol. 10: Sermons and Discourses, 1720-1723 by Jonathan Edwards
  1030. The Sermon on the Mount: The Character of a Disciple by Daniel M. Doriani
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  1032. Old Testament Narratives, edited and translated by Daniel Anlezark
  1033. The Diary of Edmund Harrold, Wigmaker of Manchester, 1712-1715 by Edmund Harrold and edited by Craig Horner
  1034. The Works of Jonathan Edwards, vol. 13: The "Miscellanies," Entry Nos. a-z, aa-zz, 1-500 by Jonathan Edwards
  1035. Izetbegovic of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Notes from Prison, 1983-1988 by Alija Izetbegovic
  1036. Hidden Christmas: The Surprising Truth Behind the Birth of Christ by Timothy J. Keller
  1037. The Works of Jonathan Edwards, vol. 14: Sermons and Discourses, 1723-1729 by Jonathan Edwards
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  1039. The Diary of James A. Garfield, vol. 1: 1848-1871 by James A. Garfield
  1040. Christian Oxyrhynchus: Texts, Documents, and Sources, edited by Lincoln H. Blumell
  1041. Prayer: Christian and Muslim Perspectives, edited by David Marshall and Lucinda Mosher
  1042. The Works of Jonathan Edwards, vol. 18: The "Miscellanies," 501-832 by Jonathan Edwards
  1043. Religious Voices in Public Places, edited by Nigel Biggar and Linda Hogan
  1044. When Christians First Met Muslims: A Sourcebook of the Earliest Syriac Writings on Islam, edited by Michael Philip Penn
  1045. Against All Hope: A Memoir of Life in Castro's Gulag by Armando Valladares
  1046. The Works of Jonathan Edwards, vol. 17: Sermons and Discourses, 1730-1733 by Jonathan Edwards
  1047. Preaching Eugenics: Religious Leaders and the American Eugenics Movement by Christine Rosen
  1048. Onward: Engaging the Culture Without Losing the Gospel by Russell D. Moore
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  1050. The Sharia State: Arab Spring and Democratization by Bassam Tibi
  1051. Old English Shorter Poems, vol. 1: Religious and Didactic, edited/translated by Christopher A. Jones
  1052. It's Dangerous to Believe: Religious Freedom and Its Enemies by Mary Eberstadt
  1053. Cobb's Ordeal: The Diaries of a Virginia Farmer, edited by Daniel W. Crofts
  1054. The Works of Jonathan Edwards, vol. 20: The "Miscellanies," 833-1152 by Jonathan Edwards
  1055. The Theology of Unity by Muhammad Abduh
  1056. Juan de Segovia and the Fight for Peace: Christians and Muslims in the Fifteenth Century by Anne Marie Wolf
  1057. A Thousand Naked Strangers: A Paramedic's Wild Ride to the Edge and Back by Kevin Hazzard
  1058. The Way of the Strangers: Encounters with the Islamic State by Graeme Wood
  1059. The Works of Jonathan Edwards, vol. 19: Sermons and Discourses, 1734-1738 by Jonathan Edwards
  1060. The Cheese and the Worms: The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller by Carlo Ginzburg
  1061. Islam and the Foundations of Political Power by Ali Abdel-Raziq
  1062. Natural Rights and the Right to Choose by Hadley Arkes
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  1064. Old English Shorter Poems, vol. 2: Wisdom and Lyric, edited/translated by Robert E. Bjork
  1065. Ruricius of Limoges and Friends: A Collection of Letters from Visigothic Gaul, translated by Ralph W. Mathisen
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  1067. The Works of Jonathan Edwards, vol. 23: The "Miscellanies," 1153-1360 by Jonathan Edwards
  1068. Armed State Building: Confronting State Failure, 1898-2012 by Paul D. Miller
  1069. Burning Country: Syrians in Revolution and War by Robin Yassin-Kassab and Leila al-Shami
  1070. The Journals and Papers of David Shultze, vol. 1: 1726-1760 by David Schultze and edited by Andrew S. Berky
  1071. Old English Poems of Christ and His Saints, edited and translated by Mary Clayton
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  1073. In the Shade of the Qur'an, vol. 2: Surah 3 by Sayyid Qutb
  1074. The Fatherhood of God from Origen to Athanasius by Peter Widdicombe 
  1075. Another Brooklyn by Jacqueline Woodson
  1076. Slavery, Abortion, and the Politics of Constitutional Meaning by Justin Buckley Dyer
  1077. Freedom of Expression in Islam by Mohammad Hashim Kamali
  1078. Ethnic Cleansing in the USSR, 1937-1949 by J. Otto Pohl
  1079. The Complete Works of Rather of Verona, edited and translated by Peter L. D. Reid
  1080. 'We Have No King But Christ': Christian Political Thought in Greater Syria on the Eve of the Arab Conquest by Philip Wood
  1081. The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church by Vladimir Lossky
  1082. The Works of Jonathan Edwards, vol. 22: Sermons and Discourses, 1739-1742 by Jonathan Edwards
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  1084. City of Thorns: Nine Lives in the World's Largest Refugee Camp by Ben Rawlence
  1085. Silence by Shusaku Endo
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  1088. Toward a Global Civilization of Love and Tolerance by M. Fethullah Gülen
  1089. Women and the Genesis of Christianity by Ben Witherington III
  1090. Muslim-Christian Relations in Late Ottoman Palestine: Where Nationalism and Religion Intersect by Erik Freas
  1091. Confident Pluralism: Surviving and Thriving Through Deep Difference by John D. Inazu 
  1092. Final Words from the Cross by Adam Hamilton 
  1093. Jesus of Nazareth, Part Two: Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection by Pope Benedict XVI
  1094. The Journals and Papers of David Shultze, vol. 2: 1761-1797 by David Schultze and edited by Andrew S. Berky
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  1096. A Place at the Table: 40 Days of Solidarity with the Poor by Chris Seay
  1097. The Works of Jonathan Edwards, vol. 16: Letters and Personal Writings by Jonathan Edwards
  1098. The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam by Muhammad Iqbal
  1099. Sin, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation: Christian and Muslim Perspectives, edited by Lucinda Mosher and David Marshal
  1100. I Contain Multitudes: The Microbes Within Us and a Grander View of Life by Ed Yong
  1101. Adam and the Genome: Reading Scripture After Genetic Science by Dennis R. Venema and Scot McKnight
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  1103. To Be a Muslim: Islam, Peace, and Democracy by El Hassan bin Talal with Alain Elkann
  1104. In the Blood: Understanding America's Farm Families by Robert Wuthnow
  1105. The Benedict Option: A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian Nation by Rod Dreher
  1106. Jeremiah and Lamentations by R. K. Harrison
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  1109. The Diary of James A. Garfield, vol. 2: 1872-1874 by James A. Garfield
  1110. Seeing Islam as Others Saw It: A Survey and Evaluation of Christian, Jewish, and Zoroastrian Writings on Early Islam by Robert G. Hoyland
  1111. The Works of Jonathan Edwards, vol. 25: Sermons and Discourses, 1743-1758 by Jonathan Edwards
  1112. The Earliest Christian Meeting Places: Almost Exclusively Houses? by Edward Adams
  1113. Genesis by Bill T. Arnold
  1114. Israel in Egypt: The Evidence for the Authenticity of the Exodus Tradition by James K. Hoffmeier
  1115. Natural Law and Evangelical Political Thought, edited by Jesse Covington, Bryan McGraw, and Micah Watson
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  1117. The New Sectarianism: The Arab Uprisings and the Rebirth of the Shi'a-Sunni Divide by Geneive Abdo
  1118. The Faith Club: A Muslim, a Christian, a Jew - Three Women Search for Understanding by Ranya Tabari Idliby, Suzanne Oliver, and Priscilla Warner
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  1120. American Girls: Social Media and the Secret Lives of Teenagers by Nancy Jo Sales
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  1122. Not Bread Alone: The Uses of Food in the Old Testament by Nathan MacDonald
  1123. The Ragamuffin Gospel: Good News for the Bedraggled, Beat-Up, and Burnt Out by Brennan Manning 
  1124. In the Lands of the Christians: Arabic Travel Writing in the Seventeenth Century, edited and translated by Nabil Matar
  1125. The Amish and the State, edited by Donald B. Kraybill
  1126. The Qur'an and Its Biblical Subtext by Gabriel Said Reynolds
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  1129. The Diary of George Templeton Strong, vol. 1: Young Man in New York, 1835-1849 by George Templeton Strong
  1130. Ambrose of Milan and the End of the Arian-Nicene Conflicts by Daniel H. Williams
  1131. "Most Blessed of the Patriarchs": Thomas Jefferson and the Empire of the Imagination by Annette Gordon-Reed and Peter S. Onuf
  1132. The Edge of the World: A Cultural History of the North Sea and the Transformation of Europe by Michael Pye
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  1134. Amish Roots: A Treasury of History, Wisdom, and Lore, edited by John A. Hostetler
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  1136. The Global War on Christians: Dispatches from the Front Lines of Anti-Christian Persecution by John L. Allen, Jr.
  1137. Longing for the Lost Caliphate: A Transregional History by Mona Hassan
  1138. The Civil War as a Theological Crisis by Mark A. Noll 
  1139. They Say We Are Infidels: On the Run from ISIS with Persecuted Christians in the Middle East by Mindy Belz
  1140. Paraphrase on John by Desiderius Erasmus
  1141. Ezekiel by Robert W. Jenson
  1142. De Ore Domini: Preacher and Word in the Middle Ages, edited by Thomas L. Amos
  1143. A Defense of Dignity: Creating Life, Destroying Life, and Protecting the Rights of Conscience by Christopher Kaczor
  1144. The First Letter of Peter: A Commentary on the Greek Text by Reinhard Feldmeier
  1145. Religious Liberty in Western and Islamic Law by Kristine Kalanges
  1146. The Eschatology of 1 Peter: Considering the Influence of Zechariah 9-14 by Kelly David Liebengood
  1147. American Power and Liberal Order: A Conservative Internationalist Grand Strategy by Paul D. Miller 
  1148. The Amish: A Concise Introduction by Steven M. Nolt
  1149. The Great Debate: Edmund Burke, Thomas Paine, and the Birth of Right and Left by Yuval Levin
  1150. Adam and Eve After the Pill: Paradoxes of the Sexual Revolution by Mary Eberstadt 
  1151. Martin Luther: Rebel in an Age of Upheaval by Heinz Schilling and translated by Rona Johnston Gordon
  1152. A History of Salisbury Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania by Joan M. Lorenz
  1153. The Lost is Found: A "Lost Boy's" Story of Faith, Hope, Charity, and Love by Jacob Thon Guot
  1154. Misquoting Muhammad: The Challenge and Choices of Interpreting the Prophet's Legacy by Jonathan A. C. Brown
  1155. The File: A Personal History by Timothy Garton Ash
  1156. Letters on Islam, Written by a Father in Prison to His Son by Mohammad Fadhel al-Jamali
  1157. The Gods of the Nations: Studies in Ancient Near Eastern National Theology by Daniel Isaac Block
  1158. A History of the Amish, 3rd ed., by Steven M. Nolt
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  1160. The Morning They Came for Us: Dispatches from Syria by Janine Di Giovanni
  1161. American Sanctuary: Mutiny, Martyrdom, and National Identity in the Age of Revolution by A. Roger Ekirch
  1162. The History of Al-Tabari, vol. 1: General Introduction and From the Creation to the Flood by Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari
  1163. Introducing Eastern Orthodox Theology by Andrew Louth
  1164. The History of Al-Tabari, vol. 2: Prophets and Patriarchs by Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari
  1165. Divine Honours for the Caesars: The First Christians' Responses by Bruce W. Winter
  1166. The Practice of Pluralism: Congregational Life and Religious Diversity in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1730-1820 by Mark Haberlein
  1167. The Pastor as Public Theologian: Reclaiming a Lost Vision by Kevin J. Vanhoozer and Owen Strachan
  1168. The History of Al-Tabari, vol. 3: The Children of Israel by Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari
  1169. Luther's Works, vol. 30: The Catholic Epistles by Martin Luther
  1170. The Last Adam: A Theology of the Obedient Life of Jesus in the Gospels by Brandon D. Crowe
  1171. "Eat the Heart of the Infidel": The Harrowing of Nigeria and the Rise of Boko Haram by Andrew Walker
  1172. Everyday Church: Gospel Communities on Mission by Tim Chester and Steve Timmis
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  1174. The Lone Arranger: Succeeding in a Small Repository by Christina Zamon
  1175. The History of Al-Tabari, vol. 4: The Ancient Kingdoms by Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari
  1176. The Diary of George Templeton Strong, vol. 2: The Turbulent Fifties, 1850-1859 by George Templeton Strong
  1177. Protestantism After 500 Years, edited by Thomas Albert Howard and Mark A. Noll
  1178. Seeking Refuge: On the Shores of the Global Refugee Crisis by Stephan Bauman, Matthew Soerens, and Issam Smeir
  1179. Evangelical from the Beginning: The Story of the Evangelical Congregational Church by Terry M. Heisey, et al.        [re-read:  see #258]
  1180. Developing and Maintaining Practical Archives: A How-To-Do-It Manual, 2nd ed., by Gregory S. Hunter 
  1181. God and Mammon: Protestants, Money, and the Market, 1790-1860, edited by Mark A. Noll 
  1182. The Path of Muhammad: A Book on Islamic Morals and Ethics by Imam Birgivi
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  1184. Letters and Homilies for Hellenized Christians, vol. 2: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on 1-2 Peter by Ben Witherington III 
  1185. The Old Testament is Dying: A Diagnosis and Recommended Treatment by Brent A. Strawn 
  1186. The Works of Jonathan Edwards, vol. 15: Notes on Scripture by Jonathan Edwards
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  1188. Oppressed in the Land? Fatwas on Muslims Living Under Non-Muslim Rule from the Middle Ages to the Present, edited by Alan J. Verskin
  1189. Engaging the Doctrine of Revelation: The Mediation of the Gospel Through Church and Scripture by Matthew Levering
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  1192. The Idea of the Muslim World: A Global Intellectual History by Cemil Aydin
  1193. Moving Archives: The Experiences of Eleven Archivists, edited by John Newman and Walter Jones 
  1194. Jacob Albright and His Co-Laborers by Reuben Yeakel        [re-read:  see #669]
  1195. Gorbachev: His Life and Times by William Taubman
  1196. Holy Men of Mount Athos, edited/translated by Richard P. H. Greenfield and Alice-Mary Talbot
  1197. Muslim Perceptions of Other Religions: A Historical Survey, edited by Jacques Waardenburg
  1198. Amish History of Southern Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 1940-1992, by John S. Kauffman, Melvin R. Petersheim, and Ira S. Beiler
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  1203. God and Cosmos: Moral Truth and Human Meaning by David Baggett and Jerry L. Walls
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  1209. Entrusted with the Gospel: Paul's Theology in the Pastoral Epistles, edited by Andreas J. Kostenberger and Terry L. Wilder
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  1219. The Church in an Age of Danger: Parsons and Parishioners, 1660-1740 by Donald A. Spaeth
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  1221. Understanding Archives and Manuscripts by James M. O'Toole and Richard J. Cox
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  1224. Luther's Works, vol. 31: Career of the Reformer I by Martin Luther
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  1226. American Fire: Love, Arson, and Life in a Vanishing Land by Monica Hesse
  1227. Hoods and Shirts: The Extreme Right in Pennsylvania, 1925-1950 by Philip Jenkins
  1228. Biography: A Very Short Introduction by Hermione Lee
  1229. The History of Al-Tabari, vol. 5:The Sasanids, the Byzantines, the Lakhmids, and Yemen by Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari
  1230. The Allure of the Archives by Arlette Farge
  1231. Apostles of Disunion: Southern Secession Commissioners and the Causes of the Civil War by Charles B. Dew
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  1235. Come, Let Us Eat Together: Sacraments and Christian Unity, edited by George Kalantzis and Marc Cortez
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  1240. Saint Paul's Epistle to the Romans: A Pastoral Commentary by Dmitri Royster
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  1242. Nothing Greater, Nothing Better: Theological Essays on the Love of God, edited by Kevin J. Vanhoozer
  1243. Old Testament Yahweh Texts in Paul's Christology by David B. Capes
  1244. Traces of the Trinity: Signs of God in Creation and Human Experience by Peter J. Leithart
  1245. Why Are There Differences in the Gospels? What We Can Learn from Ancient Biography by Michael R. Licona
  1246. Liquid Life by Zygmunt Bauman 
  1247. Luther's Works, vol. 32: Career of the Reformer II by Martin Luther
  1248. Caesarius of Arles: The Making of a Christian Community in Late Antique Gaul by William E. Klingshirn
  1249. American Colossus: The Triumph of Capitalism, 1865-1900 by H. W. Brands
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  1251. Inconsistency in the Torah: Ancient Literary Convention and the Limits of Source Criticism by Joshua Berman 
  1252. On the Liturgy, vol. 1: Books 1-2 by Amalar of Metz 
  1253. Frederick Douglass: America's Prophet by D. H. Dilbeck
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  1255. Luther's Works, vol. 35: Word and Sacrament I by Martin Luther 
  1256. Commentary on the Letters of St. Paul (vol. 1) by Theodoret of Cyrus and edited/translated by Robert C. Hill
  1257. Theology and the Mirror of Scripture: A Mere Evangelical Account by Kevin J. Vanhoozer and Daniel J. Treier
  1258. Ad Autolycum (Oxford Early Christian Texts) by Theophilus of Antioch and edited/translated by Robert M. Grant 
  1259. Who Needs Theology? An Invitation to the Study of God by Stanley J. Grenz and Roger E. Olson
  1260. How the Nations Rage: Rethinking Faith and Politics in a Divided Age by Jonathan Leeman
  1261. Political Tribes: Group Instinct and the Fate of Nations by Amy Chua
  1262. Christian Doctrine and the Old Testament: Theology in the Service of Exegesis by Gary A. Anderson
  1263. Convenient Myths: The Axial Age, Dark Green Religion, and the World That Never Was by Iain Provan
  1264. Arminian Theology: Myths and Realities by Roger E. Olson
  1265. Jesus the Exorcist: A Contribution to the Study of the Historical Jesus by Graham H. Twelftree
  1266. Worship Matters: Leading Others to Encounter the Greatness of God by Bob Kauflin
  1267. Peter Damian: Letters 1-30 by St. Peter Damian
  1268. From First to Last: The Life of Major General William B. Franklin by Mark Snell
  1269. A Community Called Atonement by Scot McKnight        [re-read:  see #828]
  1270. How to Do Biography: A Primer by Nigel Hamilton
  1271. When Books Went to War: The Stories That Helped Us Win World War II by Molly Guptill Manning
  1272. American Tempest: How the Boston Tea Party Sparked a Revolution by Harlow Giles Unger
  1273. Justin, Philosopher and Martyr: Apologies by St. Justin Martyr and edited by Denis Minns and Paul Parvis 
  1274. Medieval Latin Lives of Muhammad, edited by Julian Yolles and Jessica Weiss 
  1275. The Offering of the Gentiles: Paul's Collection for Jerusalem in Its Chronological, Cultural, and Cultic Contexts by David J. Downs
  1276. Jude and the Relatives of Jesus in the Early Church by Richard Bauckham
  1277. Damasus of Rome: The Epigraphic Poetry by Pope Damasus I and edited/translated by Dennis Trout 
  1278. The Great and Holy War: How World War I Became a Religious Crusade by Philip Jenkins
  1279. The Shaping of Things to Come: Innovation and Mission for the 21st-Century Church by Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch
  1280. The King Jesus Gospel: The Original Good News Revisited by Scot McKnight
  1281. Peace at Last: A Portrait of Armistice Day, 11 November 1918 by Guy Cuthbertson
  1282. On Pascha: with the Fragments of Melito and Other Material Related to the Quartodecimans by Melito of Sardis and edited/translated by Alistair Stewart-Sykes
  1283. Luther's Works, vol. 39: Church and Ministry I by Martin Luther 
  1284. The Reluctant Emperor: A Biography of John Cantacuzene, Byzantine Emperor and Monk, c. 1295-1383 by Donald M. Nicol 
  1285. Creation Accounts in the Ancient Near East and in the Bible by Richard J. Clifford
  1286. From Silence to Song: The Davidic Liturgical Revolution by Peter J. Leithart 
  1287. Village Atheists: How America's Unbelievers Made Their Way in a Godly Nation by Leigh Eric Schmidt
  1288. The Revelations of St. Birgitta of Sweden, vol. 1: Liber Caelestis, Books I-III by St. Bridget of Sweden
  1289. Irenaeus of Lyons by Robert M. Grant 
  1290. 2 Samuel by Robert Barron
  1291. A Son to Me: An Exposition of 1 & 2 Samuel by Peter J. Leithart
  1292. Strangers in Our Midst: The Political Philosophy of Immigration by David Miller
  1293. Barsanuphius and John, Letters (Vol. 1), edited/translated by John Chryssavgis
  1294. Under Caesar's Sword: How Christians Respond to Persecution, edited by Daniel Philpott and Timothy Samuel Shah
  1295. Kingdom of Priests: A History of Old Testament Israel by Eugene H. Merrill 
  1296. Robert of Arbrissel: A Medieval Religious Life, edited/translated by Bruce L. Vanarde
  1297. Cyril of Alexandria: Select Letters by St. Cyril of Alexandria and edited/translated by Lionel R. Wickham 
  1298. Jesus and the Demise of Death: Resurrection, Afterlife, and the Fate of the Christian by Matthew Levering
  1299. Arranging and Describing Archives and Manuscripts by Kathleen D. Roe 
  1300. Christianity at the Religious Roundtable: Evangelicalism in Conversation with Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam by Timothy C. Tennent
  1301. Christ in the Psalms by Patrick Henry Reardon 
  1302. Interpreting Revelation and Other Apocalyptic Literature: An Exegetical Handbook by C. Marvin Pate
  1303. The Letters of Gregory the Great, vol. 1: Books 1-4 by Pope Gregory I and translated by John R. C. Martyn
  1304. Exposition of the Apocalypse by Tyconius of Carthage 
  1305. Writing Biography: Historians and Their Craft, edited by Lloyd E. Ambrosius 
  1306. A Meal with Jesus: Discovering Grace, Community, and Mission Around the Table by Tim Chester
  1307. The Book of Revelation in Christological Focus by Dan Lioy 
  1308. The Czech Reader: History, Culture, Politics, edited by Jan Bezant, Nina Bazantova, and Frances Starn
  1309. Revelation and the End of All Things by Craig R. Koester
  1310. The Didascalia Apostolorum: An English Version with Introduction and Annotation, edited by Alistair Stewart-Sykes 
  1311. Greek Commentaries on Revelation: Oecumenius and Andrew of Caesarea, translated by William C. Weinrich and edited by Thomas C. Oden
  1312. Revelation Through the Centuries: The Apocalypse to Jesus Christ by Judith L. Kovacs and Christopher Rowland 
  1313. Latin Commentaries on Revelation, translated and edited by William C. Weinrich
  1314. On the Liturgy, Vol. 2: Books 3-4 by Amalar of Metz
  1315. On the Genre and Message of Revelation: Star Visions and Sky Journeys by Bruce J. Malina
  1316. Crusade and Christendom: Annotated Documents in Translation from Innocent III to the Fall of Acre, 1187-1291, edited by Jessalyn Lea Bird, et al. 
  1317. Apocalypse and Allegiance: Worship, Politics, and Devotion in the Book of Revelation by J. Nelson Kraybill 
  1318. The Climax of Prophecy: Studies on the Book of Revelation by Richard Bauckham
  1319. The Heliand: The Saxon Gospel, translated by G. Roland Murphy
  1320. Collected Essays, vol. 5: Religion and Public Reasons by John Finnis
  1321. Piers Plowman: A Modern Verse Translation by William Langland and translated by Peter Sutton
  1322. The Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia in Their Local Setting by Colin J. Hemer 
  1323. Polycarp's Epistle to the Philippians and the Martyrdom of Polycarp: Introduction, Text, and Commentary, edited and translated by Paul Hartog
  1324. Comfort and Protest: The Apocalypse from a South African Perspective by Allan Aubrey Boesak
  1325. Luther's Works, vol. 42: Devotional Writings I by Martin Luther
  1326. The Black Hand: The Epic War Between a Brilliant Detective and the Deadliest Secret Society in American History by Stephan Talty
  1327. Another America: The Story of Liberia and the Former Slaves Who Ruled It by James D. Ciment
  1328. Navigating the Book of Revelation: Special Studies on Important Issues by Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr.
  1329. The Acts of the Christian Martyrs, edited by Herbert Anthony Musurillo
  1330. The Gospel of Matthew Through New Eyes, vol. 1: Jesus as Israel (Matthew 1-12) by Peter J. Leithart
  1331. The Use of Zechariah in Revelation by Marko Jauhiainen
  1332. Reversed Thunder: The Revelation of John and the Praying Imagination by Eugene H. Peterson
  1333. Greek and Latin Authors on Jews and Judaism, vol. 1: From Herodotus to Plutarch, edited by Menahem Stern
  1334. Buddhism: A Christian Exploration and Appraisal by Keith Yandell and Harold Netland
  1335. The Letters of Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury by Lanfranc of Canterbury
  1336. A Magnificent Catastrophe: The Tumultuous Election of 1800, America's First Presidential Campaign by Edward J. Larson
  1337. Evangelical Action! A Report of the Organization of the National Association of Evangelicals for United Action, edited by Harold John Ockenga, et al.
  1338. Nicholas Mesarites: His Life and Works (in Translation) by Nicholas Mesarites and translated by Michael Angold
  1339. The Aviator by Eugene Vodolazkin
  1340. The Fall of the Byzantine Empire: A Chronicle by George Sphrantzes, 1401-1477 by George Sphrantzes
  1341. Scorn for the World: Bernard of Cluny's De Contemptu Mundi: The Latin Text with English Translation and an Introduction by Bernard of Cluny and edited by Ronald E. Pepin
  1342. The Choice Between Two Cities: Whore, Bride, and Empire in the Apocalypse by Barbara R. Rossing
  1343. Revelation (NIV Application Commentary) by Craig S. Keener
  1344. Revelation (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament) by Grant R. Osborne
  1345. Revelation (Brazos Theological Commentary) by Joseph L. Mangina
  1346. Revelation (Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture) by Peter S. Williamson
  1347. Imperial Cult and Commerce in John's Apocalypse by J. Nelson Kraybill
  1348. Beyond the Modern Age: An Archaeology of Contemporary Culture by Bob Goudzwaard and Craig G. Bartholomew 
  1349. St. Gregory Thaumaturgus: Life and Works, translated by Michael Slusser 
  1350. Carmina Burana, vol. 1, edited and translated by David A. Traill
  1351. Porphyry: Against the Christians by Porphyry of Tyre and edited/translated by Robert M. Berchman
  1352. Divine Institutes by Lactantius
  1353. Cyprian: De Lapsis and De Ecclesiae Catholicae Unitate by St. Cyprian of Carthage and translated by Maurice Benevot 
  1354. Carolingian Chronicles: Royal Frankish Annals and Nithard's Histories, translated by Bernhard Walter Scholz
  1355. Cursing the Christians? A History of the Birkat HaMinim by Ruth Langer
  1356. The Great Mortality: An Intimate History of the Black Death, the Most Devastating Plague of All Time by John Kelly 
  1357. Revelation 1-11 (International Theological Commentary) by Peter J. Leithart
  1358. The Future of Biblical Archaeology: Reassessing Methodologies and Assumptions, edited by James K. Hoffmeier and Alan Millard
  1359. The Works of the Emperor Julian, vol. 1: Orations 1-5 by Julian the Apostate 
  1360. The Collected Works of G. K. Chesterton, vol. 1: Heretics, Orthodoxy, and the Blatchford Controversies by Gilbert Keith Chesterton
  1361. Festal Letters 1-12 by St. Cyril of Alexandria 
  1362. The Uneasy Conscience of Modern Fundamentalism by Carl F. H. Henry
  1363. The Rise of Victimhood Culture: Microaggressions, Safe Spaces, and the New Culture Wars by Bradley Campbell and Jason Manning
  1364. Revelation (Tyndale New Testament Commentary) by Leon L. Morris
  1365. The Returning King: A Guide to the Book of Revelation by Vern Sheridan Poythress
  1366. Triumph of the Lamb: A Commentary on Revelation by Dennis E. Johnson
  1367. Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals by Saul D. Alinsky
  1368. Revelation (New Cambridge Bible Commentary) by Ben Witherington III
  1369. Revelation (New Covenant Commentary) by Gordon D. Fee
  1370. The Book of Revelation (New International Commentary on the New Testament) by Robert H. Mounce
  1371. Revelation 12-22 (International Theological Commentary) by Peter J. Leithart
  1372. The Book of Revelation (New International Greek Testament Commentary) by Gregory K. Beale
  1373. The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion by Jonathan Haidt
  1374. Hear, My Son: Teaching and Learning in Proverbs 1-9 by Daniel J. Estes        [re-read:  see #861]
  1375. Wisdom Literature: A Theological History by Leo G. Perdue 
  1376. Caesar's Coin Revisited: Christians and the Limits of Government, edited by Michael Cromartie 
  1377. Letters 31-60 by Peter Damian
  1378. Urban Forests: A Natural History of Trees and People in the American Cityscape by Jill Jonnes 
  1379. The Works of the Emperor Julian, vol. 2 by Julian the Apostate
  1380. The Great Awakening: The Roots of Evangelical Christianity in Colonial America by Thomas S. Kidd
  1381. God is a Warrior by Tremper Longman III and Daniel G. Reid
  1382. The Desire of the Nations: Rediscovering the Roots of Political Theology by Oliver O'Donovan
  1383. Spiritual Writings of Denise the Carthusian, edited/translated by Ide M. Ni Riain
  1384. Religious Conviction in Liberal Politics by Christopher J. Eberle
  1385. Old Testament Wisdom Literature: A Theological Introduction by Craig G. Bartholomew and Ryan P. O'Dowd
  1386. Crunchy Cons: How Birkenstocked Burkeans, Gun-Loving Organic Gardeners, Evangelical Free-Range Farmers, Hip Homeschooling Mamas, Right-Wing Nature Lovers, and Their Diverse Tribe of Countercultural Conservatives Plan to Save America (or At Least the Republican Party) by Rod Dreher
  1387. From Tolerance to Equality: How Elites Brought America to Same-Sex Marriage by Darel E. Paul
  1388. Light on the Mountain: Greek Patristic and Byzantine Homilies on the Transfiguration of the Lord, edited/translated by Brian E. Daley
  1389. Render Unto Caesar: Serving the Nation by Living Our Catholic Beliefs in Political Life by Charles J. Chaput 
  1390. Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth? Demography and Politics in the Twenty-First Century by Eric Kaufmann 
  1391. Finding Favour in the Sight of God: A Theology of Wisdom Literature by Richard P. Belcher, Jr.
  1392. Hymns on Paradise by St. Ephrem the Syrian
  1393. The Final Pagan Generation by Edward J. Watts
  1394. From the Lost Teaching of Polycarp: Identifying Irenaeus' Apostolic Presbyter and the Author of Ad Diognetum by Charles E. Hill
  1395. Christianity and Contemporary Politics: The Conditions and Possibilities of Faithful Witness by Luke Bretherton 
  1396. The Fear of the Lord Is Wisdom: A Theological Introduction to Wisdom in Israel by Tremper Longman III
  1397. To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy, and Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World by James Davison Hunter
  1398. The Acts of the Second Council of Nicaea, 787 (2 vols.), translated by Richard Price
  1399. The Spiritual-Industrial Complex: America's Religious Battle Against Communism in the Early Cold War by Jonathan P. Herzog
  1400. The Mystical as Political: Democracy and Non-Radical Orthodoxy by Aristotle Papanikolaou 
  1401. The Proverbs Explained: A Blueprint for Christian Living by Mitch Pacwa
  1402. Ancient Israel's History: An Introduction to Issues and Sources, edited by Bill T. Arnold and Richard S. Hess
  1403. Second Forgetting: Remembering the Power of the Gospel During Alzheimer's Disease by Benjamin T. Mast
  1404. Exalting Jesus in Proverbs by Jonathan Akin and Daniel L. Akin
  1405. Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview, and Cultural Formation by James K. A. Smith
  1406. The Didache: A Commentary by Shawn J. Wilhite
  1407. The Divided Era: How We Got Here and the Keys to America's Reconciliation by Thomas Del Beccaro
  1408. 2 Clement: Introduction, Text, and Commentary, edited and translated by Christopher M. Tuckett
  1409. Conservatism: An Invitation to the Great Tradition by Roger Scruton
  1410. The Demonic in the Political Thought of Eusebius of Caesarea by Hazel Johannessen
  1411. The Epistle to Diognetus (with the Fragment of Quadratus): Introduction, Text, and Commentary, edited and translated by Clayton N. Jefford
  1412. The Lamb's Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth by Scott Hahn
  1413. Hail, Holy Queen: The Mother of God in the Word of God by Scott Hahn
  1414. Whiteshift: Populism, Immigration, and the Future of White Majorities by Eric Kaufmann
  1415. The Revelations of St. Birgitta of Sweden, vol. 2: Liber Caelestis, Books IV-V by St. Bridget of Sweden and translated by Denis Searby
  1416. Cheap Sex: The Transformation of Men, Marriage, and Monogamy by Mark Regnerus
  1417. The Once and Future Liberal: After Identity Politics by Mark Lilla
  1418. Adrian's Introduction to the Divine Scriptures: An Antiochene Handbook for Scriptural Interpretation, edited and translated by Peter W. Martens
  1419. Lord, Have Mercy: The Healing Power of Confession by Scott Hahn 
  1420. Imagining the Kingdom: How Worship Works by James K. A. Smith
  1421. Rome Sweet Home: Our Journey to Catholicism by Scott Hahn and Kimberly Hahn
  1422. Participatory Biblical Exegesis: A Theology of Biblical Interpretation by Matthew Levering 
  1423. Golden Mouth: The Story of John Chrysostom: Ascetic, Preacher, Bishop by John Norman Davidson Kelly 
  1424. The Demon in Democracy: Totalitarian Temptations in Free Societies by Ryszard Legutko
  1425. The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis, vol. 2: Books III and IV by Orderic Vitalis
  1426. Them: Why We Hate Each Other - and How to Heal by Ben Sasse
  1427. Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis by Robert D. Putnam
  1428. Introducing the Apocrypha: Message, Context, and Significance by David A. deSilva
  1429. The Ransom of the Soul: Afterlife and Wealth in Early Western Christianity by Peter R. L. Brown
  1430. Scripture as Real Presence: Sacramental Exegesis in the Early Church by Hans Boersma 
  1431. The Biblical Canon Lists from Early Christianity: Texts and Analysis by Edmon L. Gallagher and John D. Meade
  1432. Story of a Soul by St. Therese of Lisieux
  1433. Shining Glory: Theological Reflections on Terrence Malick's Tree of Life by Peter J. Leithart
  1434. The Correspondence of Thomas Becket, Archibishop of Canterbury, 1162-1170, vol. 1: Letters 1-175 by St. Thomas Becket 
  1435. The Poetry of Saint Therese of Lisieux by St. Therese de Lisieux
  1436. The Fate of the Apostles: Examining the Martyrdom Accounts of the Closest Followers of Jesus by Sean McDowell
  1437. The Mission of Friar William of Rubruck: His Journey to the Court of the Great Khan Mongke, 1253-1255 by Willem Van Ruysbroeck and translated by Peter Jackson
  1438. Sword of the Spirit, Shield of Faith: Religion in American War and Diplomacy by Andrew Preston 
  1439. First and Second Thessalonians (Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture) by Nathan Eubank
  1440. 1 and 2 Thessalonians: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary by Ben Witherington III 
  1441. The Collected Works of G. K. Chesterton, vol. 3: Where All Roads Lead; The Catholic Church and Conversion; The Thing; Why I Am a Catholic; The Well and the Shallows; The Way of the Cross by G. K. Cheserton 
  1442. Christ and the Kingdoms of Men: Foundations of Political Life by David C. Innes
  1443. Luther's Earliest Opponents: Catholic Controversialists, 1518-1525 by David V. N. Bagchi
  1444. Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II by George Weigel
  1445. Dream with Me: Race, Love, and the Struggle We Must Win by John M. Perkins
  1446. In Search of the Common Good: Christian Fidelity in a Fractured World by Jake Meador
  1447. Memoirs by Jozsef Mindszenty
  1448. A Time to Build: From Family and Community to Congress and the Campus, How Recommitting to Our Institutions Can Revive the American Dream by Yuval Levin 
  1449. A Fire You Can't Put Out: The Civil Rights Life of Birmingham's Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth by Andrew M. Manis
  1450. Dignity: Seeking Respect in Back Row America by Chris Arnade
  1451. The Roman Catholic Church by John L. McKenzie
  1452. The Sacrifice of Africa: A Political Theology of Africa by Emmanuel M. Katongole
  1453. The History of the Church: A New Translation by Eusebius of Caesarea and translated by Jeremy Schott
  1454. Treatises on Penance: On Penitence and On Purity by Tertullian of Carthage and translated by T. C. Lawler
  1455. The Life and Afterlife of St. Elizabeth of Hungary: Testimony from Her Canonization Hearings by Kenneth Baxter Wolf
  1456. Philippians: From People to Letter by Peter S. Oakes
  1457. Three Political Voices from the Age of Justinian: Agapetus' Advice to the Emperor; Dialogue on Political Science; Paul the Silentiary's Description of Hagia Sophia, translated by Peter N. Bell 
  1458. John Chrysostom: Homilies on Philippians by St. John Chrysostom and translated by Pauline Allen
  1459. The Ecclesiastical History of the English People by Bede
  1460. Paul's Letter to the Philippians: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary by Ben Witherington III        [re-read:  see #786]
  1461. Familia Caesaris: A Social Study of the Emperor's Freedmen and Slaves by P. R. C. Weaver
  1462. The Fate of Rome: Climate, Disease, and the End of an Empire by Kyle Harper
  1463. Optatus: Against the Donatists by St. Optatus of Milevis and translated by Mark Julian Edwards
  1464. Christmas: A Biography by Judith Flanders
  1465. Cyprian and Roman Carthage by Allen Brent
  1466. St. Leo the Great: Sermons by Pope St. Leo the Great and translated by Jane Patricia Freeland and Agnes Josephine Conway 
  1467. Luther as Heretic: Ten Catholic Responses to Martin Luther, 1518-1541, edited by M. Patrick Graham and David V. N. Bagchi
  1468. Crucifixion in the Mediterranean World by John Granger Cook
  1469. Mary and the Fathers of the Church: The Blessed Virgin Mary in Patristic Thought by Luigi Gambero
  1470. Mary in Early Christian Faith and Devotion by Stephen J. Shoemaker
  1471. The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach by Michael R. Licona
  1472. "He Descended to the Dead": An Evangelical Theology of Holy Saturday by Matthew Y. Emerson
  1473. On the Two Ways: Life or Death, Light or Darkness: Foundational Texts in the Tradition, edited by Alistair Stewart-Sykes
  1474. A Church in Crisis: Pathways Forward by Ralph Martin
  1475. Ignatius of Antioch: The Letters by St. Ignatius of Antioch
  1476. Philo VII: On the Decalogue; On the Special Laws 1-3 by Philo of Alexandria and translated by F. H. Colson
  1477. The Eulogius Corpus, translated by Kenneth Baxter Wolf
  1478. Ambrose: De Officiis, vol. 1: Introduction, Text, and Translation by St. Ambrose of Milan and edited/translated by Ivor J. Davidson
  1479. The Church: Sacraments, Worship, Ministry, Mission by Donald G. Bloesch
  1480. Works on the Spirit by St. Athanasius of Alexandria and St. Didymus the Blind
  1481. The Church We Believe In: One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic by Francis A. Sullivan
  1482. Catholics and Protestants: What Can We Learn from Each Other? by Peter Kreeft
  1483. The Decalogue in Jewish and Christian Tradition, edited by Henning Graf Reventlow and Yair Hoffman
  1484. The Decalogue Through the Centuries: From the Hebrew Scriptures to Benedict XVI, edited by Jeffrey P. Greenman and Timothy Larsen
  1485. The Church of God in Jesus Christ: A Catholic Ecclesiology by Roch Kereszty
  1486. The Ten Commandments: Interpreting the Bible in the Medieval World by Lesley J. Smith
  1487. This We Believe! Meditations on the Apostles' Creed by Timothy C. Tennent
  1488. The Apostles' Creed and Its Early Christian Context by Piotr Ashwin-Siejkowski
  1489. Credo: Meditations on the Apostles' Creed by Hans Urs von Balthasar
  1490. The Apostles' Creed: Discovering Authentic Christianity in an Age of Counterfeits by R. Albert Mohler Jr.
  1491. Creed: What Christians Believe and Why by Adam Hamilton
  1492. What Christians Ought to Believe: An Introduction to Christian Doctrine Through the Apostles' Creed by Michael F. Bird
  1493. The Faith We Profess: A Catholic Guide to the Apostles' Creed by Peter J. Vaghi
  1494. The Apostles' Creed: A Guide to the Ancient Catechism by Ben Myers
  1495. John of Damascus: Three Treatises on the Divine Images by St. John of Damascus and translated by Andrew Louth
  1496. Law Collections from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor, edited by Martha T. Roth
  1497. The One Church of Christ: Understanding Vatican II by Stephen A. Hipp
  1498. Bearing God's Name: Why Sinai Still Matters by Carmen Joy Imes
  1499. National Religion: Sermons on the Ten Commandments by Allen Menzies
  1500. The Law of Sinai: Being Devotional Addresses on the Ten Commandments by B. W. Randolph
  1501. The Ten Commandments in History and Tradition, edited by Ben-Zion Segal and Gershon Levi
  1502. The Chronicle of Adam Usk, 1377-1421 by Adam of Usk and edited/translated by C. Given-Wilson
  1503. Thy Will Be Done: The Ten Commandments and the Christian Life by Gilbert Meilaender
  1504. The Ten Commandments: How Our Most Ancient Moral Text Can Renew Modern Life by David Hazony
  1505. Learning Christ: Ignatius of Antioch and the Mystery of Redemption by Gregory Vall
  1506. Teaching with Authority: How to Cut Through Doctrinal Confusion and Understand What the Church Really Says by Jimmy Akin
  1507. The Catholic Priesthood: Biblical Foundations by Thomas J. Lane
  1508. Seculosity: How Career, Parenting, Technology, Food, Politics, and Romance Became Our New Religion and What to Do About It by David Zahl
  1509. Strange Gods: Unmasking the Idols in Everyday Life by Elizabeth Scalia
  1510. The Book of St. Gilbert, translated/edited by Raymonde Foreville and Gillian Keir
  1511. Sacrifice and Community: Jewish Offering and Christian Eucharist by Matthew Levering
  1512. Jesus and the Jewish Roots of Mary: Unveiling the Mother of the Messiah by Brant Pitre
  1513. Blessed: A History of the American Prosperity Gospel by Kate Bowler
  1514. Guerric of Igny: Liturgical Sermons (Vol. 1) by Bl. Guerric of Igny
  1515. Palladius of Aspuna: The Lausiac History by Palladius of Galatia and translated by John Wortley
  1516. 24/6: A Prescription for a Healthier, Happier Life by Matthew Sleeth
  1517. The Jubilee from Leviticus to Qumran: A History of Interpretation by John S. Bergsma
  1518. Gregory of Tours: Life of the Fathers by St. Gregory of Tours and translated by Edward James
  1519. The Sabbath: Its Meaning for Modern Man by Abraham Joshua Heschel
  1520. The Liturgy of Creation: Understanding Calendars in Old Testament Context by Michael Lefebvre
  1521. Sacred Ritual: A Study of the West Semitic Ritual Calendars in Leviticus 23 and the Akkadian Text Emar 446 by Bryan C. Babcock
  1522. Scars of Independence: America's Violent Birth by Holger Hoock
  1523. The Just War Revisited by Oliver O'Donovan
  1524. Anatomy of a Massacre: The Destruction of Gnadenhutten, 1782 by Eric Sterner
  1525. Thoughts on the Decalogue by Howard Crosby
  1526. Just War as Christian Discipleship: Recentering the Tradition in the Church Rather Than the State by Daniel M. Bell, Jr.
  1527. Homicide in the Biblical World by Pamela Barmash
  1528. The Rise and Fall of Violent Crime in America by Barry Latzer
  1529. Defending Life: A Moral and Legal Case Against Abortion Choice by Francis J. Beckwith
  1530. The Edge of Life: Human Dignity and Contemporary Bioethics by Christopher Kaczor
  1531. Body-Self Dualism in Contemporary Ethics and Politics by Patrick Lee and Robert P. George
  1532. God and the Transgender Debate: What Does the Bible Actually Say About Gender Identity? by Andrew T. Walker
  1533. John Chrysostom: On Marriage and Family Life by St. John Chrysostom
  1534. Machete Season: The Killers in Rwanda Speak by Jean Hatzfeld
  1535. Mirror to the Church: Resurrecting Faith after Genocide in Rwanda by Emmanuel M. Katongole with Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove
  1536. Understanding Gender Dysphoria: Navigating Transgender Issues in a Changing Culture by Mark A. Yarhouse
  1537. Guerric of Igny: Liturgical Sermons (Vol. 2) by Bl. Guerric of Igny
  1538. Wedding Feast of the Lamb: Eucharistic Theology from a Historical, Biblical, and Systematic Perspective by Roch Kereszty
  1539. The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution by Carl R. Trueman
  1540. Marriage and Sexuality in Early Christianity, edited by David G. Hunter
  1541. When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment by Ryan T. Anderson
  1542. Engaging the Doctrine of Marriage: Human Marriage as the Image and Sacrament of the Marriage of God and Creation by Matthew Levering
  1543. Venus and Virtue: Celebrating Sex and Seeking Sanctification, edited by Jerry L. Walls, Jeremy Neill, and David Baggett
  1544. From Shame to Sin: The Christian Transformation of Sexual Morality in Late Antiquity by Kyle Harper
  1545. ...And Marries Another: Divorce and Remarriage in the Teaching of the New Testament by Craig S. Keener
  1546. The Indissolubility of Marriage: Amoris Laetitia in Context by Matthew Levering
  1547. Nuptial Symbolism in Second Temple Writings, the New Testament, and Rabbinic Literature: Divine Marriage at Key Moments of Salvation History by André Villeneuve
  1548. Kinship by Covenant: A Canonical Approach to the Fulfillment of God's Saving Promises by Scott W. Hahn
  1549. The Atlantic Slave Trade in World History by Jeremy Black
  1550. Transcending Racial Barriers: Toward a Mutual Obligations Approach by Michael O. Emerson and George Yancey
  1551. The Slave Next Door: Human Trafficking and Slavery in America Today by Kevin Bales and Ron Soodalter
  1552. Reparations for Slavery and the Slave Trade: A Transnational and Comparative History by Ana Lucia Araujo
  1553. Basil the Great: On Social Justice by St. Basil of Caesarea
  1554. John Chrysostom: On Wealth and Poverty by St. John Chrysostom
  1555. Charity: The Place of the Poor in the Biblical Tradition by Gary A. Anderson
  1556. Some Observations on the Inconvenience of the Ten Commandments by George Hanmer Leycester
  1557. Trinity and Truth by Bruce D. Marshall
  1558. Otia Imperialia: Recreation for an Emperor by Gervase of Tilbury and edited/translated by S. E. Banks and J. W. Binns
  1559. The Short Chronicle: A Poor Clare's Account of the Reformation in Geneva by Jeanne de Jussie and edited/translated by Carrie F. Klaus
  1560. The Murder of William of Norwich: The Origins of the Blood Libel in Medieval Europe by Emily M. Rose
  1561. The Decalogue: A Series of Discourses on the Ten Commandments by Robert Gillan
  1562. The Decalogue Viewed as the Christian's Law: with Special Reference to the Questions and Wants of the Times by Richard Tudor
  1563. Smoke on the Mountain: An Interpretation of the Ten Commandments by Joy Davidman
  1564. Written in Stone: The Ten Commandments and Today's Moral Crisis by Philip Graham Ryken
  1565. The Ten Commandments: Ethics for the Twenty-First Century by Mark F. Rooker
  1566. Basil the Great: On Fasting and Feasts by St. Basil of Caesarea
  1567. The Commandments We Keep: A Catholic Guide to Living a Moral Life by Peter J. Vaghi
  1568. The Decalogue: Living as the People of God by David L. Baker
  1569. The Ten Commandments: A Guide to the Perfect Law of Liberty by Peter J. Leithart
  1570. Germanus of Constantinople: On the Divine Liturgy by St. Germanos I of Constantinople
  1571. From Feasting to Fasting, the Evolution of a Sin: Attitudes to Food in Late Antiquity by Veronika E. Grimm
  1572. In the Shadow of Death: Saint Boniface and the Conversion of Hessia, 721-754 by John-Henry Clay
  1573. The Letters and Poems of Fulbert of Chartres by St. Fulbert of Chartres and edited/translated by Frederick Behrends
  1574. Soldiers of Christ: Saints and Saints' Lives from Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, edited by Thomas F. X. Noble and Thomas Head
  1575. The Light of Christ: An Introduction to Catholicism by Thomas Joseph White
  1576. Tertullian, Origen, and Cyprian: On the Lord's Prayer by Tertullian of Carthage, Origen of Alexandria, and St. Cyprian of Carthage, and translated by Alistair Stewart-Sykes
  1577. The Acts of the Lateran Synod of 649, translated by Richard Price
  1578. Shepherds and Fishermen: Spiritual Exercises for Bishops, Priests, and Religious by Raniero Cantalamessa
  1579. Augustine's Theology of Angels by Elizabeth Klein
  1580. Wrestling with Angels: A Study of the Relationship Between Angels and Humans in Ancient Jewish Literature and the New Testament by Kevin P. Sullivan
  1581. Angels and Demons: A Catholic Introduction by Serge-Thomas Bonino
  1582. Jesus, Debt, and the Lord's Prayer: First-Century Debt and Jesus' Intentions by Douglas E. Oakman
  1583. Angels and Angelology in the Middle Ages by David Keck
  1584. Beggar Thy Neighbor: A History of Usury and Debt by Charles R. Geisst
  1585. Christ Unfurled: The First 500 Years of Jesus's Life by David Vincent Meconi
  1586. The Disciples' Prayer: The Prayer Jesus Taught in Its Historical Setting by Jeffrey B. Gibson
  1587. The Awe-Inspiring Rites of Initiation: The Origins of the R.C.I.A. by Edward Yarnold
  1588. Introduction to Mariology by Manfred Hauke
  1589. Essays on Halakhah in the New Testament by Bernard S. Jackson
  1590. On Earth as in Heaven: The Lord's Prayer from Jewish Prayer to Christian Ritual by David K. Clark
  1591. Knighton's Chronicle, 1337-1396 by Henry Knighton and edited/translated by G. H. Martin
  1592. Nicholas of Cusa: Writings on Church and Reform by Nicholas of Cusa and edited/translated by Thomas M. Izbicki
  1593. Catechism of the Catholic Church by the Catholic Church
  1594. Choosing Forgiveness: Unleash the Power of God's Grace by Thomas Berg and Timothy Lock
  1595. Sin: A History by Gary A. Anderson
  1596. Do This, Remembering Me: The Spiritual Care of Those with Alzheimer's and Dementia by Colette Bachand-Wood
  1597. When You Pray: An Analysis of the Our Father by Richard Klaver
  1598. The Lord's Prayer: Seven Homilies by Washington Gladden
  1599. The Lord's Prayer: A Guide to Praying to Our Father by Wesley Hill
  1600. The Lord's Prayer by Gerald O'Collins
  1601. The Lord's Prayer by Jean-Marie Lustiger
  1602. The Prayer That Turns the World Upside Down: The Lord's Prayer as a Manifesto for Revolution by R. Albert Mohler Jr.
  1603. Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia by Benjamin T. Mast and Brian P. Yochim
  1604. The Inquisitor's Guide: A Medieval Manual on Heretics by Bernard Gui and translated by Janet Shirley 
  1605. Information: A Very Short Introduction by Luciano Floridi
  1606. Translated Christianities: Nahuatl and Maya Religious Texts by Mark Z. Christensen
  1607. Why Can the Dead Do Such Great Things? Saints and Worshippers from the Martyrs to the Reformation by Robert Bartlett
  1608. The Letters of Catherine of Siena (Vol. 1) by St. Catherine of Siena and translated by Suzanne Noffke
  1609. Origen: Homilies on Genesis and Exodus by Origen of Alexandria and translated by Roland E. Heine
  1610. Early French Reform: The Theology and Spirituality of Guillaime Farel by Jason Zuidema and Theodore Van Raalte
  1611. The Commentaries of Origen and Jerome on St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians by Ronald E. Heine
  1612. Truth is a Synthesis: Catholic Dogmatic Theology by Mauro Gagliardi
  1613. Finding Grace in the Face of Dementia by John T. Dunlop
  1614. My Journey into Alzheimer's Disease by Robert Davis
  1615. "Each Man Cried Out to His God": The Specialized Religion of Canaanite and Phoenician Seafarers by Aaron Jed Brody
  1616. Regnum Caelorum: Patterns of Millennial Thought in Early Christianity by Charles E. Hill
  1617. Pius II: Commentaries, vol. 1: Books I-II by Pope Pius II and edited/translated by Margaret Meserve and Marcello Simonetta
  1618. Politicizing the Bible: The Roots of Historical Criticism and the Secularization of Scripture, 1300-1700 by Scott W. Hahn and Benjamin Wiker
  1619. From Eden to Babel: A Commentary on the Book of Genesis 1-11 by Donald E. Gowan
  1620. Nineveh, the Great City: Symbol of Beauty and Power, edited by Lucas P. Petit and Daniele Morandi Bonacossi
  1621. Prophets and Prophecy in the Ancient Near East by Martti Nissinen
  1622. A Time to Mourn, a Time to Dance: The Expression of Grief and Joy in Israelite Religion by Gary A. Anderson
  1623. The Raging Torrent: Historical Inscriptions from Assyria and Babylonia Relating to Ancient Israel by Mordechai Cogan
  1624. Freedom Beyond Forgiveness: The Book of Jonah Re-examined by Thomas M. Bolin
  1625. Forgiveness in a Wounded World: Jonah's Dilemma by Janet Howe Gaines
  1626. A Gracious and Compassionate God: Mission, Salvation, and Spirituality in the Book of Jonah by Daniel C. Timmer
  1627. A Young Dutchman Views Post-Civil War America: Diary of Claude August Crommelin, edited/translated by Augustus J. Veenendaal Jr. and H. Roger Grant
  1628. Gregory of Tours: Glory of the Confessors by St. Gregory of Tours and translated by Raymond Van Dam
  1629. Our Beloved Kin: A New History of King Philip's War by Lisa Brooks
  1630. The Only Plane in the Sky: An Oral History of 9/11 by Garrett M. Graff
  1631. Philo I: On the Creation; Allegorical Interpretation of Genesis 2-3 by Philo of Alexandria and translated by F. H. Colson and G. H. Whitaker
  1632. Fishers of Fish and Fishers of Men: Fishing Imagery in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East by Tyler R. Yoder
  1633. Aquinas's Eschatological Ethics and the Virtue of Temperance by Matthew Levering
  1634. Genesis and Cosmos: Basil and Origen on Genesis 1 and Cosmology by Adam Rasmussen
  1635. Saint Jerome's Hebrew Questions on Genesis by St. Jerome of Stridon and translated by C. T. R. Hayward
  1636. Anastasius of Sinai: Hexaemeron by St. Anastasius of Sinai (or Pseudo-Anastasius), and edited/translated by Clement A. Kuehn and John D. Baggarly
  1637. Adam as Israel: Genesis 1-3 as the Introduction to the Torah and Tanakh by Seth D. Postell
  1638. Inventing the Christmas Tree by Bernd Brunner
  1639. The Earth and the Waters in Genesis 1 and 2: A Linguistic Investigation by David Toshio Tsumura
  1640. Summa Theologiae, vol. 1: Christian Theology (1a.1) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Thomas Gilby
  1641. Jacob Albrecht: Ein Ziegelbrenner wird Bischof by Karl Heinz Voigt
  1642. Trees and Kings: A Comparative Analysis of Tree Imagery in Israel's Prophetic Tradition and the Ancient Near East by William Russell Osborne
  1643. Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA and the New Science of the Human Past by David Reich
  1644. Summa Theologiae, vol. 2: Existence and Nature of God (1a.2-11) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Timothy McDermott
  1645. The Manifold Reality of Genesis One: A Multi-Layered Approach by Gregg Davidson and Kenneth J. Turner
  1646. St. Ambrose: Hexaemeron, Paradise, Cain and Abel by St. Ambrose of Milan and translated by John J. Savage
  1647. Summa Theologiae, vol. 3: Knowing and Naming God (1a.12-13) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Herbert McCabe
  1648. The Liturgy of Creation: Understanding Calendars in Old Testament Context by Michael LeFebvre        [re-read:  see #1520]
  1649. Perspectives on an Evolving Creation, edited by Keith B. Miller        [re-read:  see #236]
  1650. Genesis 1-4: A Linguistic, Literary, and Theological Commentary by C. John Collins
  1651. Aquinas and the Infused Moral Virtues by Angela McKay Knobel
  1652. Adam and the Genome: Reading Scripture after Genetic Science by Dennis R. Venema and Scot McKnight        [re-read:  see #1101]
  1653. Thinking Through Creation: Genesis 1 and 2 as Tools of Cultural Critique by Christopher Watkin
  1654. The Seven Pillars of Creation: The Bible, Science, and the Ecology of Wonder by William P. Brown
  1655. Seriously Dangerous Religion: What the Old Testament Really Says and Why It Matters by Iain W. Provan        [re-read:  see #813]
  1656. Summa Theologiae, vol. 4: Knowledge in God (1a.14-18) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Thomas Gornall
  1657. Engaging the Doctrine of Creation: Cosmos, Creatures, and the Wise and Good Creator by Matthew Levering 
  1658. Nature Strange and Beautiful: How Living Beings Evolved and Made the Earth a Home by Egbert Giles Leigh Jr. and Christian Ziegler
  1659. Babylonian Creation Myths by Wilfrid G. Lambert
  1660. The Creation of Heaven and Earth: Re-interpretations of Genesis 1 in the Context of Judaism, Ancient Philosophy, Christianity, and Modern Physics, edited by George H. van Kooten
  1661. Gilgamesh: A New Translation of the Ancient Epic by Sophus Helle
  1662. The Fall of Man and the Foundations of Science by Peter Harrison
  1663. The Gilgamesh Epic in Genesis 1-11: Peering into the Deep by Adam E. Miglio
  1664. Struggles in the Spiritual Life: Their Nature and Their Remedies by Timothy M. Gallagher
  1665. A Story of Us: A New Look at Human Evolution by Lesley Newson and Peter J. Richerson
  1666. Making Eden: How Plants Transformed a Barren Planet by David Beerling
  1667. The Serpent and the Serpent Slayer by Andrew David Naselli
  1668. Seven Days That Divide the World: The Beginning According to Genesis and Science by John C. Lennox
  1669. On Genesis (The Works of St. Augustine I/13) by St. Augustine of Hippo and translated by Edmund Hill
  1670. Enduring Divine Absence: The Challenge of Modern Atheism by Joseph Minich
  1671. Genesis 1-11: A Narrative-Theological Commentary by James Chukwuma Okoye
  1672. Sex, Drugs, and Sea Slime: The Oceans' Oddest Creatures and Why They Matter by Ellen Prager
  1673. Heroic Habits: Discovering the Soul's Potential for Greatness by Ezra Sullivan
  1674. Paradise Interpreted: Representations of Biblical Paradise in Judaism and Christianity, edited by Gerard P. Luttikhuizen
  1675. Tertullian: Treatise Against Hermogenes by Tertullian of Carthage
  1676. Reading Genesis After Darwin, edited by Stephen C. Barton and David Wilkinson
  1677. God's Gift of the Universe: An Introduction to Creation Theology by Paul O'Callaghan
  1678. Nearest Star: The Surprising Science of Our Sun by Leon Golub and Jay M. Pasachoff
  1679. Grace in the Midst of Judgment: Grappling with Genesis 1-11 by Johnson T. K. Lim
  1680. The City of God: Books 1-10 (The Works of St. Augustine I/6) by St. Augustine of Hippo and translated by William Babcock
  1681. Early Christian Readings of Genesis One: Patristic Exegesis and Literal Interpretation by Craig D. Allert
  1682. Genesis 1-11: A Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition by Joseph E. Coleson
  1683. The Kalam Cosmological Argument: A Reassessment by Jacobus Erasmus
  1684. The Search for Ultimate Reality: Intertextuality Between the Genesis and Johannine Prologues by Dan Lioy
  1685. Old Earth or Evolutionary Creation? Discussing Origins with Reasons to Believe and BioLogos, edited by Kenneth D. Keathley, J. B. Stump, and Joe Aguirre
  1686. On the Six Days of Creation by St. Gregory of Nyssa and translated by Robin Orton
  1687. Medieval Exegesis: The Four Senses of Scripture (Vol. 1) by Henri de Lubac and translated by Mark Sebanc
  1688. Summa Theologiae, vol. 5: God's Will and Providence (1a.19-26) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Thomas Gilby
  1689. Medieval Exegesis: The Four Senses of Scripture (Vol. 2) by Henri de Lubac and translated by E. M. Macierowski
  1690. Pierced by Love: Divine Reading in the Christian Tradition by Hans Boersma
  1691. Human Evolution: Bones, Cultures, and Genes by John H. Langdon
  1692. The Intertextual Reception of Genesis 1-3 in Irenaeus of Lyons by Stephen O. Presley
  1693. Homilies on Genesis 1-17 by St. John Chrysostom and translated by Robert C. Hill
  1694. Summa Theologiae, vol. 6: The Trinity (1a.27-32) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Ceslaus Velecky
  1695. The Genealogical Adam and Eve: The Surprising Science of Universal Ancestry by S. Joshua Swamidass
  1696. What to Do When Jesus is Hungry: A Practical Guide to the Works of Mercy by Andrew Apostoli
  1697. Summa Theologiae, vol. 7: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (1a.33-43) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by T. C. O'Brien
  1698. Stewards of Eden: What Scripture Says about the Environment and Why It Matters by Sandra Richter
  1699. Summa Theologiae, vol. 8: Creation, Variety, and Evil (1a.44-49) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Thomas Gilby
  1700. Foundations of Library and Information Science (4th ed.) by Richard E. Rubin
  1701. Summa Theologiae, vol. 9: Angels (1a.50-64) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Kenelm Foster
  1702. The Priestly Vision of Genesis 1 by Mark S. Smith
  1703. A New Glimpse of Day One: Intertextuality, History of Interpretation, and Genesis 1:1-5 by S. D. Giere
  1704. Creation out of Nothing: A Biblical, Philosophical, and Scientific Exploration by Paul Copan and William Lane Craig
  1705. Jacob of Sarug's Homilies on the Six Days of Creation: The First Day by Jacob of Serugh and translated by Edward G. Mathews Jr.
  1706. Jacob of Sarug's Homilies on the Six Days of Creation: The Second Day by Jacob of Serugh and translated by Edward G. Mathews Jr.
  1707. Jacob of Sarug's Homilies on the Six Days of Creation: The Third Day by Jacob of Serugh and translated by Edward G. Mathews Jr.
  1708. Lessons from Plants by Beronda L. Montgomery
  1709. Summa Theologiae, vol. 10: Cosmogony (1a.65-74) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by William A. Wallace
  1710. The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate by John H. Walton
  1711. Creation Care: A Biblical Theology of the Natural World by Douglas J. Moo and Jonathan A. Moo
  1712. Flying Dinosaurs: How Fearsome Reptiles Became Birds by John Pickrell
  1713. At the Dawn of Humanity: The First Humans by Gerard M. Verschuuren
  1714. Jacob of Sarug's Homilies on the Six Days of Creation: The Fourth Day by Jacob of Serugh and translated by Edward G. Mathews Jr.
  1715. Studies in the Personal Names of Genesis 1-11 by Richard S. Hess
  1716. Understanding Bird Behavior: An Illustrated Guide to What Birds Do and Why by Wenfei Tong
  1717. Jacob of Sarug's Homilies on the Six Days of Creation: The Fifth Day by Jacob of Serugh and translated by Edward G. Mathews Jr.
  1718. Bird Song: Biological Themes and Variations by Clive K. Catchpole and Peter J. B. Slater
  1719. Human Origins and the Image of God: Essays in Honor of J. Wentzel van Huyssteen, edited by Christopher Lilley and Daniel J. Pedersen
  1720. Jacob of Sarug's Homilies on the Six Days of Creation: The Sixth Day by Jacob of Serugh and translated by Edward G. Mathews Jr.
  1721. Summa Theologiae, vol. 11: Man (1a.75-82) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Timothy Suttor
  1722. The Image of God in the Garden of Eden: The Creation of Humankind in Genesis 2:5-3:24 in Light of the mīs pî, pīt pî, and wpt-r Rituals of Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt by Catherine L. McDowell
  1723. Jacob of Sarug's Homilies on the Six Days of Creation: The Seventh Day by Jacob of Serugh and translated by Edward G. Mathews Jr.
  1724. Sex and Cohabitation Among Early Humans: Anthropological and Genetic Evidence for Interbreeding Among Early Humans by Rene J. Herrera and Ralph Garcia-Bertrand
  1725. Summa Theologiae, vol. 12: Human Intelligence (1a.84-89) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Paul T. Durbin
  1726. In Quest of the Historical Adam: A Biblical and Scientific Exploration by William Lane Craig
  1727. The Liberating Image: The Imago Dei in Genesis 1 by J. Richard Middleton
  1728. Understanding Scientific Theories of Origins: Cosmology, Geology, and Biology in Christian Perspective by Robert C. Bishop, Larry L. Funck, Raymond J. Lewis, Stephen O. Moshier, and John H. Walton
  1729. Dust of the Ground and Breath of Life (Gen. 2:7): The Problem of a Dualistic Anthropology in Early Judaism and Christianity, edited by Jacques T.A.G.M. van Ruiten and George H. van Kooten
  1730. Robert Grosseteste: On the Six Days of Creation: A Translation of the Hexaemeron by Robert Grosseteste and translated by C. F. J. Martin
  1731. Summa Theologiae, vol. 13: Man Made to God's Image (1a.90-102) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Edmund Hill
  1732. Revisiting the Days of Genesis: A Study of the Use of Time in Genesis 1-11 in Light of Its Ancient Near Eastern and Literary Context by Bryan C. Hodge
  1733. Identity and Idolatry: The Image of God and Its Inversion by Richard Lints
  1734. From the Dust of the Earth: Benedict XVI, the Bible, and the Theory of Evolution by Matthew J. Ramage
  1735. "I Will Walk Among You": The Rhetorical Function of Allusion to Genesis 1-3 in the Book of Leviticus by G. Geoffrey Harper
  1736. The Lost World of Adam and Eve: Genesis 2-3 and the Human Origins Debate by John H. Walton
  1737. Death Warning in the Garden of Eden: The Early Reception History of Genesis 2:17 by Chris W. Lee
  1738. Being Human in God's World: An Old Testament Theology of Humanity by J. Gordon McConville
  1739. The Creation of Man and Woman: Interpretations of the Biblical Narratives in Jewish and Christian Traditions, edited by Gerard P. Luttikhuizen
  1740. The Man Who Organized Nature: The Life of Linnaeus by Gunnar Broberg
  1741. The Genesis of Gender: A Christian Theory by Abigail Favale
  1742. The Complementarity of Women and Men: Philosophy, Theology, Psychology, and Art, edited by Paul C. Vitz
  1743. Smell and the Past: Noses, Archives, Narratives by William Tullett
  1744. Marriage and Virginity (The Works of St. Augustine I/9) by St. Augustine of Hippo and translated by Ray Kearney
  1745. The Bishop's Burden: Reforming the Catholic Church in Early Modern Italy by Celeste McNamara
  1746. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches (5th ed.) by John W. Creswell and J. David Creswell
  1747. Summa Theologiae, vol. 14: Divine Government (1a.103-109) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by T. C. O'Brien
  1748. Evolution and the Fall, edited by William T. Cavanaugh and James K.A. Smith
  1749. Summa Theologiae, vol. 15: The World Order (1a.110-119) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by M. J. Charlesworth
  1750. Summa Theologiae, vol. 16: Purpose and Happiness (1a2ae.1-5) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Thomas Gilby
  1751. Summa Theologiae, vol. 17: Psychology of Human Acts (1a2ae.6-17) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Thomas Gilby
  1752. Creation and Fall: A Theological Exposition of Genesis 1-3 by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  1753. Summa Theologiae, vol. 18: Principles of Morality (1a2ae.18-21) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Thomas Gilby
  1754. Summa Theologiae, vol. 19: The Emotions (1a2ae.22-30) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Eric d'Arcy
  1755. The Tree of Life, edited by Douglas Estes
  1756. Summa Theologiae, vol. 20: Pleasure (1a2ae.31-39) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Eric d'Arcy
  1757. Answer to the Pelagians I (The Works of St. Augustine I/23) by St. Augustine of Hippo and translated by Roland J. Teske
  1758. A Theocentric Interpretation of הדעת טוב ורע: The Knowledge of Good and Evil as the Knowledge for Administering Reward and Punishment by Nathan S. French
  1759. Summa Theologiae, vol. 21: Fear and Anger (1a2ae.40-48) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by John Patrick Reid
  1760. Summa Theologiae, vol. 22: Dispositions for Human Acts (1a2ae.49-54) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Anthony Kenny
  1761. Short of Glory: A Biblical and Theological Exploration of the Fall by Mitchell L. Chase
  1762. Summa Theologiae, vol. 23: Virtue (1a2ae.55-67) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by W. D. Hughes
  1763. Summa Theologiae, vol. 24: The Gifts of the Spirit (1a2ae.68-70) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Edward D. O'Connor
  1764. Eve's Children: The Biblical Stories Retold and Interpreted in Jewish and Christian Traditions, edited by Gerard P. Luttikhuizen
  1765. Summa Theologiae, vol. 25: Sin (1a2ae.71-80) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by John Fearon
  1766. The Neanderthals Rediscovered: How Modern Science is Rewriting Their Story by Dimitra Papagianni and Michael A. Morse
  1767. Summa Theologiae, vol. 26: Original Sin (1a2ae.81-85) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by T. C. O'Brien
  1768. Summa Theologiae, vol. 27: Effects of Sin, Stain, and Guilt (1a2ae.86-89) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by T. C. O'Brien
  1769. The Origin of Humanity and Evolution: Science and Scripture in Conversation by Andrew Ter Ern Loke
  1770. It Is Right and Just: Why the Future of Civilization Depends on True Religion by Scott Hahn and Brandon McGinley
  1771. Perelandra: A Novel by C. S. Lewis
  1772. When Did Eve Sin? The Fall and Biblical Historiography by Jeffrey J. Niehaus
  1773. The Church as Paradise and the Way Therein: Early Christian Appropriation of Genesis 3:22-24 by Christopher A. Graham
  1774. From the Garden to the City: The Redeeming and Corrupting Power of Technology by John Dyer
  1775. When Did Sin Begin? Human Evolution and the Doctrine of Original Sin by Loren D. Haarsma
  1776. Summa Theologiae, vol. 28: Law and Political Theory (1a2ae.90-97) by St. Thomas Aquinas and translated by Thomas Gilby
  1777. Aquinas, Original Sin, and the Challenge of Evolution by Daniel W. Houck
  1778. The Pope: His Mission and His Task by Gerhard Ludwig Müller
  1779. The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia: Early Periods, vol. 1: Presargonic Period (2700-2350 BC), edited by Douglas R. Frayne
  1780. Bound for Beatitude: A Thomistic Study in Eschatology and Ethics by Reinhard Hütter
  1781. That I May Dwell Among Them: Incarnation and Atonement in the Tabernacle Narrative by Gary A. Anderson
  1782. Heroes of the City of Man: A Christian Guide to Select Ancient Literature by Peter J. Leithart
  1783. Cain and Abel in Text and Tradition: Jewish and Christian Interpretations of the First Sibling Rivalry by John Byron
  1784. The Literature of Ancient Sumer, edited by Jeremy A. Black, Graham Cunningham, Eleanor Robson, and Gabor Zolyomi
  1785. The Beast That Crouches at the Door: Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, and Beyond by David Fohrman
  1786. New Treasures of Sumerian Literature: 'When the Moon Falls from the Sky,' and Other Works by Mark E. Cohen
  1787. Luther's Works, vol. 1: Lectures on Genesis 1-5 by Martin Luther and translated by George V. Schick        [re-read:  see #473]
  1788. Looking for Information: Examining Research on How People Engage with Information (5th ed.) by Lisa M. Given, Donald O. Case, and Rebekah Willson
  1789. Toward a Poetics of Genesis 1-11: Reading Genesis 4:17-22 in Its Ancient Near Eastern Context by Daniel D. Lowery
  1790. Philo II: On the Cherubim; The Sacrifices of Abel and Cain; The Worse Attacks the Better; The Posterity and Exile of Cain; On the Giants (Loeb Classical Library 227) by Philo of Alexandria and translated by F. H. Colson and G. H. Whitaker
  1791. Homo Sapiens Rediscovered: The Scientific Revolution Rewriting Our Origins by Paul Petitt
  1792. They Flew: A History of the Impossible by Carlos M.N. Eire
  1793. Enoch from Antiquity to the Middle Ages: Sources from Judaism, Christianity, and Islam by John C. Reeves and Annette Yoshiko Reed
  1794. Blood in the Machine: The Origins of the Rebellion Against Big Tech by Brian Merchant
  1795. God, Technology, and the Christian Life by Tony Reinke
  1796. Modern Technology and the Human Future: A Christian Appraisal by Craig M. Gay
  1797. The Gift of Infallibility by Vincent Ferrer Gasser and translated with commentary by James T. O'Connor
  1798. Parables of Enoch: A Paradigm Shift, edited by Darrell L. Bock and James H. Charlesworth
  1799. The Sons of God in Genesis 6:1-4: Analysis and History of Exegesis by Jaap Doedens
  1800. Theistic Evolution: A Contemporary Aristotelian-Thomistic Perspective by Mariusz Tabaczek
  1801. Primeval History: Babylonian, Biblical, and Enochic: An Intertextual Reading by Helge S. Kvanvig
  1802. Twenty-Six Seconds: A Personal History of the Zapruder Film by Alexandra Zapruder
  1803. Dying and the Virtues by Matthew Levering
  1804. The Art of Dying: A New Annotated Translation, translated by Columba Thomas
  1805. How Old Was Father Abraham? The Genesis Lifespans in Light of Archaeology by Craig Olson
  1806. Enoch and the Synoptic Gospels: Reminiscences, Allusions, Intertextuality, edited by Loren T. Stuckenbruck and Gabriele Boccaccini
  1807. The Watchers in Jewish and Christian Traditions, edited by Angela Kim Harkins, Kelley Coblentz Bautch, and John C. Endres
  1808. Reversing Hermon: Enoch, the Watchers, and the Forgotten Mission of Jesus Christ by Michael S. Heiser
  1809. 1 Enoch: The Hermeneia Translation, translated by George W.E. Nickelsburg and James C. VanderKam
  1810. Ancient Tales of Giants from Qumran and Turfan: Contexts, Traditions, and Influences, edited by Matthew Goff, Loren T. Stuckenbruck, and Enrico Morano
  1811. The Last of the Rephaim: Conquest and Cataclysm in the Heroic Ages of Ancient Israel by Brian R. Doak 
  1812. The Myth of Rebellious Angels: Studies in Second Temple Judaism and New Testament Texts by Loren T. Stuckenbruck
  1813. The Lost World of the Flood: Mythology, Theology, and the Deluge Debate by Tremper Longman III and John H. Walton
  1814. Moving Image and Sound Collections for Archivists by Anthony Cocciolo
  1815. The Primeval Flood Catastrophe: Origins and Early Development in Mesopotamian Traditions by Yi Samuel Chen
  1816. Was Noah Good? Finding Favour in the Flood Narrative by Carol M. Kaminski
  1817. The Flood: The Akkadian Sources: A New Edition, Commentary, and a Literary Discussion by Nathan Wasserman
  1818. Ea's Duplicity in the Gilgamesh Flood Story by Martin Worthington
  1819. The Ark Before Noah: Decoding the Story of the Flood by Irving Finkel
  1820. Medieval Pets by Kathleen Walker-Meikle
  1821. Treatises on Noah and David by St. Ambrose of Milan and translated by Brian P. Dunkle
  1822. Ancestors in Our Genome: The New Science of Human Evolution by Eugene E. Harris
  1823. The Value of Human Life: A Study of the Story of the Flood (Genesis 6-9) by Peter J. Harland
  1824. The City of Babylon: A History, c.2000 BC - AD 116 by Stephanie Dalley
  1825. The Hunting Apes: Meat Eating and the Origins of Human Behavior by Craig B. Stanford
  1826. Ancient Wine: The Search for the Origins of Viniculture by Patrick E. McGovern
  1827. A Natural History of Wine by Ian Tattersall and Rob DeSalle
  1828. The Poisoned Chalice: Eucharistic Grape Juice and Common-Sense Realism in Victorian Methodism by Jennifer L. Woodruff Tait
  1829. Noah's Curse: The Biblical Justification of American Slavery by Stephen R. Haynes
  1830. Addiction and Virtue: Beyond the Models of Disease and Choice by Kent J. Dunnington
  1831. Philo III: On the Unchangeableness of God, On Husbandry, Concerning Noah's Work as a Planter, On Drunkenness, On the Prayers and Curses Uttered by Noah When He Became Sober (Loeb Classical Library 247) by Philo of Alexandria and translated by F. H. Colson and G. H. Whitaker
  1832. Origins: The Ancient Impact and Modern Significance of Genesis 1-11 by Paul Copan and Douglas Jacoby
  1833. Black and Slave: The Origins and History of the Curse of Ham by David M. Goldenberg
  1834. Ancient Archives and Archival Traditions: Concepts of Record-Keeping in the Ancient World, edited by Maria Brosius
  1835. Babel's Tower Translated: Genesis 11 and Ancient Jewish Interpretation by Phillip Michael Sherman
  1836. Reading Genesis Politically: An Introduction to Mosaic Political Philosophy by Martin Sicker
  1837. From Creation to Babel: Studies in Genesis 1-11 by John Day
  1838. Genesis 1-11 (Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture), edited by Andrew Louth
  1839. The Dawn of Agriculture and the Earliest States in Genesis 1-11 by Natan Levy

[Last Updated - 25 October 2024]